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Silent Hill Origins Guide
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Silent Hill Origins Guide
Welcome to YoYo's semi Silent Hill Origins guide

This guide I am making as I play the game so this is how I beat the game, so don't read this if you don't want the game spoiled

Silent Hill

this starts right after the opening movie.

The Road

Run down the street until you reach the burning house
cutscene.  You will have to run though the house and find the little brunt girl.  

NOTE- If you save her under 60 secs you will unlock the Fireman Accolader, and when you re-play the game for the 2nd time you will start the game will a fire axe.

Burning House

Go upstairs. the stairs will fall. Go into the door straight ahead. Go through the firer maze, once you reach a burning chair head right. You will then pick up the "burnt girl". Now head back where you came from.
You will fall through the floor, keep walking forward and around a bend to the left. Walk towards the wall of fire, and it will disappear. Continue forward around the couch to the right. go towards the wall of fire, it will also disappear, now go around the bend to the left, and go through the door. Walk forward then turn left at the stairs and go out the front door.

Streets of Silent Hill

You now have the map of silent hill.

If you run all the way up to the end of "Crichton St" you will find and Health Drink by the light poll.

Now walk towards koontz st. on the left side of the road before the Hospital by the stairs you will see a small ally go down to the end of it and find a "Heath Drink". Get back on koontz st  and go right. head forward and you reach the entrance to the hospital the door will be on the right.

The Hospital

Once inside grab the "public notice" to right on the wall. a little past that is the "hospital map". head a little further down the corridor, you will notice a red triangular sign with a eye in the center, this is a Save Point" utilise this!simply walk up to it and press "x". Keep walking past that save point, check your map using "triangle" notice the elevator, head towards it. right be fore you reach the elevator you will notice a fundraiser flyer on the wall to the right, but you will not pick it up, once you reach the elevator  you will see a (cut scene)
go inside the elevator and goto the 2nd floor go to the door on the left.

quickly grab the hammer on the left with "x" then equip it by pressing "right" on the d-pad, now hold "L" and "R" triggers and tap "x" until the nurse falls, now let go of "L" and "R" and press "x". Now go into room "205" walk to the opposite end of the room, there you will pick up the "preliminary diagnosis", you will also notice there is something wrong with the mirror, goto exit the room

goto the mirror and press "x". (You can now pass through the different worlds by using these mirrors.) On the left you will pick up some "plastic lungs" and on the right on the bed you will get a "scalpel".in the medicine cabinet to the right of the door is a "health drink", now exit the room.  you will encounter a "nurse", kill her.  Enter the next corridor.go into room "202" grab the golden egg and the "hurried note". now exit. kill the "nurse" then head for room "204" you will get the "bloody note",there will also be a lock box behind the note. leave it for now you don't have the the left of the box is a "drip stand", now exit the room. there is a portiable T.V. in front of you now head for the stairs. go down to the 1st floorand exit through the door. kill the "nurse".there is a alcohol bottle on the shelve in between the stairs and the mens room.if you look at the door to the "lobby room" it will display a message but you can't enter. stand in front of the ladies room and go into the ladies room by pressing "select"and use the "golden egg". now enter the room.walk forward and grab the "students mnemonie" walk to the second stall and remove the toilet lid and grab the "plastic liver" now warp through the go back to the 2nd stall and you will see that someone has written "Amy, 31"on the door.go to the 3rd stall and get the "staff lounge key". there is a "health drink" near the door now exit and head for the staff lounge. inside you will find a "health drink"on the couch, a "staff notice" on the bulletin board,"a toster" on the counter and the "exam room key" right behind that. on the wall to the right of that you will see that someone has written "lucy 23" on the wall.  Now head for the exam room. on the desk you will find a "staff memo" and a "typewritter", there is a light box behind the desk on the wall, turn it onto see that someone has written "sarah 19"inside the sink to the left of that you will find "plastic lungs & stomach"walk up to the plastic anatomy doll and take a look you are missing one piece head back to the ladies room and warp through the mirror now head back to the lock bo in room "204", you should now know the combonation by the ladies ages, oldest to youngest.which is.... Get ready for spoiler.

Spoiler for Combo for heart box:
31 23 19

Now grab the plastic heart.exit the room and kill the head back to the exam room in the other world, when you reach outside the ladies room on the 1st you will encounter a nurse. once inside the exam room take a look at the doll again and put the parts in in this order "intestine-stomach-liver-heart-lungs" you will now get the dolls glass eyes. now go back to the ladies room and warp to the other world head for the lobby door when exiting the ladies room there will be a nurse kill it. now go to the lobby door and select the glass eyes in your inventory. open the door  and kill the nurses inside.Inside the room you will see a dismembered body and find a scalpel. head for the doctors office (like i did)

there is a crazy monster inside that's looks like mucus and spits acid or something.
i saved the drip stand and used to to kill the mucus monster. it gave me a a longer reach to stay away from his spit. now pick up the "future piece"

save your progress. now go past the ladies room and go through the door across from the medicine room door. you will unlock the door and now be outside

Streets of Silent Hill

walk to Canyon st. if you go north you will see that the road has fallen and can not be passed but you can find a health drink.If you go south you will find a energy drink near the police car in a box.continue south towards midway ave.if you head east on midway you will find the street has fallen and can not be passed, if you go  west on midway you will see the street is blocked off. in front of the garage of the 1str house on borden st will be a health drink.head down low st. and enter the "Butchers"

The Butchers

there is a save point on the wall near the corner.Inside there you will find a energy drink, a meat hook, and a health drink now exit through the door on the other side side of the room
in this room you will find a first aid kit a energy drink, and a meat cleaver.go straight down the hall and stay to the left exit through the last door.

