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RE: Starcraft 2 Zerg video!
Assassinator Wrote:Hellgiver Wrote:I am hopeful, but I won't let my expectations be too high, since they are making this huge jump to 3D like Warcraft3. I still preferred starcraft's feel to WC3, because SC is so much faster paced and it always had more intense fights IMO. The videos are showing they are going the WC3 route, so I'll have to be tough and take it with stride. I'll still play it.
What determines the "Starcraft feel" is not the 3D graphics, but as you mentioned yourself, the faster pace. The difference is that Starcraft units had less hit points and did more damage.
And from what I see from numerous trailers I've seen, stuff still kill themselves really fast, so it's all good.
just because it's 3D doesn't mean it's going to adopt the Warcraft style.
You are exactly right, but the fact that it was 2D definitely added to it, because it was a lot easier to see everything at once. 3D added in the effect of distance depending on your perspective, and it would be a bit harder to see multiple units if one was in front of another. Also, because it will be 3D, that will more likely slow the game down compared to just making it 2D. However, since home computers are becoming so insanely fast, that point may be moot. I am still wary of it going 3D, but I won't anything deter me from playing it.
Assassinator Wrote:Hellgiver Wrote:Also, they never actually officially cancelled Starcraft Ghost, which was talked about in a recent list of Blizzard's cancelled games in history. That would be a nice game to play at some point on a next-gen console.
If it ever gets released, it's to take AGES, considering their not going to start working on it until they finish Starcraft 2. And the fact that the original ghost is designed for PS2 and Xbox. So they would need to redo the programming. And that if they use the old grahics, it won't be on par with the stuff of the future, so they will need to redo that too. That's like almost re-making it from scratch.
Add all that up = it's not going to come out any time soon, if it is going to at all.
They should've just not been so picky and released it back then. Graphics would be awesome compared to stuff then, it would've been good.
Ofcourse, there's also the "console only" bit. (I don't like consoles)
Yeah, I know. Wee had a conversation on N4G about that, and everyone has come to terms with it not having a chance of being reannounced till 2010 probably. If they do not get to work on Starcraft Ghost, I really just hope they start working on Diablo 3.
<3 Diego!
11/03/2008 10:23 PM |