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Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends THEME
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Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends THEME
This my Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends THEME!!

Foster's Inluv team m33!!

Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends Theme! Complete new theme! wel 98% completely new theme,..

All icons/picture's are captured from all seasons up untill the last running episode,. see custom viz ;)

I am still saving for a Wii
[Image: f_Paypalm_09ab8a1.png]
Update 12 juli 2008Fixxed the visulizer_plugin.rco thanks to matchung and for making the CTF,. again!!

Update 11 juli 2008 New Click sounds! :)
                           fixxed Msvideo, remoteplay and changed some small thingy's
Special Thanks to Schmilk and matchung! for making the CTF,. for some reason i could't make a 100% CTF!

Update 7 juli 2008 converted to 4.01m33
                                       new Search icon and new video control panel icons
Update 13 june 2008 Atrac3plus playback fixxed reuploaded theme's, thanks to "chrono7" for testing and sending me some atracplus files

UPDATE: 12 june 2008 Foster's theme v8 for cf 3.95GEN flash0 and CTF!
                                                                 updated all prx files,. and there is 1 more slideshow picture,. thanks sony!!
                                                                 Also some sysconfg offsets for other language's

UPDATE: 10 june 2008 Replaced compressed "visualizer and music player RCO's" with uncompressed rco's, now the viz frame and the "random" button is showing again.! ")

[Image: releasepic.jpg]

This was my first theme ever and i have been updating Foster's theme for more then a year now,.
only this update is almost a complete new theme,. the only things not
changed are the bootsound,gameboot and click sounds.

This is my most complete theme i ever made,. lol "photo slideshow clock",.. >> custom! ;)

- 6 main side load icons,. 1 submenu side load icon and 3 "submenu in folder" side load icons.
- In the main icons you will see the sub icons.
- Multiple UMD and memory icons
- Custom bootsound and logo
- Custom click sounds
- Floating fosters picture
- Custom musicplayer menu viz menu custom NEW viz's etc.
- 01-12.bmp with 12 different foster's backgrounds
- Custom OSK i used new font for my foster's OSK!!
- Custom Control panels, photo/camera/music/video/umd video with glow icons
- Custom photo/music/video menu's
- gameboot
- Custom batttery/volume"BAR" and all icon's that goes with that, mute/avls/pops,jazz etc
- M33 update/
- UMD update removed and GO!Messenger enabled
- All help screens custom
- Infobars custom
- Alot of text edit's and other small stuff
- Custom slideshow
- Smooth scrolling
- busy icon and 2 different playing icons,. music/photo and video
- New custom USB bar
- All icons custom,.................
- New fosters slideshow

Update 15 March 2008 Converted my 3.80m33 Foster's theme to CTF format for use in CXMB v3.1!! AWESOME!

Update 15 March 2008 Converted my 3.90m33 Foster's theme to CTF format for use in CXMB v3.1!! AWESOME!

Update 3 February 2008 Foster's 3.90m33 theme v7
                      The same theme as foster's 3.80m33 v6 but with new font and reposition clock, the skype rco custom
[Image: f_uploadpicm_0672f45.png]

UPDATE 31 January 2008 Foster's 3.80m33 theme v6 Awesome update!!

About the theme update:
- All rco's custom
- 20 prx files custom,.
- M33 update in network, link to foster's site and reboot in settings
- new battery icon!!
- all new viz's in music player
- completely new animated music player menu
- all control menu's custom button's: photo/silideshow control menu's
                                     music control menu
                                     camera photo/movie control menu's
                                     video and umd video control menu's
- added new sounds and 5 new shutter sounds in camera menu settings
  Bloo, Mac, wilt, Coco and eduardo
- new opening logo
- completely new OSK menu in XMB, browser and ingame with colored selected button
- Added 14 new glow icon's wich are static so selected icon's are double icon's
- new 01-12.bmp
- the whole XMB/all menu's have smooth scroll and fade-in fade-out
- custom option menu's for photo, music, video browser
- updated USB connection
- custom information screen's
- some small adjustments,..

And the picture's:
[Image: f_Screenshot0m_db83db2.png] [Image: f_Screenshot0m_6a7671d.png]

[Image: f_Screenshot0m_b4a1728.png] [Image: f_Screenshot0m_80485f9.png]

[Image: f_Screenshot0m_1fc6f50.png] [Image: f_Screenshot0m_0f321d4.png]

[Image: f_Screenshot0m_0e4681f.png] [Image: f_Screenshot0m_766eae3.png]

[Image: f_Screenshot0m_bcbea01.png] [Image: f_Screenshot0m_553089e.png]

[Image: f_fScreenshotm_e088ed7.png] [Image: f_Screenshot0m_643e5bd.png]

[Image: f_Screenshot0m_55c49fb.png] [Image: f_Screenshot0m_67ddeeb.png]

[Image: f_Screenshot0m_9524a4c.png] [Image: f_Screenshot0m_37cadbb.png]
[Image: f_ffScreenshom_1cf30ef.png] [Image: f_Screenshot0m_7402131.png]

UPDATE2 15 January 2008 Foster's 3.80m33 theme V3
                                                                                 New busy icon
                                                                                 New updated Foster's Slideshow
                                                                                 Added paf, vshmain and sysconfg prx files                                                                                

UPDATE2 15 January 2008 Foster's 3.80m33 V2  Deflated topmenu_icon.rco!! all icon's all glow icon's!! :yipi:
                                                                                  Fixxed some small icon's,..