Streets of Silent Hill

Once back on toluca the first alley on the left will have target pistol ammo and a energy. You will see that Borden St. is unpassable to the north. In between Cielo and toluca ave, On candia Rd. you will see a car on the left hand side on it will will be a wrench.Enter the Sanitarium driveway and follow the north wall and behind a tree will be some pistol ammo. now enter the sanitarium.
The Sanitarium
go straight down the corridor and go to the right and and go in the door .and to the right you will get the "Sanitarium Map" you will also find a note on the desk. now head to the the "West Solarium" room. here you will find the "Target Pistol" on the chair with the doll. return to the "East Solarium" and go through the other door.

Go straight to the stairs inside on the left of the door their is a save point.Goto the 1st storage room. in this room you will get a screwdriver and some "pistol ammo" and a tire iron. Go downstairs and get the "Pistol ammo" near the chair. Now head for the 2nd floor. Go into the storage room there inside you will find shotgun bullets and and 2 alcohol bottles. now go towards the "staff lounge." there will be a invisible        
monster. Go into the next corridor now enter the "T.B. ward" stand in front of the iron lung and press "x"
the code for this is 2 presses of the 1st button 1 press of the 3rd button and 2 presses of the 5 button.
now go to the end of the iron lung and pick up the "Basement Key".

Iron Lung Puzzles.

ok i got past the iron lung puzzle, you have to make all the gages blow at once ;)

Now im in the sanitarium basement

now back on sanitarium second floor, you could only get to this part of the building by using the other basement steps.  The first nightmare mirror i found is 2nd floor sanitarium in the "Female Treat" room.

Used the nightmare mirror (get scary), ran out of the female treat room and back up the steps to the first floor.

Run down the hall to "Female dorm 3 and get energy drink and Target Pistol Ammo leave room and go back into the hallway and watch out for weired mummy dudes, take them down.

Walk to the womens bathroom and you will find another mirror before using it go to the showers on the womens bathroom and get the Kitchen Knife go back into the bathroom and use the mirror to leave nightmare mode. When things are back to normal, go back into the showers and you will see on the floor written in blood it says "Bring Me My Son fudgein weired huh? What does this mean???? I don't fudgeing know yet Im just playing the game and typing what I do at the same time lol.

Leave the womens bathroom and go to the "Female dorm 5" and get the Baton and Duty Log, Female Seclusion and Target Pistol Ammo and Patient belongings key

Now go all the way down the hall and take a right and go through the double door, walk forward and you will come to a 4 way, keep going straight to the next set of double doors and unlock then and go through them.  Take a left and go all the way down the hallway and take a right and go to the "East Solarium", go inside and run to the next set of doors to your left and exit the "East Solarium"

You will now be in a big open room, look at your map and go to the "Patient Belongings" room and use the Patient belongings key to unlock the door.  Enter room and to your right on the desk get shotgun ammo x2 and Status Report, 2/7/1961 and type writer, in the back of the Patient Belongings room you will find another nightmare mirror ;)  Let the fun begin

Use mirror,  get shotgun ammo in front of the door and Shotgun on the front of the door :great: leave room and enter hallway.  Look at map and run to the "East Solarium" and get Filing Cabinet and Shotgun ammo and Energy Drink on far desk.

Leave "East Solarium", Look at map, find "Laundry Room" and run there.  Inside on right side of the room get Shotgun ammo and Police Report and Heath Drink from floor, leave "Laundry Room"

Look at map, run to "Day Room" and get First Aid kit and poker leave "Day Room" and run back to double door over by the "East Solarium" that lead to the stairs. when on stairs go down to the basement door, it the back of the small room right there before the door there is Target pistol ammo in th back, Enter basement.  Take a right and enter "Storage" and get Hammer and you will also find another mirror :) use mirror and it will go the the "Storage" room normal mode, get Target Pistol Ammo and the Meat Hook and then unlock the door.

Ok as i look at my map I have already been in almost all of normal basement so I am going back to nightmare mode and searching the rest of the basement. :) you do what ya what.  And also note that I havnt used my shotgun once yet, I am saving it for when I really need it.  USe mirror and go back to nightmare, leave "Storage" room and go forward into the "East Pipe Room" and examine the small hole in the room, it adds a red square on your map?????  Leave "East Pipe Room" and enter the long hallway down the hall on the right. watch out for bug back lee-roy lol (a monster dumb donkey) and you go to the end of the hall and get the Meat Hook and find out its blocked....

Ok look at your map and go back to the "Storage" room in the basement with the mirror, and get the ampoule i just seen i forgot and and go back to normal mode I guess.?.?.?.?.?  Leave "Storage" room and go uo the stairs to the SAVE POINT and save.  Go all the way up to the 2nd floor and take a right and go up to the "Storage" room on the 2nd floor and get the Alcohol Bottle x2 and the Shotgun Ammo x2 and the first aid kit

Go back down to 1st floor and look and your map of the first floor and find the "Women's bathroom/Shower with mirror"  Return to nightmare and leave the "Women's bathroom/Shower" and go down the stairs all the way till the basement.  Enter Basement and go left all the way down until the dead end and find Shotgun Ammo and 2 other things i forget...  Go back to the other door by were you came in..  find out its locked and go back up stairs to the 2nd floor and go to the  "Female Hydro Therapy" room and you will find a SAVE POINT I saved, do as you want. Examine the tubs full of water with the key in it, on the other side of the tub is a green bottom press it and the tub drains, and the key goes with it.

