Neophitic Presence
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RE: visualizer_plugin.prx 3.90
leo23 Wrote:Can you do with this vis. the same what do deutscher_russe (only custom 3rd vis.)!But another vis (2,4,5,6) don't touch!
leo23 Wrote:Or do another custom! Vagetano1 this question was for U!
leo23 Wrote:No edits!This vis. don't changes! Vegetano1 please can you do! Can you do what I ask! Pleeease!
sounds like you're using a translator buddy?
anyways, u seem to want it pretty badly, im sure it wouldnt take to much time to look it up and edit some yourself, becuase you seem pretty demanding to the other members your posts make up half of this discussion! XD
also, what's up with this forum? i know its pro-japanese and all and that's kl, but putting "desu" on the end of everything ("Post Reply, desu" "E-Mail notification, desu" etc.) doesn't make sense :( anyways, great forum guys, hilarious emoticons!
p.s. you don't have to put an exclamation mark ! on the end of every. sentence. lol
27/03/2008 04:44 AM |