Existential Entity
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RE: PRX Offset 3.80
@ socomfan
I just found out that my vshmain.prx somehow got totally screwed up. :S It had duplicate XMB icons etc. It's fixed now.
@ robs
I didn't realise PRX Compressor v0.41 worked with 3.80. Thanks.
27/01/2008 12:42 PM
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RE: PRX Offset 3.80
File offsets for re directional purposes
I only tested about 5% of these offsets where 100% of the ones I tried WORKED.
28/01/2008 07:52 AM
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RE: PRX Offset 3.80
For those who want to venture into the mistic fudgeyness of the unsolved viz offsets,... here is where i have been the last 4 days:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442
1st viz
10bb8 3.4634493e-041 ??
10bbc 3.4718571e-041
2nd viz
part 1
110b8 1.05
11obc 255 ?? color count 2nd viz,.. set to ten dots white
110c0 1.4285714e-002
110c4 5.0000001e-002
110c8 1
110cc 9.9999997e-006
110d0 30
110d4 2.0000001e-003
110d8 5
110dc 4.0000002e-003
110e0 -4
110e4 4
110e8 80 x position first part
110ec 0.5 circular movement ?? first part
110f0 1.2e-002
110f4 1.2 size cirel first part!?
110f8 0.43 ??
11ofc 0.8 y movement circel or spread!?
11100 10.1 ??
11104 90 something with changing song in first part
11108 24 ??
1110c 240 ** x position first part def!
11110 3.9999999e-002 ?? spread set to 100 less bubbles first part
11114 2.9999999e-002 something with first part
11118 136 y position cirkel first part def!
1111c 3.0999999e-002 ??
11120 9.9999998e-003 ??
11124 0.7 ??
11128 1.e-003 ??
1112c 6.2831855 ??
11130 3.0517578e-005 set to 1 less bubbles in first part,. ;P
11134 480 ** x size plane first part def!
11138 0.2 dunno maybe depth of bubbles
1113c 68 count and or speed!?(still all first part)
11140 34 ** x and or y size very first start
11144 37 x and or y size very first start
11148 1.4285714e-002 something to do with song changing
1114c 1 ** down distance
11150 -4 ** also some speed or direction and distance moving to
11154 4 also some speed or direction and distance moving to
11158 7 ??
1115c 0.9 dunno something changing buubbles spread!?
11160 1.e-003 speed!?
11164 -49 ??
11168 0.5 speed ??
1116c 4.5 some x position movement set to 200 looks cool or 100
11170 0.65 alpha layer 1 circles
11174 0.35 alpha layer 2 circles
11178 1 ** size circel's def!! first part only
1117c -4 ** also size first layer
11180 4 ** also size second layer
11184 5.0000001e-002 set to one goves glowy wave left to right
11188 7.9999998e-002 ??
1118c 32 again a size !?
11190 7.205761e+016 untested
11194 240 layer 1 ?
11198 2.e-002 set to 1 flickering
1119c 50 layer 1 !?
untested >> got to test part 2,..
111a0 180
111a4 1.45
111a8 -10
111ac 490
111b0 282
111b4 2.0833334e-003
111b8 3.6764706e-003
111bc 0.22
111c0 255 color count
111c4 2.1474836e+009
111c8 10
111cc 64
111d0 3.4246575e-003
111d4 2.0000001e-003
Part 2:
111f0 6.3086457e-041 don't change
11208 -40 !?
1120c 0.3 untested
11210 -40 untested
11214 0.3 untested
11218 1.4285714e-002 ??
1121c 5.0000001e-002 ??
11220 40
11224 1.7999999e-002 ??
11228 0.12 ??
1122c 1.2
11230 60
11234 0.71 1 something to do with spinning spral circles not the dots
11238 0.5 1 something to do with spinning spral circles not the dots
1123c 0.8 1 something to do with spinning spral circles not the dots
11240 10 20
11244 118
11248 6.2831855
1124c 1.7647059
11250 3.1415927
11254 9.9999998e-003
11258 240
1125c 0.2
11260 136
11264 0.11
11268 3.0517578e-005
1126c 7.9999998e-002
11270 45
11274 5.0000001e-002
11278 0.13
1127c 0.3
11280 0.5
11284 8.5000001e-002
11288 5.9999999e-002
1128c 40
11290 -10
11294 480 size x plane
11298 -0.7
1129c 272
more,.. lots untested in part 2,..
third part here!?