Go back to the stairs and go all the way back down to the basement, when you get to the basement go left and run all the way down that long hall and you will come to a door, go through door and go left to the "East Pipe Room"  Hmm I was guessing that the key that went down the drain would come her but I guess I was wrong, ill have to re-check this in nightmare.  Ok I know now how it is done, leave basement normal mode and go upstairs to the first floor, take a right and then another right and go through the double doors, keeps going forward trough the next set of double doors and make your way to the "Womans Bathroom/Shower" and look at the end stall and you will see that its no longer blocked by wire, go examine the chocolateer and flush it (Dink! Dink!).

Now if your understanding what's going on, wee need to run back down to the basement "East Pipe Room" and hopefully the key wee seen in the tub ends yo there. (Im guessing its the "Dr. Office key")  When you leaves to run back to the basement, watch out for the 2 nurus and the invisible guys.  When you get to the basement watch out for another bug back lee-roy (Yes, that's what im gonna call them) take him down and run to the "East Pipe Room"  Just to find out there is a drain blocking the fudgeing key, damn. im gonna have to try going there in nightmare mode. Run back to basement "Storage" room with the mirror and return to nightmare and leave "Storage" room, watch out for the 2 invisible chain guys that are now here, I run right past them ;) Enter "East Pipe Room" and get Interview archives key

Leave "East Pipe Room" and RUN (I say run because there are now 3 invisible chain guys in the hall) to the "Storage" room"!
USe mirror to reture to normal and leave "Storage" room" and go upstairs to the 2nd floor (SAVEPOINT on 1st floor stairs)  On 2nd floor right as you enter there will be a nurse right in front of you and a bug back lee-roy to to right, take them out. then go forwared to the double door leading to the big room, once in the big room watch out for invisible chain guys, anyway look at your map and run to the "Archive" room.  You have a flashback, pretty cool.  Get Shotgun Ammo and portable TV You will also see a mirror, use the mirror and go to nightmare, examine the room and you will find a Katana Leave the "Archive" room and wee will now be on the 2nd floor big room with lots of un-checked doors

Look at your map, see "T.B Ward" wee are going to run to the double doors right beside it, enter doors and go to the stairs and go down to the part of the basement wee havnt seen yet!.  run all the way down the stairs to the basement door, it the back of the room you will find the "Toolbox"  Enter basement and kill the bug back lee-roy and check the "Storage" room" you will find another mirror leave "Storage" room and go the double doors just up the hall from the"Storage" room to the long hallway leading the to set of stairs wee havnt been at yet. Run down the long hall, watch out for 2 mummys and go up the stairs to the part of the first floor wee havnt been at yet :)  Enter 1st floor and run to the "Male Seclusion" Room enter the room and you will find the Baton and the Medications note, Enter room 3 and get the Energy drink,  Enter room 1 and find a Razor (I hav a feeling wee will be back to this room.

Leave "Male Seclusion" Room, look at your map and run down to the "Infirmary" you will find a SAVE POINT and a puzzle ;)

Puzzle: Doll Puzzle
It's easy

- Room 1 u see the razor right, then the patient 4 is in room 1

- Room 2 u see that's burn, then the patient 2 is in room 2

- Room 3 u see the dress, so the patient 5 is in room 3

- Room 5 u see many food, then the patient 3 is in room 5 because he's very thin

- Then Patient 1 is in room 4 right?

U follow the note: room1-red, room2-blue, room3-yellow, room4-green, room5-blue then u can solve this and have Dr's key.

Get Dr. Harris's Key get Scalpel off the table I missed the first time, leave room and go back to the stairs and back down to the basement, run down the long hall and to the  "Storage" room with mirror wee havnt used yet, go back to normal and get the Amber Icident report leave "Storage" room and go to the stairs door, go trough and you will find a Wrench in the small room before going up stairs. Go to the first floor and go forward and unlock the door in front of you and enter it.  Welcome back to the 1st floor big room, look at your map and make your way to "Dr's. Office".

Enter the Dr.
s Office and go to his desk and get them Jocasta Artifact and also get he Drip Stand.  Leave the Dr.'s office and run to the "East Solarium", run in door, run out other door, run left and up the hall and take your first right and enter double doors, run forward to the next set of double doors and run to the girls "Batroom/Showers" and use the mirror and go to nightmare.  leave girls "Batroom/Showers" and run forward to the "Female Seclusion" and use the Jocasta Artifact to unlock the door.

Cut Scene


BOSS: Your Mother?

First things first, get out your shotgun

Ok, make you you keep moving, only to stop to shoot.  Keep running around her, like only takes like 7 shots for me.

Silent hill

Ok as you leaving grab the Theater Ticket off the table and leave the Sanitarium. glad that's over :)  check out the running car and get Lumber Yard Key.  look at you map and fallo the path out of there and back onto the street.  Run down the street and get on "Toluca ave"  on the right side on the street by the blue hoes you will find Jagged wood on a trash can, keep running down the right side of the road and you will come to a blue car on the hood of the car you will find a Ticket with some written on it.  Keep running down the street and right before"Butchers" in between the buliding you will findTarget pistol Ammo and a Energy drink.  Go in "Butchers" and you will find a Cap with something written on it and a SAVEPOINT.

