Hmm... I noticed I'm starting to lose interest in certain things... things that I used to love, but I feel like I have no time for them anymore. If it is a time issue, then I would have to let one or some of them go.
I think I have too many hobbies and interests. I love anime, games, guitar, and drawing, but lately I haven't had time to do any of them. I don't even have a job yet, but once I get one, I'll probably have hardly any time do any of them anymore. For instance, I have not been watching anime
AT ALL lately. Not a single episode of anything. I'm starting to think I don't care about it anymore, or maybe I feel like I can't keep up with newer anime series, maybe because I have no interest in the story lines, and I would be watching them, just to watch them, which is not what I do. I would only do that if I'm completely bored, and I have absolutely nothing to do. So basically, the only anime I had been watching, are series that I have already seen or older ones that I haven't. So far I've been watching:
Cromartie High School (I made it to episode 11... then just stopped out the blue)
Seikon no Qwaser (First season. I only have one more episode to watch)
High School of the Dead (I've only seen the first episode...)
It's not that I don't like them, in fact I find them pretty interesting so far, but every time I think I'm going to watch the next episode of one of those series, I go play video games.
This is pretty much the same with other interests. Every time I want to pick up the guitar, I mess around on the internet. I feel like I've been neglecting it a lot lately. There used to be a time when I couldn't put it down, now it just sits in it's gig-bag untouched. I did pick it up last week, and I finally learned to play "No, Thank you" from Hokago Tea Time (K-ON!!) lol, but I haven't touched it since learning that song. I've also learned how to play "The Diamond Sea" by Sonic Youth (my favorite song
). Now, I haven't touched it all this week. I feel like I have to work out a schedule for things that I want to do :/
I think I've completely lost interest in drawing... My work sucks anyway... I used to want to make cartoons. Maybe something like "Family Guy" or "Beavis and Butthead", but now... I just don't care anymore. I used to love drawing, but I haven't drew something new in a year. I feel as if I have gotten rusty, and I'm not inspired to draw anything, anymore, anyway... Back when I was in school, I used to sit in class and draw in the margin of my notebook when I should've been taking math notes lol, that or when someone asked me draw something for them. People would used to request strange things lol. This one time, back in high school, this guy asked me to draw a picture of Spongebob on drugs. I said okay, since I had never drawn Spongebob before and it would be a new challenge. So I went home, waited until Spongebob came on (I couldn't draw him from memory at first) then I picked up my pencil and paper, and started drawing. I went to school the next day, and the guy loved it. I was supposed to draw it for him back in middle school, but I completely forgot. He like the picture so much he told me that he showed it to his dad. I thought, "Why the Fuck would you show that to your dad?" if you knew what it said in the speech bubbles, you would know why I said that.
Also, that was a recurring thing, people always told me they showed their parents the pictures I drew them. Only a few people would ask me to draw something normal, but everyone else asked for something outrageous. "Hey, Natalie! Can you draw a picture of Bart and Marge Simpson having sex?
Please" I would just laugh, but they were serious. I didn't know what sex looked like at that time, because I was in the fifth grade... but I managed to do it anyway. I just thought, "
I'll draw him on top of Marge and..." basically I guessed right, I didn't have trouble drawing Bart's "you-know-what..." because, this guy had given me his "Guy Puberty" hand book that was given out a week earlier in exchange for my "Girl Puberty" hand book (wee had a nurse come to school and tell us about future body changes). So I basically got an image of what a penis looks like thanks to the diagram. Anyway, before I could give it to the guy, it had slipped out of my notebook on the bus, and some girl who hated me picked it up, and showed it to the bus driver. Yeah... I got in trouble. I was sent to the vice principal's office and he said, "It's a good picture, but it's not something you bring to school, okay? Hmm... 1 day out of school suspension, for you." I thought... "WHAT?!" It wasn't because of the suspension, it was "'s a good picture, just don't bring it to school..." comment that got me. He then made copies of it. One for the principal, a second one for the suspension slip (along with the original) to give to my grandfather, a third one for the county office (oh boy... it's a serious issue then...), and a forth one for... himself? I thought it was funny lol. Also, what part of it was good? It was basically a mother having sex with her son? Total incest! Then again... Every one thought the vice principal was kind of creepy anyway, because he had said weird things to other students at that school... :/
Anyway... This seemed to follow me after that, since I became notorious as the girl who drew obscene Simpsons pictures, people in middle school would ask me to draw a bunch of other pictures that were sexual.
"Hey, Natalie! Can you draw a picture of me having sex with my girlfriend? I want to give the picture to her."
"Would she be okay with that?" I replied.
"Yeah, she asked me to ask you to draw it, since she thought you wouldn't do it for her, since she doesn't know you..." he said.
Apparently she knows
of me... I didn't want to be known for that, anyway... I drew the picture for the guy anyway, since he was a good friend, and he paid me $10, because his girlfriend really liked it lol. I later got in trouble that year in the sixth grade (I forgot to mention what grade sorry...), and the principal confiscated a picture of what I had drew for someone else of Bart, Homer, and Marge naked, and basically arguing back and forth over who could give it too her better. I thought, "
Yeah... I'm basically going to be known as a sex pervert before I even have sex, all because I can't learn to say the word 'no' to certain people..." I was thinking that because, my math teacher had pulled me aside, and basically had a "serious discussion" about my "obsession with sex". I told her that I'm not obsessed and I don't even think about it, which was true, because I was only drawing those pictures for other people. I just had to give them the pictures at school, because I live in a rural area. Those people lived
miles away from me, so school was the only place to give them these pictures. I thought I was discreet about it, but apparently some bitch found out and tattled to the teacher, by "writing her a note".
I'll wrap this section up by saying, I got in trouble again in high school for it. I know... Seems I never learned... And the principal from middle school
coincidentally gets a job as the new principal for the high school. Since he knew me, he confiscated my notebook, and called me and my drawings "sick and demented" and called it pornographic literature. Whatever. After that happened, I never went back to school. It wasn't because of that, it was also other things as well that I don't feel like discussing. I never planned on dropping out. I would go to school for maybe 2 to 3 days out of a week, before I started missing weeks of school. Basically, what happened... I had missed over 53 days out of the school year, and they just removed my name from the school's list of enrolled students. Ironically it happened on the same day I planned to go back to school, after I had gotten over my emotional problems. My sister came home and basically told me, what I just told you.
Well I do plan to go back to school in August. I was talking to an old friend on Facebook yesterday and he mentioned how hard it is to find a job even if you have a high school diploma. He said, "Basically, you need a Fucking degree to get a job around here, unless it's fast food lol" Which I agreed with, because I tried to get a job at a department store and I never got a call back :( So, I decided it would be better if I just went back to school, that way I can improve my chances of getting a job. After I find one, I plan to move out of this town, or maybe the whole state. I might move back to Long Island, but it's expensive to live there as compared to living in North Carolina, so I might just move to another part of the state.
Oh well... lol. I just thought I'd update my blog. I hadn't posted anything in it for awhile, and I don't want it to get dusty D;