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[ BR:V ]]] {do you accept this challenge}
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Sweet Dreams

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Post: #41
RE: [ BR:V ]]] {do you accept this challenge}
its true, his time is running out too.......... I haven't done anything yet >_<
27/01/2008 10:15 AM
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I also poo when hungry.

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Post: #42
RE: [ BR:V ]]] {do you accept this challenge}
only 1 hour and 38 minutes left guys, youd better put something out otherwise yur gonna get disqualified..
* dedat thinks of the irony of sensei disqualifying himself..
lol, i don't even think irony is the word to use there. anyway, good luck everyone!!
27/01/2008 11:31 AM
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Post: #43
RE: [ BR:V ]]] {do you accept this challenge}
Squee asked me to post his entry....:
[Image: battleroyal-1.png]

[Image: EgGYGSX.png]
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Spoiler for Old Rainbow Sounds sig^^:
[Image: 6yWvk.png]
27/01/2008 01:06 PM
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Sometimes when poo, I hungry

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Post: #44
RE: [ BR:V ]]] {do you accept this challenge}
[Image: brv.png]

have you guys seen this before?

(09/06/2011 06:25 AM)S7* Wrote:  Spambots are strange, mysterious creatures.
27/01/2008 01:23 PM
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Sweet Dreams

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Post: #45
RE: [ BR:V ]]] {do you accept this challenge}
i can't recall it, and thanks Sky for squee's entry, and I haven't seen that shady, so its fine, thanks for the submit!

Well, it seems I'm disqualified... here are the reasons:

1) Block - I couldn't do anything, but by the time I could (Around 7pm GMT)...
2) The Family wanted me to stream YouTube to the TV, effectively destroying any chance of me doing anything..

and I'm ultra depressed now :'(

I'm sorry, and thank you everyone, I was looking forward to participating, but hey, spoon happens ........

Voting will begin when I make the thread.
(This post was last modified: 27/01/2008 01:47 PM by S7*.)
27/01/2008 01:45 PM
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Sometimes when poo, I hungry

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Post: #46
RE: [ BR:V ]]] {do you accept this challenge}
its a new sig but i used something from an old sig

(09/06/2011 06:25 AM)S7* Wrote:  Spambots are strange, mysterious creatures.
27/01/2008 02:04 PM
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Sweet Dreams

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Post: #47
RE: [ BR:V ]]] {do you accept this challenge}
*®$нд∂¥©* Wrote:its a new sig but i used something from an old sig

oic....................................... well that's alright
27/01/2008 02:06 PM
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I also poo when hungry.

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Post: #48
RE: [ BR:V ]]] {do you accept this challenge}
that sucks sensei, i always love seeing your work, its great.
well theres always next time..
27/01/2008 02:14 PM
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Post: #49
RE: [ BR:V ]]] {do you accept this challenge}
@ sensei: don't worry. I ALWAYS get problems with my family.

[Image: cce6aa9e-c40c-4ae7-aebe-d7780d6fc009.gif]
27/01/2008 03:36 PM
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Sweet Dreams

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Post: #50
RE: [ BR:V ]]] {do you accept this challenge}
I managed to finish something, but its up to you whether you'll let it in.... and the Voting Thread will be made at morning
27/01/2008 03:52 PM
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