Leave "Butchers" from the door you didnt come in.. Once outside, look at your map and find your way to the "Lumber yard".  once at the lumber yard go to side door and use the key.  Go throught the lumber yard and get the health drink and keep going until you also get the Hammer keep going until you reached the door.  Once outside look at you map, your on "Industry dr." go to the "Greenfileld apats." parking lot and go around to the back and up the stairs to the room.  you will find Target pistol Ammo x2 and a ScrewDriver and a Toaster and the Napkin and First Aid kit and in the bathroom you will see a hole in the floor, looks like it goes down to a lower level, Will you jump? I am.. JUMP!  Examine the mailbox on the wall and see that apart. 213 has alot of mail.  Run down the stairs and out the double doors.

Once outside make your way to the small dead end to you right and get Meat Hook and service Pistol Ammo uh lal la. "Artaud Theater" out front you will see a ticket stand use your "Theater Ticket" here.

Artaud Theater

Once inside the theater you will find the Map and you will also see a SAVE POINT, save and enter the "Auditorium" to get a cut scene. Now look at your map and go to the ""Storage" Room on your right, use the door on the right to go out onto the stage and you will have another flashback, keep running until you reach the "Curtain control" Room you will find Jagged Wood and enter the "Curtain control" Room.  Once inside you will find a SAVE POINT and Iron Weights and Service Pistol Ammo and a Letter to Peter, you will also see a switch with a red light on the wall, try it and find out it don't work. (yet?)

Leave "Curtain control" Room using the back door and it will take you out to the hall way around the Auditorium, go north through the double doors towards the "Mens dressing Room" and you will see a cut scene of a dummy hanging there comes to life, get ready to shot and kill him and move on to the "Mens dressing Room", Once inside you will find a Katana and the Note on the table, you will also see our first mirror of the theater, but before I use the mirror I want to check out the rest of the theater first.  Leave dressing room and  and go down the hall and you will find another portable TV keep going down the hall and you will have to find another hanging dummy and you will find Shotgun Ammo, look at your map and enter the "Directors Office" and you will find Sun Totem[i/] and a [i]Health Drink and the Service Pistol ;)  and service pistol ammo and a Book on the desk.  Look at your map and run back to the "Curtain control" room doorway and then keep going down the hall and you will find a Hammer. Ok now go back to the "Curtain control" room and back out onto the stage and back to the "Storage" Room to get the typewriter I forgot and back into the "Auditorium" and back to the door wee first came in.

Ok now wee are in the main hall again because I wanted to check out the rest of the theater before i use the mirror.  Back in the main hall you will fide a Health Drink and a Wrench on the right side of the room.  Go upstairs  and get the target pistol ammo off the bench on the right side of the hall.  Go back downstairs and back into the "Auditorium" and make your way to the "Curtain control" room and out the back and into the hall, go down the hall and you will find a Hammer.  Now look at your map and run to the "Mens dressing room" with the mirror, go to nightmare.

Leave the 'Mens dressing room" and run west to the "Directors Office"    and get find the Balcony corridor Key and Service pistol Ammo.  Take a look at your map and run all the way back to the "Curtain control" room and down the hall to the set of stairs, go up the srairs and on the first landing you will find Service pisotl ammo keep going up the stairs and enter the 2nd floor, kill the dummy and examine the door with the 2 square holes, use the Sun Totem.  Go back donwstairs and look at your map, run all the way back to the "Mens Dressing Room" and use the mirror.  Leave the "Mens Dressing Room" and make your way back to the "Lobby" and up the stairs (I know, its sooo much fun to run back and forth all the time.)

Once on the 2nd floor again, Unlock the door on the right side on the hall using the "Balcony Corridor Key". run down to the Lighting Box Room" and get the first aid kit and the 125w light bulb and the 750w light bulb and the 500w light bulb[/i] and the 250W light bulb and the letter to peter and the Screwdriver and the Shotgun Ammo, wow lots of stuff.  Leave the "Lighting Box" and go down the small set of stairs to you left and go through the double doors leading to the other half of the 2nd floor.  Look at your map and go down the stairs at the first landing you will find Health Drink keep going down and thought the doors.  Kill the spiting mummy  and find the Moon Totem, now leave using the north locked door, unlock it and go back to the "Mens Dressing Room" :) and use th mirror.  Leave the "Mens Dressing room and go back were you just came from (The south east stairs) watch out for hanging dummys and bug back lee-roys on the way, Run up the stairs and kill 3 dummys first and then to the door that is marked on your map with a weird symbol and enter the door, run up the stairs and hit another door, you will now be in a small L shaped hallway, kill the bug backed lee-roy and run to the end of the hall and take the door on your right.  Enter the "Costume Storage" room and you will find a mirror, I will use the mirror after I check out the other rooms on the 2nd floor nightmare. Leave the "Costume Storage" room and run west down the hall to find a Kitchen Knife and the Hunting Rifle and Rifle Ammo.  See? Good thing I wanted to see the rest of the 2nd floor nightmare before going back to normal :) run back to the "Costume Storage" room and use the mirror.

Search room and find a Katana and Health Drink and get the Note and hear something smash or something..scary...  Leave room and run down the hall (Watch out for small dummys) and enter the "Orchestra Storage" Room and you will find a SAVE POINT it would be a good idea to save right around here. Search the room and findIron Weights..  Leave the "Orchestra Storage" Room and at the end of the hall you will find a Ampoule. Look at your map, find the "Catwalk" and go there.

Puzzle: Stage lights

Light A= 500W

Light B= 125W

Light C= 750W

Light D= 250W

When you have all the bulb in the right place run to the end of the catwalk and hit the switch, and then you hear a weird screeching sound  on the ground below you. can't wait to see what that is.  Leave the catwalk and go back down the staris and run all the way back up to the "Curtain control" room, and now you can poll the switch down, now leave the room and go onto the stage, you will not see a really big mirror. but don't use it yet go to the very right of the stage and go over tothe controls and figurer out the easy puzzle and hear a another screeching sound. something bigs coming,  the controls change the theme of the stage, so when you change the theme and then use the mirror it takes you to another place I guess.......  Now use the mirror.