10330 255 ??
10500 255 ??
104ec 200 ??
104f0 200
104f4 1000 fade out time into other viz
104f8 60
104fc 1 alpha of glow icon's in viz 1
10500 255 ??
10504 1 alpha of all except the 2nd
3rd viz
10648 6.5
1064c 480 x res
10650 564.70587 untested
10654 6.2831855 creates more boo's
10658 50 scale right handle x
1065c 0.5 some sort of scale posistion,.1?
10660 -162 y position
10664 1 size dots in line,.!?
10668 255
1066c 2.1474836e+009
10670 5.0000002e-004
10674 180 Don't set lower the 180!?
10678 179 ??
1067c 3.125e-002 time/or alpha old lines stay in screen
10680 40 ??
106b0 -40 untested
106b4 0.3
106b8 -30
106bc 5
106c0 8
106c4 -40
106c8 0.3
106cc -30
106d0 5
10ea0 282.35294
10ea4 -160
10ea8 -120
10eac 40
10eb0 -2 ??
10eb4 0.85
10eb8 2.1474836e+009
10ebc 9.9999998e-003
10ec0 0.1
10ec4 -40
10ec8 3.1415927
10ecc 1.953125e-003
10ed0 0.5
10ed4 2.3841858e-007
10ed8 20
10edc 8
10ee0 0.125
10ee4 1.e-003
10ee8 0.25
10eec 1
10ef0 208
10ef4 0.2
10ef8 224
10efc 240
10f00 -120
10f04 0.3
10f08 255 ??
10f4c 4.6500688e-041
10f68 untested
10f6c -160
10f70 2.1474836e+009 untested
10f74 9.9999997e-005 ??
10f78 1 size handle left
10f7c 4 handle scale
10f80 4 some scale handle
10f84 1 some scale
10f88 9.9999997e-005
10f8c 1 scale,.!?
10f90 0.99900001 ??
10f94 -0.99900001 ??
10f98 4 thickness line
10f9c 0.5 makes pointy
1078c 255 ??
10794 255 !?
4th viz
10a1c 0.65345126
10a20 1
10a24 145
10b38 8.9503736e-041
10b3c 8.9542972e-041
10b48 8.8360276e-041
10b4c 8.8382697e-041
10b50 -40
10b54 0.3
10b58 -282.35294
10b5c -160
10b60 282.35294 x position background black
10b64 160 y position background
10b68 -40 ?
10b6c 0.3 ??
10b70 -282.35294 x position!?
10b74 -160 y up position!?
10b78 282.35294 x position background white
10b7c 160 y position background
10b80 2.e-002 changing song scale
10b84 255 color count blocks
10b88 2.1474836e+009 ??
10b8c 5.0000002e-004
10b90 180 ?? freezes value higher then 180 is ok
10b94 179 ??
10b98 1 changes blocks,.!? scale x between 0.51 and 2.3
else a bloack apears in corner screen
10b9c 40 scale changing 150
10ba0 9.424778 changeging song 100 stripes, 10 cool wave 100
10ba4 -240 x position viz -120
10ba8 -156 y position -125
10bac 3.125e-002 blocks changing speed
10foc 0.7 ??
10f10 0.4 ??
10f14 0.65 ??
5th viz
10fa8 4.8277535e-041
10fac 4.8299955e-041
10fb0 1 size dots >>> this also changes in the second viz,.!!?
10fb4 255 color count ??
10fb8 2.1474836e+009
10ec0 3 ??
10ec4 -40
10ec8 3.1415927
110b4 255 ??
6th viz
1085c -0.49999979
10860 1
10864 -40
10868 0.3
1086c -40
10870 0.3
10878 32767.
1087c 30 ??
