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PRX Offset 3.80
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Post: #51
RE: PRX Offset 3.80

1a42c8      1    X Position Text Settings Menu
1a4264   0.5625    Unfocused Size MS

Found alot more and will test them soon,..

Now only these: 0x1A38E8     1      Other Submenu Icons Size
                           0x1A3908     1      Settings Submenu Icon Size

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Professor Fate
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Post: #52
RE: PRX Offset 3.80
does any one have/know of a good free hex editor?

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Post: #53
RE: PRX Offset 3.80
well checked alot but not all tested,..

Found 2 usefull offsets game icon information position,..
in screenshot i placed next to pmf but you can position the icon anywhere you want

[Image: f_Screenshot0m_4f088ec.png]

I am looking for the "glow min and max" offsets in the video/photo/music onscreen menu's


14ce0    200
14ce4    100
14ce8    200
14cec    100
14cf0   -148    ??
14cf4      1
14cf8    -58    ??
14cfc      1
14d00    200
14d04     0.5    ??
14d08      1
14d0c     200
14d10     100
14d14     100
14d18     100
14d1c     100
14d84     100
14d88     200
14d8c     -80        x position game icon information
14d90     85       y position game icon information
14d94       1    
14d98      -168      x position ??? game icon global?
14d9c       1        
14da0      200    
14da4      100
14e5e       2
14e60    10000
14e54      100
14e68      100
14e6c       -80
14e74        1
14e78      -168
14e7c       1
14e80      200
14e84      100
14e88      200
14e8c      100
14e90      200
14e94    200
14e98       1
14ec0      100
14ec4      200
14ec8      200
14ecc      248
14ed0      240  ?? half of 480 resolution
14ed8      136  ?? half of 272 resolution!?
14edc      136
14ee0        1
14ee4      200
14ee8       10
14eec      136

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Post: #54
RE: PRX Offset 3.80

40a0c    -80   x position memstick information screen
40A10    85    y position memstick information screen
40a18    400   fade in time memstick info text
many more float here,.. will look at soon,..

changed to 80 x and 0 y

[Image: f_Screenshot0m_f9e0f15.png]

list of offsets?:
40a04    200
40a08     10
40a0c    -80   x position memstick information screen
40A10    85    y position memstick information screen
40a14     1
40a18    400   fade in time memstick info text
40a1c      1
40a20    200
40a24    200
40a28    1
40a94    200
40a98    200
40a9c    100
40aa0    100
40aa4    200

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20/01/2008 01:07 AM
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Post: #55
RE: PRX Offset 3.80

276a0    -80  x position folder and track icon in information screen
276a4     85  y position folder and track icon in information screen
many many offsets here!!!


d2f90    -80  x position video track icon in information screen
d2f94     85  y position video track icon in information screen
many many offsets here!!!


18eb8   -80   x position folder and photo's icon in information screen
18ebc    85   y position folder and photo's icon in information screen

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20/01/2008 01:42 AM
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Neophitic Presence

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Post: #56
RE: PRX Offset 3.80
Hi guys, I'm a noob here, trying to edit the XMB. Is there no an offset for x position of network? Also how do I stop the screen from moving when scrolling through the XMB?
(This post was last modified: 20/01/2008 06:09 AM by Ninjax.)
20/01/2008 06:08 AM
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Post: #57
RE: PRX Offset 3.80
photobrowser prx


Spoiler for Offsets:
Quote:18e78      -94  x position photo's and albums
18e7c       1   ??
18e80      -154  ??
18e84      -190  x position unfocused albums and photo's when in album
18e88      -276   ??
188e8c     -280   ??
18e90      -130   ??
18e94      -170   ??
18e98      -120  ??
18e9c      -50    x position albums/photo's moveing to left when into infobar
18ea0      -46    
18ea4      -16
18ea8      -25
18eac      -1
18eb0      25     x icon's/album's when in infobar
18eb4     -15
18eb8     -80       x position folder and photo's icon in information screen
18ebc      85     y position folder and photo's icon in information screen
18ec0     -47   ??
18ec4      21
18ec8     -27
18ecc      18
18ed0      -3   ??
18ed4      33          all screenshot
1900c      -1
19010     200        
19014      -1
19018     200
1901c       1
19020       6          all screenshot !?
19024     200
19028       1
1902c     200
19030       0.5
19038     200
1903c       1
19040       6
19044       1
19048     200  
1904c       1   Alpha album art folder
19050      74  maybe "size of wide picture's" screenshot
19054      42
19058      -1
1905c      24   y Album art size
19060      33   x Album art size
19064      74   size of wide picture's
19068      56   size of high picture's
1906c       1   zoom previeuw picture 0.5 half the picture
19070       2   resixe factor no more wide or high difference's
19074      -1  ??
19078       1  ??
1907c       1  ??
19080      -1  ??
19084     200  ??
19088     200  ??
1908c     200  ??
19182      -3.625  do not change
19186    -244   ??
1918a    -252  ??
19288    -235  ??
1928c     -94  ??
19290       1  ??
19294    -235 ??
19298    -111 ??
1929c       1  ??