Ok, first thing I notice is that I don't have a map for this place, so this got to be fun, make your way to the back (Away from the mirror) you will find Ampoule, Rifle Ammo x2, Chapter 3 Use the mirror and then change the theme of the stage to the one with the tree in the middle.  Use mirror and search the scene, find Stage Office Key, as your walking back you will have a flashback. Use mirro to returen to normal world and leave the stage using the "Curtain control" room and make your way to the "Stage Office" (Watch out for like 6 hanging dummys. no joke!) and unlock door using key.  Inside will be another dummy kill him and find Prop control Lever. Leave room and return to the stage. (Watch out for more monsters on the way)

Get back to the controls and use the Prop control Lever and seen the stages them to the dark blue one (The only one you havnt used yet) and use the mirror.

Cut Scene.

Boss: Some big weird thing?

there really isn't to much I can say about this boss fight, use your rifle or shotgun, he took all my rifle ammo and a few pistol shots..  What i did was stop for a sec. wait till he starts to jump move and then take your shots. good luck...  

Once you have beaten him get the Falsehood piece

Cut Scene.

When you wake up, you will be in the lobby of the theater, check the dead body and get the Motel Key.  Leave the theater :)

Silent hill

Once outside head west on "Koontz St." all the way down to Anna"s bookstore (Watch out for really big bug back lee-roys on the streets now)
At "Cafe Sun" on a table outside there is a Health Drink on the table and Service pistol Ammo" ion the ground.  Search the room and find the [i]Assault Rifle and Assault Rifle Ammo x2 Yahooo!. ;)
now look at the cash register and get the Note and now you will have to enter the register combination.

Spoiler for Combination:
Get the key and leave out the back door, now run onto "Crichton St." and run down to the "general store" and enter the store and find a Ampoule and a ScrewDrvier on the floor, and get the Health drink and a Note you will also see a SAVE POINT on the wall. leave out the back yard, look at your map, turn on "Midway ave" and run now the right side of the road, and turn on the first alley on the right, run down the alley and you will find a Health Drink and you will have to kill the bug backed lee-roy and a really big monster, take them down and get to the end of the alley, turn right and run all the way to the marked spot on your map.  

The Motel

Enter throught the gate and NOTE that you do not have a map for this place yet!. You will find a SAVE POINT this would be a good spot to save :)  Go up the ramp and use the "Motel Key" enter the building. Cut scene, after the scene on the wall under the moose is the Motel Map  Search the room and find the "Room 306 Key" and then go behind the contour a check out the puzzle.  Leave the "Reception" out the right door and you will enter a small outside lot, and my psp froze? Ok, look at your map and up up the stairs and run past room 315 kill the mummy and go into room "316", get the Light stand, leave room 316 and keep going down all the way past room 319 and go down the stairs. Watch out for the bug backed lee-roy and another really big mostser, look at your map and run all the way to room "306", enter 306 and you will find our first Mirror of the motel, before using it I want to check out the rest of the motel.  Enter room "308 and get ready to fight a really big(and new) monster with what looks like to be a small monster stuck on his back?? Kill him and get the shotgun Ammo and leave and run back to room "306".

Use the mirror,get the Note from your father off the wall on the way out and leave.  Go to room "309" and kill the mummy and get the Spear and Health Drink leave the room and run to room "305 and use the door just past the gate on the right, watch out for bug backed lee-roys, leave the yard and go down past the stairs and enter the other yard that stars with room 206.  Watch out for about 3 bug backed lee-roys and enter room "301" kill the mummy and get the first aid kit. leave room and go down to room "503" and you will find our 2nd mirror, before I use it im gonna check the rest of these rooms first.
Ok I check, nothing good, use the mirror. Check out the room and find a Note and leave,  and run down to the green double doors and find a Shovel and then use the green doors and enter the "Maintenance Room" kill the mummy and find the ToolBox Health drink Redeemer Ammo Cool and the Note and check out the Vice on the table. then enter the "Maintenance Hallway" its gray on your map. run down the hall checking all the peep holes and at the end of the hall before the turn you will find a broken Pole when you get to the end of the hall check the last peep hole and get the Photo and the Manager's Office Key.  Leave the "Maintenance Hallway" and go back to the "Maintenance Room" and leave the way you came in and run all the way down by the Staff Accomodation" and use the gate behind it and run all the way around "Staff Accomodation" and you will have to fight a 2 Frogger (yes that is what I will call them now :) ) Once you have killed keep running until you have reached the other side of the "Staff Accomodation" building, go throught the gate an then run all the way up to the "Employee Parking Lot" and unlock the gate.

You will now be back at the first SAVE POINT, save if you wish and enter the "Reception" and go to the" Managers Office" and use the key.  Enter the office and you will ahve to fight a frogger, kill him and get the Note and the Assault Rifle Ammo and Filing Cabinet, leave out the right hand side door.  Enter room "108 and kill the frogger and get Redeemer Pistol w00t w00t and the Redeemer Ammo and the Crate and the [health drink[/i] and [Assault Rifle Ammo[/i].  Leave Room, Enter room "106" and kill yet another frogger and get the Knife and Rifle Ammo x2. Leave room and make your way to the "Kitchen".  Cut scene.

