dragula96 Wrote: before i begin i would like to straighten a few things out if i may(i hope its ok to do it here).
before i reveal what my project is, I'd like to say what it is not:
I never said it was an Exploit
I never said it was unsigned code
I never said it was coded in C/C++
I never said it was an elf file nor a binary file
I did state that i found a way to program homebrew to the ps3.
and i did say i had a hello world proof of concept.
i did say it was a discovery and a method.
and that it works on retail ps3s with firmware 2.20
some people were claiming that i said that i don't have a make file and that i compile my code with the make command
well i don't have a make fille and i do compile using the make command
as for the printf("hello,world"); statement they made, it's true, i did send them that file, i made it in a few seconds because they woulden't leave me alone, they were badgering me "send me what you have NOW" they said, so i just jokeinly sent them a fake main.c file. i knew they were up to something. once they saw i wasent going to give them the source or info, they got mad and posted it as a negative to try and disprove me.
i think that about covers it.
i was going to release this over at the qj.net forum, but my thread got closed for the second time thanks to DFS mod over there. ohh well their loss. its not like they won't grab the file anyway, if they do i expect an apology.
ok well here is the new video, and i have exclusively uploaded the file and source to dcemo.co.uk servers via this thread AND NOWHERE ELSE :D Source: YouTube
and yes it is done via a UT3 mod
going back to what i had said earlyer about make files and the make command
unrealscript compiler don't use make files from users, and i believe the command to "make" is "...UT3.exe" make
here is the read me: :thumbup:
ps3 hello world by dragula96 4.1.08
this is a proof of concept/hello world
this already works with firmware version 2.20
the idea is to use this method to try and code
games to play via the ps3.
this file was only originally uploaded http://www.to dcemo.co.uk
everyone else grabbed it from there.
requirements to run:
Unreal Tournament 3 for ps3 v 1.10 i belive(maybe 1.20)
which ever is most current as of this date.
requirements to code:
Unreal Tournament 3 for ps3 and PC
must know how to compile UnrealScript and "cook" mods for ps3
place the USERDATA.JAM file on the root directory of a usb memory stick
then add mod via UT3 on ps3 the normal way you would any other mod
start up an instant match, set opponents to 0, select mutator option
go down the list select Hello World, run game.
hud will be replaced by hello world screen.
and that's how its done.
so with that out of the way, ill be happy to answer any questions, take comments, and such.
thank you for your time and have a great April Fools day.
PSP 1.5 got on USA first day is was 1.5 till Xmas 2006 now 4.01 M33 » 5.00 M33-6(with the 1.50 addon)
It a good idea to have "Hide extensions for known file types" in Folder Options(under Tool) unchecked (turn on extensions) READ THE README.TXT
got a Refurbished 60gb PS3 FW:3.41 on 01/20/2008
PSN:RyuPower Get your Portable ID!