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20/01/2008 05:22 PM
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Post: #58
RE: PRX Offset 3.80

New Offsets for msvideo_main_plugin.prx


its confuzing for me because the fade and scroll speed is both 200!?!?

Ac_K update the topic!! ;P

Spoiler for Offsets:
Quote:msvideo prx

d2f18   200     fade in time icon's once selected the memstick,.. only the first time?
d2f1c   -47     ??
d2f20   21      ??
d2f24   1       ??
d2f28   -1      size spinnig busy only in video menu not XMB
d2f2c   200     fade in time into folders use witht he above offset ^^^ d2f18 !!
d2f30   30      ??
d2f34   1       ??
d2f38   170     ??
d2f3c   200     ??
d2f40   -190    x position of video's/folders when in a folder
d2f44   -144    x position video/folders when in infobar
d2f48   -240    x position video/folders in a folder when in infobar
d2f4c   1       ?
d2f50   200     ?
d2f54   -47     x position busy spinning thingy
d2f58   21      y position bsuy,....
d2f5c   1       ??
d2f60   -27     ??
d2f64   18      ??
d2f68   0.5     when set to 1 and press home in playing video you get "pause" icon and psp freezes,.!?
d2f6c   48      ??
d2f70   6       ?? maybe space between,.!?
d2f74   0.5     ??
d2f78   200     scroll speed video/folders going into infobar
d2f7c   1       ??
d2f80   200     scroll speed video/folders coming out infobar
d2f84   200     ??fade in ??
d2f88   200     ??
d2f8c   200     scroll speed icon into information screen
d2f90   -130  
d2f90   -80     x position video track icon in information screen
d2f94   85      y position video track icon in information screen
d2f98   1       ??
d2f9c   1       ??
d2fa0   200     scroll speed icon back from information screen
d2fa4   0.5     ??
d2fa8   200     ??
d2fac   200     ??
d2fb0   1       ??
d2fb4   0.5     ??
d2fb8   200     scroll speed out of folder
d2fbc   16.6    ??
d2fc0   16.6    ??
d2fc4   200     !?
d2fc8   200     ??
d2fcc   2000    ??

d8290   200     ?? fade out of main video icon going into information screen
d8294   200     scroll speed main video icon out of infobar
d8298   200     ??
d829c   200     ??

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21/01/2008 12:44 AM
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Post: #59
RE: PRX Offset 3.80
content browser

2caac     200     fade out/in time infobar in music and photo

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21/01/2008 07:15 AM
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Post: #60
RE: PRX Offset 3.80
Here a list gsmoke made from the commengui but i found some new ones,.. battery fade in fade out when going into infobar,.. i was looking for infobar fade out,.. Sadist could not find it,...  
this is also from a list wich Ac_K made abd all the offsets below the ones i post now did not change anything,. Flatterd
almost al of  these offsets gsmoke found i only the battery fade and an alpha channel value for the infobar,,

I want to find scroll out and also the scroll in from the left

Quote:0x5E44    1             Alpha channel infobar
0x5E48    0.5           theme infobar setting sidebar 1
0x5E4C    74            x size Theme infobar sidebar 2
0x5E58    -235          TEXT POSITION = X        
0x5E5C    20            TEXT LINE SIZE or Space between text in infobar [y] !?
0x5E60    7.02          TEXT SIZE
0x5E64    100           scroll in time
0x5E68    480           ??
0x5E6C    1             ??
0x5E70    100           time between  scroll ?? if set to 1500 second time no scroll,.. only fade    
0x5E74    100           fade in time,..
0x5E78    1
0x5E7C    1
0x5E80    100           fade out battery going in infobar
0x5E84    100           fade in battery going out infobar
0x5E88    40            
0x5E8C    1
0x5E90    100
0x5E94    74          
0x5E98    42.35
0x5E9C    0.5
0x5EA0    7.02          TEXT SIZE
0x5EA4    100
0x5EA8    1
0x5EAC    480           x SIZE INFOBAR !?        
0x5EB0    320           y SIZE INFOBAR        
0x5EB4    1

Make loads of $$!! it wurks!!
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