Boss: Bucher

Ok this boss fight I found to be super easy, start with your rifle and keep running around the counter and when you get to a end were he straight coming at you fire off 2 rounds and repeat. after you rifles out of ammo use the Assault Rifle. easy as that. good luck ;)

Once you have killed him (even though I think wee will be seeing him again) get the Meat Gaff by the doorway you came in. Leave the "Kitchen" and run all the way back down by room "108" and unlock the locked gate and go back to the "Reception" do the puzzle now.
The date for the puzzle is...
But there is a small circular depression.. hmm.  Leave the "Reception" and go down to the gate wee havnt been to yet.  Enter room "302" and get the Light stand and leave, go back outside and enter room "209" and kill the mummy and get the Rifle Ammo. leave the room and go back to the gate you came in. take a right and go back up the stairs. Go to room "312" and kill the mummy and get the shotgun Ammo x2 leave, run all the way down and get a Health Drink, turn around a run all the way back past the stairs and down the far set of stairs.  Go down the stairs and enter room "306" and use the mirror.
Leave room and run up to the door right after room"305". go straight and then use the door on your left to go to room "209" and get the Spear, leave and run all the way back to the "Kitchen" (I know, im sorry) and use the door leading to the "Diner". here you will find another "Letter" from your father and a SAVE POINT saving would be a good idea.  Leave using the side door leading to the "Pool",  now go to the "Game Room" and get the Pool cue x4 and the Token[/u],  as your leaving you will have another flashback.  Leave "Game Room" and go to room "102" and kill the frogger and get the [i]Light Stand and Rifle Ammo x2 and leave the room. run to the "Launidro Mat". enter and get the Health Drink, go to the washer and use your Token.

Puzzle: Washer Machine

Quote AzumiUehara

Wash Machine Puzzle (Motel)
1. Insert Coin
2. Low Spin (circle with one dit in the middle)
3. 60 degree wash (water bucket with 2 dots)
4. Drain (square with water and arrow pointing down)
5. Pre-Rinse (square with 3/4 circle and 1 dot)

Once you get the Cleopatra Key leave the "Launidro Mat" and go up the stairs right next to you and look at your map and run all the way to the "Cleopatra" room.  When inside find the Portable TV and Rifle Ammo and the Photo, enter the bathroom and see that the tub is gone and there is a big hole, Jump down??? I am.  Jump down and get a cut scene.  Search the room and get Energy Drink and Shotgun Ammo and the Note.  In the bathroom you will find a mirror, there is no other way out of the room so use the mirror.  Leave the bathroom and you will have to kill a frogger, kill him and get the Energy drink off the bed and also find the Photo on your way out.  Leave the room and enter the "Pool" area, now go to the "Diner" and get the Ornamental Dagger and leave the "Diner".  and run to the now empty pool and get the Jeweled Heart, exit the pool and run over by room 104 and find Rifle Ammo on the ground, now go up the stairs by the "Launidro Mat", ok look at your map and run all the way down to the "Nero" room and use the Ornamental Dagger in the door to unlock it.

Once inside, find the Shotgun Ammo and the Photo and then go inside the bathroom and you will find a Meat Cleaver and another hole in the ground, jump down.  When down search and find the First aid kit and then go throught the "Broken hole in the wall". Now you are in the "Maintenance Hall", run all the way down to the end and find another Photo and then run all the way down to the "Maintenance Room", once in "Maintenance Room" go forward and find a Wrench, keep searching the room and also find a Letter, unlock the other door and leave the room.. Once outside look at your map and run to room "503" and use the mirror to go back to normal.  Go back outside and into the "Maintenance Room" and over to the vice that is marked on your map and use the Jeweled Heart, he will smash it and inside is a Wedding Ring get it.  Ok look at your map, locate the "Reception" and run all the way back there (Fun i know) and go to the puzzle behind the desk and use the Wedding Ring and a key will come out of nowere behind you.  Get the Room 500 key uh lal la.

Ok i think you should no what to do now, run all the way back to room "503" and use the mirror to go to nightmare, when you leave the room.  Saving asap would be a good idea cause who knows what will happen when wee enter room 500.
As you should have already knew go to "Room 500" and unlock it and enter.  First thing I see is that I don't have a map. damn you will see a SAVE POINT use it and go down the long donkey stairs, when you hit bottom and use the door and cut scene.

Boss: The three monsters?
WOW this boss fight was sooo easy that it pissed me off, I used the Rifle, run back and forth and only stop to shoot. easy as that, after about 10 rounds he dies.
Get the Truth Piece and cut scene.  wake up in the ???? and search the room and get the First aid kit and Redeemer Ammo and leave using the door, keep going to the next door and in the next room you will find a Ampoule, keep going and find the Present Piece.  

Puzzle: the Cube
LOL sorru guys, you'll have to figure this one out on your own.


When the cut scene is over, leave using the same door she left, I hate not having a map, run down the hall and take the first door on your right at the end and go up the stairs to the 2nd floor, double you tee eff! your in the Hospital again!!!  Keep gooing down the hall and you will find a SAVE POINT (SAVE!!!!) and then leave using the door with the green exit sign above it.  Cut scene!  Ok by the loks of things, its time to run!! start running and don't stop, its hard for me to tell you the way but just keep going!  Along the way you will find Assault Rifle Ammo x2 and a Energy Drink and a Spear.  well that's all i found along the way, didnt stop and search too much though.  Keep running until you have reached a green door, go inside and go down the long donkey set of stairs and use the door at bottom.  enter room (This same room was in Silent Hill 3 and 1 :) ) search room and go in the small hole in the back of the room, it will lead you to a small tunnel, keep going and at hte end you will come to another small hole , enter.  Run down the hall and you will see a really big SAVE POINT SAVE HERE!!!! and run down the hall.

