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ScummVM on the iPhone
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Chromatic Nutjob

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Post: #1
Exclamation ScummVM on the iPhone
Gizmodo Wrote:After a long wait, here is the application that makes the iPhone absolutely perfect: ScummVM, the emulation engine that allows you to play LucasArts and Sierra graphic adventures, is now fully working on the iPhone. After trying it I can tell you that if there's a platform designed to play these kind of games,it's the iPhone. In fact, these are the only games that truly feel at home on the iPhone, thanks to its great touchscreen support, even better than Apple's native software:

ScummVM fully supports multi-touch to simulate the behavior of the mouse using gestures. With a single tap you left click, but for a right click you hold one finger and tap with another. To toggle click and drag, which is necessary in some games like Monkey Island 3, you "hold one finger on screen, swipe another up from bottom to top." Then you can drag something, lift your finger to drop it and it will automatically switch back to normal. Quite ingenious and easy.

    Fully supported games

    Day of the Tentacle (a must)
    The Dig
    Flight of the Amazon Queen
    Full Throttle
    Gobliins 2
    Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis (a must too)
    Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (this one too)
    King's Quest 3
    Maniac Mansion
    Monkey Island 1: The Secret of Monkey Island (best game ever)
    Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge (ok, maybe this is the best game ever)
    Sam & Max Hit the Road (another must-have)
    Simon the Sorcerer 1
    Simon the Sorcerer 2
    Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders

While the games play great, there are a couple of minor issues. Since the resolution of the iPhone is higher than the native resolution of these games, the graphics don't use the full screen, keeping its original pixel size. Some of the more modern games, like Monkey Island 3, still have some performance problems. Other than that this is an almost-perfect port.

I wonder if the LucasArts people will see this and decide to partner with Apple to release updated and higher resolution versions of—at least—the Monkey Island, Indy and Sam&Max series. Or maybe Blizzard can release the good old Starcraft or Warcraft, two games that will play perfectly in this platform. Call me a nostalgic, but I would get them all

I think they failed to mention this in the article, but this will also work on the iPod Touch. Man, I need to get me one of those :D

Also, if they do port Warcraft 3 or Starcraft to the iPhone, I will definitely need some alone time.

Source: Gizmodo

PSN ID: Chroma3000
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superdouche Wrote:
TheGuy Wrote:
superdouche Wrote:You need at least an 8 inch penis, that's what I heard.
Man, if I had 8 inches, I would find a better use for it :P
Like what, pushing elevator buttons?
26/11/2007 12:48 PM
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Alfa Walrus

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Post: #2
RE: ScummVM on the iPhone
guess nobody owns an iphone at EP
26/11/2007 03:19 PM
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Post: #3
RE: ScummVM on the iPhone
I don't have one. . . . 3rd world country. . . why would apple release it here.

[Image: cce6aa9e-c40c-4ae7-aebe-d7780d6fc009.gif]
26/11/2007 04:28 PM
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Chromatic Nutjob

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Post: #4
RE: ScummVM on the iPhone
Hmm, I thought wee had a few iPhone users here. I actually plan on getting a Touch in the near future.

PSN ID: Chroma3000
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superdouche Wrote:
TheGuy Wrote:
superdouche Wrote:You need at least an 8 inch penis, that's what I heard.
Man, if I had 8 inches, I would find a better use for it :P
Like what, pushing elevator buttons?
26/11/2007 04:57 PM
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Post: #5
RE: ScummVM on the iPhone
i have an iphone =]]

and that would be GREAT if they can port warcraft3 and starcraft on it. but i bet it would be slow..

[Image: IxStyleZ.jpg]
26/11/2007 06:05 PM
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Illogical mindfuckery

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Post: #6
RE: ScummVM on the iPhone
Nope, no interest in being raped by Mr.Jobs thanks.

The screen is cool, but not worth anywhere near as much as they are charging, especially in the Uk.
26/11/2007 06:08 PM
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Chromatic Nutjob

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Post: #7
RE: ScummVM on the iPhone
Personally, I think the iPod touch is a better buy than the iPhone, simply because you don't have to shackle yourself to AT&T/whatever other carriers for 2 years. The apps don't really make a difference, seeing as you can bring all the iPhone stuff, like Mail, Stocks, and Maps, onto the iPod touch with a simple hack.

PSN ID: Chroma3000
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superdouche Wrote:
TheGuy Wrote:
superdouche Wrote:You need at least an 8 inch penis, that's what I heard.
Man, if I had 8 inches, I would find a better use for it :P
Like what, pushing elevator buttons?
26/11/2007 06:34 PM
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Post: #8
RE: ScummVM on the iPhone
metalgear08 Wrote:Personally, I think the iPod touch is a better buy than the iPhone, simply because you don't have to shackle yourself to AT&T/whatever other carriers for 2 years.

U don't have to stick with it, u can hack it so u can use diffrent carriers just by switching the sim card, such as verizon etc.

and i like the simplicity of text messaging like how ur on aim/yahoo/msn messenger.

[Image: IxStyleZ.jpg]
26/11/2007 06:47 PM
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Chromatic Nutjob

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Post: #9
RE: ScummVM on the iPhone
Even if you switch out the SIM, you still have to pay the monthly fee, or pay the big nasty cancel fee. Either way it isn't my thing. I just plan on getting a Touch and then putting Mail and such on it. I already have a phone.

PSN ID: Chroma3000
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superdouche Wrote:
TheGuy Wrote:
superdouche Wrote:You need at least an 8 inch penis, that's what I heard.
Man, if I had 8 inches, I would find a better use for it :P
Like what, pushing elevator buttons?
26/11/2007 08:53 PM
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Illogical mindfuckery

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Post: #10
RE: ScummVM on the iPhone
I'll be getting a LG U990 soon. Everything the iPhone has but with 3G, no evil fucking contract and a hell of alot better power-wise.
26/11/2007 09:01 PM
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