UPDATE2 14 January 2008 Foster's 3.80m33 custom theme V1 !!!! :yipi:
                                                                                  This time all rco's are colored!!
                                                                                  For now only the opening_plugin.prx and the reboot prx,.
                                                                                  Foster's 3.80 ptf included,. when using the ptf in combination you get all glow icon's
                                                                                  New USB mode and new opening screen
                                                                                  New icon's radio, screenshot folder's etc etc,. (?? loading camera icon)

UPDATE2 13 January 2008 Foster's 3.80 ptf theme

UPDATE2 13 January 2008 New usb mode,. thanks to Schmilk! .>>> reuploaded theme
[Image: f_screenshot0m_d856721.png]

UPDATE2 12 January 2008 100% music infobar, thanks to Sschevy2001 and gsmoke!
                                                                                  >>reuploaded theme

UPDATE2 22 December 2007 Foster's v3 now with gameboot and commengui,..

UPDATE2 29 SeptemberFoster's for 3.71m33 update 3 and 4!!

                          READ the README!!

                          Took some time but its one of the best foster's update's ever!! ;)
  • All rco's recolored!!
  •   Option in extra folder for multiple icon's
  •   New default/unknow/broken data etc etc icon's
  •   New info bars
  •   Fixxed theme infobar
  • 2 foster's ptf theme's included in extra folder when using no multiple icon's you
         can switch between small or original large icon's and small different glow icon's
  • New background picture's
  • All icon's resized but no glow icon's for settings icon's below usb connection.
  • Volume bar and battery changed
  • And finally the savedata icon!! ;)
  • Viz changed some icon's

    UPDATE2 29 September A new episode of Foster's home for Imaginary Friends >>> PTF theme's
                                               Foster's ptf format 2 theme's 1 FostersHome and 2 FostersFun
                                               All icon's have glow icon's theme FostersHome has bloo Glowicon's, FostersFun has white glow icon's
                                               Also included 3 separate backgrounds so you can switch background in thr photo menu,.
    FostersHome                                                  FostersFun
    [Image: f_Image00001m_328d729.jpg][Image: f_Image00002m_c97bb23.jpg]

    UPDATE2 17 SeptemberFoster's theme updated for PSP slim 3.60m33

    UPDATE 12 September
    [Image: f_2m_c1e5ce9.jpg] [Image: f_3m_9559e8b.jpg]

    -All Icon's replaced except the browser icon,.. lol
    Some icon's may look the same but they are infact made new from
    -Added different multiple memorystick and UMD icon's,..
    -Added new glow icon's,.. maybe will be different with new update,..
    -Hibbyware made a theme flasher, so only have to copy ontents to
    root of memorystick and flash the theme from the XMB, with original
    theme restore feature!!(NO origianl sony files are used in the restore
    theme feature!!)

    Install read >> readme.txt!!
    NOTE: this is an old video of my theme!! look at the screenshots posted above!!

    Source: YouTube

    3.40oe preview:
    Youtube 3.40oe

    Basicly everything is customized iquess..
    In the extra folder are some other files: backgrounds, option menu PRX files,
    aplication's i used, Other sounds and a different topmenu and prx files, custom 01-12.bmp,
    some other gameboot's.. and there is a cutom busy icon etc etc

    5 august 2007
    Updated: -vsh.prx custom(font color changed)
             -paf.prx(space between iocn's and scroll speed)
             -new infobar's>>> thanks squee666 !!
             -new battery icon
             -new volume bar
             -new opening logo
             -topmenu_plugin.rco smaller icon's
             -I have added all kind of different rco and prx files compressed and
              uncompressed in the extra folder and also all application's i used..
    1 august 2007
    Updated: -RCO files are compressed no need to delete dic files
             -Slideshow longer fade-out
             -Also added black font for sub menu's,.. Thanks to Bstronga
              Black font,.. use with white background,.. white font use with all..
             -Added custom location free player and normal location free player files..
              If you replace the dic folder you can install the location free player..