Cut Scene...

Boss: Samuel
Ok, first of all don't be scared, ok the best move he has is the droping fire, watch the ground so you see it coming and it doent hit you, keep moving only to stop to shoot, for me this boss took 10 redeemer shots, 4 rifle shots, and 18 Assault Rifle shots.  Kill him and beat the game :great:

Congratulations You have just beat Silent Hill :Great:

My Game Summary

*Total enemies killed using melee weapons:  22

*Total enemies killed using firearms:  44

*Total enemies killed using fist:  5

*Total items collected: 276

*Number of map views: 1000

*Number of saves:  25

*Distance walked:  24.50Km

*Total game time:  5:15:32

*Total flashlight use time:  4:15:29 LOL

*Number of Games completions:  1 (So far :) )

*% of enemies killed with melee weapons:  31

*% of enemies killed with firearms"  62

*% of enemies killed withfist:  7

Savior accolade achieved!

Explorer accolade achieved!
I would like to thank you for taking your time and using my guide, and shady for helping fill in the start of the game :)  I spent many hours of this and I hope you found it useful :)
I plan on beating the game again her real soon when i get the time,  i want to see the rest of the endings and unlock more things.  This guide im sure has many of type-o's and I plan on sitting down and fixing them soon.

This guide was made by YoYoBallz for use of Endless Paradigm members, if you are seeing this guide on other sites, just remember , YoYoBallz made this guide :)  And please visit

Thank you


AzumiUehara Wrote:~Basic Silent Hill Origins FAQ~
by AzumiUehara / Azu-mi

1. Don't use the flashlight and alot of the monsters will ignore you but some will still attack though.. most of the game is not that dark so you shouldnt need it
2. Run.. unless your going for the 200 kill prize or the other enemy related prizes then just run specially when out in the street
3. Look everywhere!! this game has tons of items and weapons so look everywhere
4. i don't know if its a stamina glitch or not but if just hold down the run button they won't catch you... even when your running really slow.. i never got caught

Heart Cooler Puzzle (Hospital)

Body Part Puzzle (Hospital)
Intestines - Stomach - Liver - Heart - Lung

Doll Puzzle (Sanitarium)
1. razor blade doll - red pill
2. burned doll - blue pill
3. dress doll - yellow pill
4. skinny doll with long arms - green pill
5. knife wielding doll - blue pill

LightBulb Puzzle (Theater)
a. 500W
b. 125W
c. 700W
d. 250W

Wash Machine Puzzle (Motel)
1. Insert Coin
2. Low Spin (circle with one dit in the middle)
3. 60 degree wash (water bucket with 2 dots)
4. Drain (square with water and arrow pointing down)
5. Pre-Rinse (square with 3/4 circle and 1 dot)

Rotary Calander Puzzle (Motel)

from gamefaqs

1. Savior - Beat the game the first time.
Secret Item - Lonely Moon Gauntlets

2. Butcher - Get the bad ending
Secret Item - Great Cleaver
Hint - In order to get the bad ending, it must be in your second playthough and up. During so you must kill more then 200 enemies.

3. Ambassador - Get the UFO ending.
Secret Item - Tesla Rifle
Hint - To get the UFO, it must be in your second playthough and up. You'll find a key on top of the staircase in an ally north of the Hospital near the beginning of the game called "Room 502 Key" where you will use in the motel.

4. Stalker - Have Flashlight on for less then 10,800 seconds (3 hours)
Secret Item - Night Vision Goggles

5. Collector - Collect more then 300 items

6. Sprinter - Beat the game in less then 7,200 seconds (2 hours)
Secret Item - Well not a special item, but with the costume equipped you'll never get fatigue.

7. Sharpshooter - Kill 75%+ of all enemies with firearms
Hint - Get the UFO ending and use the Tesla Rifle (since it has infinite ammo)

8. Weaponsmith - Kill 75%+ of all enemies with melee weapons
Hint - Use the Lonely Moon Gauntlets, Fire Axe, or Great Cleaver since these weapons have infinite durability.

9. Brawler - Kill 50%+ of all enemies with only your fists

10. Cartographer - Looked at map less then 25 times

11. Explorer - Distanced walked (or ran) greater then 22,500 m (22.5 km)

12. Daredevil - Beat the game without saving

13. Fireman - Rescued Alessa in the beginning in less then 80 seconds.
Secret Item - Fire Axe
Hint - Just time yourself and not bump into any fire or getting lost, and if you fail just restart the game since it's right at the beginning.

14. Codebreaker - Do the Konami Code during your second playthough or up.
Hint - it's up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, X, O. If done right you'll hear a chime


Not done Yet!


<Myth0s> i love boys
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(This post was last modified: 11/04/2008 09:44 AM by YoYoBallz.)
07/11/2007 12:50 PM
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Mc Cabe
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Post: #2
RE: Silent Hill Origins Guide
WOW!! YoYo

this fudgein sweet!!!:yes:

thanks :great:

07/11/2007 12:52 PM
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ʕθ̿␣̅θ̿ʔ ℋiЬЬyℬot™

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Post: #3
RE: Silent Hill Origins Guide
 Results from ℋiЬЬyℬot™ - "better than Google"
Wow YoYo somebody has been busy, :great:

[Image: small_hw_logo_001.png] ʕθ̿␣̅θ̿ʔ ℋiЬЬyℬot™
07/11/2007 12:53 PM
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Chromatic Nutjob

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Post: #4
RE: Silent Hill Origins Guide
I love you, but in an entirely non-sexual way.

