Okay this process is actually quite simple.
First extract both diskimg.pkg and diskimg.fse from a FULL ISO.
You can use WINRAR to do it
Download this file
the password is:
Install the file.
Make sure you take note where it was installed.
Next download the attachment.
Its a plugin for the previously installed program.
Default locations should be:
[RESTART] «-Ignore this for now
Start the program and watch it load.
Then under Xpert-Plugins choose:
Once that is selected, look at the icons in the top row and click on the one with an "Open Folder" Icon with the letter "B" on it.
Navigate to the .pkg file extracted earlier and open it.
Next choose the "Open Folder" icon with the letter "T" on it.
Navigate to where you extracted the .fse file and open it.
Finally, choose the first icon in the row it should say "Extract LBA"
Let the program run and watch the progress bar on the bottom.
If the program finishes but it refuses to let you select any button/option, close the program and follow the steps after the [RESTART] label.
Skipping the "Extract LBA" step.
Now choose the second icon which should say "Extract File". The program will start to extract ALL files from the the pkg file.
This could take a while so why don't you post on EP for a while?

Once it finishes, look for a "@diskimg.pkg" folder (should in be the same folder as the pkg file), order the icons by size (PMFs are usually bigger) or by type (group all of them together)
And now you should have your PMFs. The largest being about 150 MB.
I just found these floating through the tubes.
All CGI Cutscenes [Japanese] (19 cutscenes 400 mb PMF format)