    1-Conect a usb cable to PC

    2-Go into "recovery mode" (Turn of PSP completely, turn on and hold the right shoulder button)

    3-Go into "Advanced"

    4-Select "Toggle USB (flash0)

    5-A window will pop-up

    6-Make a back up of all files on the flash0 to the pc,
      so you can copy back font and resource folder if something goes wrong.

    7-IMPORTEND :First copy over the font folder to the window(flah0:\) and select "yes to all"

    *8-NOTE: This is optional but nessacery anymore because i compressed the rco files now
       So if you want more Flash0 space you can copy the dic folder to flash0, it contains dummy dic files.

    9-Second copy over the vsh folder and kn folder, to flash0:/ and select "yes to all".

    10-select back in recovery and exit..

    Now you complete foster's theme

    Thanks to Dark Alex(For all previous Custom Firmware's!! thanks),
           Zingaburga(RCO editor and lots more),  
           Team M33 (Custom Firmware 3.51 M33),      
           Bstronga(option menu/infobar PRX,sysconfig.prx,
                    prx compressing),
           s_king (the 3.5x prx compressor),
           gsmoke (the opening sound),
           squee666 (2 extra info bars),
           And all other people who made this posible!!

    Latest Foster's Version!!
    Download FLASH0 4.01m33 v8
    Download CTF 4.01m33 v8

    Download FLASH0 3.95GEN v8
    Download CTF 3.95GEN v8

    Download FLASH0 3.90m33 v8
    Download CTF 3.90m33 v8

    Download 3.90m33 v7
    Download 3.80m33 v6
    Download 3.71m33 update 3 or 4>> v5
    Download 3.52m33 XMB flasher

    Download 3.80 PTF
    Download 3.71 PTF

    Download 3.90 CTF
    converted by Me, for use in CXMB v3 for cf 3.90m33
    Download 3.80 CTF
    converted by Me, for use in CXMB v3.1 for cf 3.80m33

    Download 3.40oe version: Foster's Theme


  • Make loads of $$!! it wurks!!
    [Image: csbanner_anim_03.gif]
    Signed Homebrew by bsanehi & OMightyBuggy
    Spoiler for My miniBlog:
    (This post was last modified: 12/07/2008 07:13 AM by Vegetano1.)
    07/06/2007 09:16 AM
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    Former Admin ;)

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    Post: #2
    RE: [split] Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends THEME
    lol COOL xD *humms fhfif theme* na naa nanana naa na naa nanaaaa

    [Image: ub1985584.jpg]
    07/06/2007 06:33 PM
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    Post: #3
    RE: [split] Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends THEME
    Ge64 Wrote:lol COOL xD *humms fhfif theme* na naa nanana naa na naa nanaaaa

    :info: A new season started just now, season 5!!


    Make loads of $$!! it wurks!!
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    Signed Homebrew by bsanehi & OMightyBuggy
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    08/06/2007 09:48 AM
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    Existential Entity

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    Post: #4
    RE: [split] Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends THEME
    thanks for sharing your hard work...gonna try it now......:)
    09/06/2007 05:04 PM
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    Post: #5
    RE: [split] Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends THEME
    nomatter Wrote:thanks for sharing your hard work...gonna try it now......:)

    What if there was not a RCO editor!? Wis

    Anyway hope you like the theme..


    Make loads of $$!! it wurks!!
    [Image: csbanner_anim_03.gif]
    Signed Homebrew by bsanehi & OMightyBuggy
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    (This post was last modified: 09/06/2007 11:48 PM by Vegetano1.)
    09/06/2007 11:47 PM
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    Post: #6
    RE: [split] Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends THEME
    3.51m33 and 3.52m33 online!!


    Make loads of $$!! it wurks!!
    [Image: csbanner_anim_03.gif]
    Signed Homebrew by bsanehi & OMightyBuggy
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    26/07/2007 01:38 PM
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    Post: #7
    RE: [split] Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends THEME
    Youtube Preview 3.52m33 online:


    Make loads of $$!! it wurks!!
    [Image: csbanner_anim_03.gif]
    Signed Homebrew by bsanehi & OMightyBuggy
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    26/07/2007 03:41 PM
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    Post: #8
    RE: [split] Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends THEME
    UPDATE m33 theme!!

    -Typo in the "Foster's slideshow"
    -New timing and longer fade-out in sysconfig_plugin.prx>>Thanks Bstronga!!
    -Added a custom OSK from BubbleBlock theme in the extra's folder

    Make loads of $$!! it wurks!!
    [Image: csbanner_anim_03.gif]
    Signed Homebrew by bsanehi & OMightyBuggy
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    27/07/2007 03:33 AM
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    Post: #9
    RE: [split] Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends THEME
    quite nice i must say

    27/07/2007 11:58 AM
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    Post: #10
    RE: [split] Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends THEME
    hehe, nice theme.
    27/07/2007 12:08 PM
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