Seriously, the problem I have with the silent hill games is that I get lost, confused, and overwhelmed really easily. This is a BIG help. Thanks!

PSN ID: Chroma3000
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superdouche Wrote:
TheGuy Wrote:
superdouche Wrote:You need at least an 8 inch penis, that's what I heard.
Man, if I had 8 inches, I would find a better use for it :P
Like what, pushing elevator buttons?
07/11/2007 01:11 PM
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Post: #5
RE: Silent Hill Origins Guide
metalgear08 Wrote:I love you, but in an entirely non-sexual way.

Seriously, the problem I have with the silent hill games is that I get lost, confused, and overwhelmed really easily. This is a BIG help. Thanks!

[Image: cce6aa9e-c40c-4ae7-aebe-d7780d6fc009.gif]
(This post was last modified: 07/11/2007 03:40 PM by diego.)
07/11/2007 03:39 PM
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Post: #6
RE: Silent Hill Origins Guide
Nice Guide YoYo, gonna go play the game right now.
07/11/2007 03:42 PM
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Sometimes when poo, I hungry

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Post: #7
RE: Silent Hill Origins Guide
sweet good luck with your guide
i think i will put good use to this

and i was thinking to my self that i remembered playing the first one withe the prima guide

(09/06/2011 06:25 AM)S7* Wrote:  Spambots are strange, mysterious creatures.
07/11/2007 03:48 PM
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Grand Warlock

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Post: #8
RE: Silent Hill Origins Guide
lol i misssed so much from the hospital i don't even have a gun i havnt even entered the basment and ive alread beat the boss

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07/11/2007 03:57 PM
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Post: #9
RE: Silent Hill Origins Guide
I hope people find this useful, i am spending alot of time on this.

<Myth0s> i love boys
I Go To Earth When Mars Is Boring.
¿ʞɔпɟ əɥʇ ʇɐɥʍ I was first EPerson to have upside down title.
07/11/2007 09:41 PM
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Post: #10
RE: Silent Hill Origins Guide
i beat the game like a half hour ago and i wrote a basic FAQ.. not a wakthrough.. i found the game rather easy.. the puzzles are really easy if you look at the clues.. here maybe this might help a little..

Spoiler for "My FAQ":
~Basic Silent Hill Origins FAQ~
by AzumiUehara / Azu-mi

1. Don't use the flashlight and alot of the monsters will ignore you but some will still attack though.. most of the game is not that dark so you shouldnt need it
2. Run.. unless your going for the 200 kill prize or the other enemy related prizes then just run specially when out in the street
3. Look everywhere!! this game has tons of items and weapons so look everywhere
4. i don't know if its a stamina glitch or not but if just hold down the run button they won't catch you... even when your running really slow.. i never got caught

Heart Cooler Puzzle (Hospital)

Body Part Puzzle (Hospital)
Intestines - Stomach - Liver - Heart - Lung

Doll Puzzle (Sanitarium)
1. razor blade doll - red pill
2. burned doll - blue pill
3. dress doll - yellow pill
4. skinny doll with long arms - green pill
5. knife wielding doll - blue pill

LightBulb Puzzle (Theater)
a. 500W
b. 125W
c. 700W
d. 250W

Wash Machine Puzzle (Motel)
1. Insert Coin
2. Low Spin (circle with one dit in the middle)
3. 60 degree wash (water bucket with 2 dots)
4. Drain (square with water and arrow pointing down)
5. Pre-Rinse (square with 3/4 circle and 1 dot)

Rotary Calander Puzzle (Motel)

from gamefaqs

1. Savior - Beat the game the first time.
Secret Item - Lonely Moon Gauntlets

2. Butcher - Get the bad ending
Secret Item - Great Cleaver
Hint - In order to get the bad ending, it must be in your second playthough and up. During so you must kill more then 200 enemies.

3. Ambassador - Get the UFO ending.
Secret Item - Tesla Rifle
Hint - To get the UFO, it must be in your second playthough and up. You'll find a key on top of the staircase in an ally north of the Hospital near the beginning of the game called "Room 502 Key" where you will use in the motel.

4. Stalker - Have Flashlight on for less then 10,800 seconds (3 hours)
Secret Item - Night Vision Goggles

5. Collector - Collect more then 300 items

6. Sprinter - Beat the game in less then 7,200 seconds (2 hours)
Secret Item - Well not a special item, but with the costume equipped you'll never get fatigue.

7. Sharpshooter - Kill 75%+ of all enemies with firearms
Hint - Get the UFO ending and use the Tesla Rifle (since it has infinite ammo)

8. Weaponsmith - Kill 75%+ of all enemies with melee weapons
Hint - Use the Lonely Moon Gauntlets, Fire Axe, or Great Cleaver since these weapons have infinite durability.

9. Brawler - Kill 50%+ of all enemies with only your fists

10. Cartographer - Looked at map less then 25 times

11. Explorer - Distanced walked (or ran) greater then 22,500 m (22.5 km)

12. Daredevil - Beat the game without saving

13. Fireman - Rescued Alessa in the beginning in less then 80 seconds.
Secret Item - Fire Axe
Hint - Just time yourself and not bump into any fire or getting lost, and if you fail just restart the game since it's right at the beginning.

14. Codebreaker - Do the Konami Code during your second playthough or up.
Hint - it's up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, X, O. If done right you'll hear a chime

[Image: azumigiftcopy-1.jpg]
07/11/2007 11:07 PM
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