I believe in an energy, within everything, with its own conciousness, it has no shape or no bonds, since everything that is, and even that which isn't, has that energy. So, yes I believe in god, in that energy that makes thing to exist or to no exist.
But I don't believe in any church. I am catholic but I don't believe in the Vatican, The Pope... I believe in Jesus, As the first incarnation of god in earth, I also believe Jesus birth wasn't the only time god has taken the shape of mankind, and the proof of all that is us having our own conciousness, and being able to appreciate all the wonders of the universe, because it exist because wee see it, if wee werent here, if there werent any intelligent being on the universe, simply it wouldnt exist to anybody, it would be just matter to not be watched by anyone.
What will happen when human is gone? what will happen if no more intelligence surfaces the universe? what if intelligence is not only bound to a biological body with its own processes of reasoning and thinking, but if there were a higher conciousness lying around in the universe? That's god.
It would be pointless (well pointless from our reasoning, but not impossible to the universe law) to have such a huge space... huge is nothing, ALL the possible space, but empty?... something has to make sure it doesn't happens...
Stop existing, stop thinking, can't stop life flowing, in any way it can be shown, since, Stars are life, Planets are life, just waiting for their time to rise in their deep sleep. Earth wasn't always like wee know it, It was before a huge chunk of rock with volcanoes flowing everywhere, just as those planets wee've been called "Not suitable for life as wee know it". It would be a matter of billions of times for some of those planets to advance, and get life of their own.
Sun is likely to burn out in 3~5 billion years, taking down earth to ashes, in that same possible amount of time our galaxy will collide with Andromeda, but nothing is likely to happen since the space between stars is so huge that stars will go through the other galaxy, in about 25 billion years the universe will be hell of a lot brighter and hotter with all the stars and galaxies present then, and if the universe keeps expanding at the rate it goes (it was recently discovered that the universe is speeding up its expansion) in 100 billion years matter wouldnt be able to exist, with everything breaking down to atoms or even lower, with matter not being able to exist since every single atom would be light years away from the next one... Then only black holes will rule, and it will be a dark age that could keep going... forever... and ever... and ever... Then wee think, there has to be a god... things can't just stop like that... things would have to be redone again, I hate every theory that says the universe will keep on expanding forever, I want to believe there is something that will make everything to come down to a single point again, like a big crunch, that will lead to another possible big bang infinite ages later...
The universe is only 15billion years, before that all matter was focused in a single abstract point, since theorically nothing outside it existed, therefore there couldnt be an outside of it, but wee only know how old is the universe, what wee don't know is how long had that mass of energy existed before blowing up.... it couldnt have come from anywhere... since there wasn't any WHERE... just THAT
I think I've gone a little far from the topic, about god existence, but thinking about it, there isn't any other way possible for the human reasoning to understand it. How could that mass of energy simply... blow up? before that, time didnt existed, with no time, no movement, no nothing, just an static point with all the matter in the universe inside it. Then why if everything that existed was reduced to that point, when it blowed up, it expanded... but it expanded to where? wasn't there suppossed to not be any other space but the one within that matter? and it isn't the same now? if the universe is still expanding like wee've been told, where is it expanding to? what's beyond the edge, the border of the universe, because something expanding has got to have an edge, a limit, what would happen if something has the enough energy to move faster than the universe, and go beyond its limits? what would it find? because the universe expand at hell of a high rates, calculations have said that the universe is like 80 billion light years width, and how would it be possible if its only 15billion years young? what's beyond those 80billion light years of distance? I've heard crazy things like you getting on the other side, like if the universe was sphere shaped, then I say "What if you go up, above? that sphere has to have an edge..." then I am told "would you reappear down, below?" then the universe wouldnt be a plane, or a curve, or an sphere, it would have no shape, but What's beyond the shape it has to have... Then I have a crazy thought about, this not being the only universe, like this universe is a bubble, bound to other bubbles, that keep expanding infinitly forward/backward/above/below/to every possible direction... I would cry saying, god please make things simplier, just when it all ends make it begin again...