10880 45
10888 3
1088c -40
10890 1.2
1089c 0.15000001
108a0 0.5
108a8 0.449999
108ac 255 color count !?
108b0 48
108b8 100
108bc 65535
108c0 3
108c4 -240
108c8 -136
108cc 480 size of viz screen x
108d0 272 size of viz screen y
108d4 1
108d8 564.70587
108dc 320 ???
108e0 8 ???
108e4 0.34999999 lightness
108e8 0.65 ??
108ec 0.98000002 ??
108f0 0.9 r background color or layer also dots
108f4 0.15686275 g set to 0.8 makes green light blue and dark blue dots
108f8 0.94117647 b set to 0.3 lighter
108fc 0.47058824 contrast !?
10900 0.117664706 ??
10904 0.8666 ??
10918 1
1091c 0.2999
10920 0.33000004
10924 359
10928 255 color count front layer,.!?
10930 200
10934 1.36
10938 2.72
1093c 0.255
10940 65535
10948 255 color count background
10950 9
10954 7.5
10958 5
1095c 4
10960 1
10964 132
10968 50
1096c 210
10970 230
10974 168
10978 0.2
1097c 0.9
10980 0.5529412
10984 0.133333
10988 0.10196079
109a8 255 ??
i have 100% new viz now
29/01/2008 09:57 PM
Existential Entity
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RE: PRX Offset 3.80
Thanks for those! Could you post some screenshots of the new visualisers for us to oogle over? =P
30/01/2008 12:42 AM
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RE: PRX Offset 3.80
this viz only part 1 and part 2,.. part 3(song change) is changed too but only blurred,.
changing part 2 and 3 is fudgeie because you have to wait untill you see
part 2 and 3 everytime you want to check something is changed. ;)
viz 2 Part 1:
viz 2 part 2
viz 3
viz 4
viz 5
viz 6
could have changed more but i got other thingy's to do,..
30/01/2008 01:25 AM
Neophitic Presence
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RE: PRX Offset 3.80
Hi everybody, could someone tell me if PRXs offsets in 3.90 prx are the same as 3.80 ones ???
I know the 3.90 CFW isn't out but like D_A said, it shouldn't take a long time so I ask you it in advance.
Thanks to people who could help me !
Edit : The CFW 3.90 is out so it's very important xD
In french for Ac_k because I'm french like him.
salut tout le monde, est-ce que quelqu'un pourrait me dire si les offsets des prxs du 3.90 sont les memes que ceux du 3.80 ???
Je sais que le Custom firmware n'est pas encore sortit mais comme la dit D_A, sa ne prendra pas longtemps donc je vous le demande en avance.
Meci à ceux qui pourront m'aider.
Edit : le CFW 3.90 M33 est sorti donc c'est très important xD
PS : Vegetano1 : could you up your very nice viz please xD
(This post was last modified: 31/01/2008 01:46 PM by remar2 .)
31/01/2008 01:38 PM
Paradigmatic Apprentice
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RE: PRX Offset 3.80
I have seen some one move network update to the network section in the place of lftv and lftv(reboot version) to the system section where the network update use to be, how was this done and what would be the offsets for 3.90?
01/02/2008 01:02 PM
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RE: PRX Offset 3.80
Dracrius Wrote: I have seen some one move network update to the network section in the place of lftv and lftv(reboot version) to the system section where the network update use to be, how was this done and what would be the offsets for 3.90?
here you go./
Thanks to SSChevy2001!! and works for 3.90 vshamain too!
01/02/2008 01:25 PM
Paradigmatic Apprentice
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RE: PRX Offset 3.80
How do I add the homebrow shortcut at the top of the game menu using the oneseg? In 3.90 and or 3.80
04/02/2008 03:28 PM
Able One
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RE: PRX Offset 3.80
Anyone else noticed that the offset for "hold x position" isn't 0x41508 but is the same as the clock x position??? IE... move the clock in x and the hold also moves!!
edit!!! Does anyone know the offset for main icons (focused) size??
(This post was last modified: 06/02/2008 09:57 AM by m-tek .)
06/02/2008 06:38 AM