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RE: infobar .prx modification
nomatter Wrote:Vegetano1 thanks for uploading and sharing your files they work perfect on my 3.71/3.....:)
ok ,.!! thank gsmoke he did 90% of infobar customizing with editing the commengui.prx i only did a small part in the sysconfig_plugin.rco and the sysconfg_plugin.prx,.
And offcourse thank bstronga who started customizing info bars in the first place,.!!
I still need to find the offsets for the language's that still move the previeuw screen and have the little arrows out of place,.
If you are Italian or english you are lucky these work 100%!!
06/12/2007 04:13 PM |
Able One
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RE: infobar .prx modification
i found this 4 bogs (in language English and Portuguese,(all??))
1- I don't see the ON in VIDEOS sequential playback
![[Image: screenshot014km9.png]](
2-date & time settings » time format i don't see 24 hour clock
3-sound settings » dynamic normalizer i don't see ON
4-and in RSS channel settings
09/12/2007 08:15 AM |
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RE: infobar .prx modification Wrote:i found this 4 bogs (in language English and Portuguese,(all??))
1- I don't see the ON in VIDEOS sequential playback
![[Image: screenshot014km9.png]](
2-date & time settings » time format i don't see 24 hour clock
3-sound settings » dynamic normalizer i don't see ON
4-and in RSS channel settings
![[Image: screenshot016qa4.png]](
I know these value's are in the sysconfig_plugin.rco i have them fixxed in my sonic theme,. been to busy,.
You can easilly try and fix this,.!
Open up rcoedit 1.15c and load the sysconfg_plugin.rco
Go to "Page Data" and look for :
mslist_video_config_list_play_mode and set the y to -110
mlist_date_time_config_date_format and set to y to -90
mlist_sound_config_dnormal set y to -110
mlist_rss_config_download_items set the y to -60
If you find more then you now know what to do ;)
09/12/2007 08:53 AM |
Able One
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RE: infobar .prx modification
yes I fix but is
mlist_date_time_config_time_format and set to y to -110
not the (mlist_date_time_config_date_format) and set to y to -90
09/12/2007 11:43 AM |
Mc Cabe
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RE: infobar .prx modification
I require some help
I believe the positioning for the submenu optionmenus are different, can any1 find the offset for the x position of them. Also has any1 found the offset so that the optionmenu founds in from a static position, so like the x position of the optionmenu before it fades in.
Thanks in advance for any help
Oh yeh and does any1 know how to get rid of the extra information in the optionmenu?!
10/12/2007 11:56 AM |
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RE: infobar .prx modification
I guess you have to try and reposition in the rco files,.!?
Atleast that what i did!?
10/12/2007 07:05 PM |
Able One
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RE: infobar .prx modification
![[Image: screenshot001zl5.png]](
I want to move in infobar (MS options) the words for more low in PHOTO,MUSIC,VIDEO,GAMES
where I go to edit ?that RCO?
put equal to this
![[Image: screenshot001fm3.png]](
and in MUSIC I want to delete the words ORIGINAL,ALBUM,ARTIST,GENERE and the 1ºs INFO. where I go to edit
(This post was last modified: 20/12/2007 04:56 PM by
20/12/2007 04:32 PM |
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RE: infobar .prx modification Wrote:and in MUSIC I want to delete the words ORIGINAL,ALBUM,ARTIST,GENERE and the 1ºs INFO. where I go to edit
![[Image: screenshot004gq4.png]](
Ricardo i want to fix this also , but got no luck finding the right value.
“Fear not for the future, weep not for the past.”
20/12/2007 06:05 PM |
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RE: infobar .prx modification
%^^^^^^ to lower the text in the infobar you need to try and lower in music_browser or music_player rco,.. rcoedit>>pagedata
The text original, album, artist, genre is in the prx file,.. should be in the prx file and could be replaced by spaces or zero's,.!?
20/12/2007 10:32 PM |
Able One
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RE: infobar .prx modification
gsmoke Wrote:skyfox2k Wrote:I'm pretty sure I'm trying the same old things to get the option menu to fade in without moving from the side in 3.71, but nothing seems to work! What do I need to change?
Im thinking why should i try to help someone who take all the credits for something that aint yours...
All this time Inacor been leeking info from here and then make this ,,innovations,, to your themes and then give no credits to the real finders of the Hacks (how you call them).
Then i read your team is the finder of the new hacks...(incredible)
Well Mythos did music player , ok , but everything else do you remember who did those ?
You have all the offsets there find it for yourself.And i can tell you all the fades been made on 3.71 M33.
Oh, just to say, Gsmoke, I did find a HECK of a lot of offsets myself thankyou very much. If you would like to actually expand on where I havent credited people be my guest. If someone has discovered something and posted it somewhere doesn't automatically mean I've 'borrowed' that information. The area for the offsets is relatively small and I changed everything myself to see its outcome and wrote them down MYSELF. I credited Bstronga for help he gave me, otherwise the rest of the offsets I did not find myself I took from translating mihipons blog. Which I've stated before.
Please state what 'hacks' you feel have been 'borrowed' and I will do my best to fill you in on how and when they were discovered and who (if anyone) were my sources.
21/12/2007 10:18 AM |