Hellgiver Wrote:Some might feel that there is an extent to which they are willing to push for something. Why would one truly accept an idea of immortality? If such a god exists, how is it fair for him expect so much "faith" from us? What is he accomplishing by doing this? This would imply that our own thoughts humanize god in a way that many religions claim he is above. So, would this mean that the meaning of our life is the meaning of God's life? Such life would imply an end and a beginning, but a person of religion might counter that by turning it into a win for them because it is showing just how fallible wee truly are. I could see that being an argument that would not achieve a suitable end.
Humanizing God, it seems, is only a tool to help understand what God would represent. Sadly, the pure idea is too polluted to take seriously now. This is the issue with modern religion - the idea of
believing in a Humanized God makes the belief false. If God exists, surely it would be much more than just Human. Surely, it's somewhat insulting to think of God to be anything like any one of us.
Nobody should expect anything in return for having faith in something greater than us because human-kind has been pitiful for as long as wee know - so someone who expects anything from something great than us is simply selfish.
Hellgiver Wrote:If I reject god, I might be coming to a second pair of choices, one of which as been mentioned: why should I even continue? or what is this all for? I think one would have to start looking toward the ideas of the beginning of the universe.
Forever an issue - is the universe a chain of events that occurred from
chance just as much as everything
just so happens to have been perfect to support life on our planet? Come on. Science is theoretical where it counts - it can't explain the perfection required for our existence so it falls back on a convenience called "chance". I don't know about you - but that explanation is too weak for me to accept.
Hellgiver Wrote:Do you think it is worth the energy to think into it further? It is impossible to know.
Asking if God exists completely relies on someones view on what God
is. If I said God was you and I and everybody else - does that mean "God" exists?
Regardless, there is an answer to every question so it is possible to know.
Hellgiver Wrote:Do wee sit there and doubt what wee are told or do wee "just go on". Some "seem" to have come to a conclusion. How does it not bother them? This "what if" stuff. It is a very pervasive idea in my life. Some scoff at it, but the lack of evidence is truly annoying.
Ha ha. Who's to say humans have the right to know in the first place? Surely wee only have the right to know as much as a human is
capable of knowing.
Hellgiver Wrote:Spending eternity in heaven or hell...
Is the biggest load of bullsh
it I've ever known. This idea alone makes humans seem very simple.
Hellgiver Wrote:these what if's seem to become huge areas that many find worth their time if they "accept" an idea, such as a general religion's founding commonality.
Because it helps if wee have purpose, doesn't it?
Hellgiver Wrote:People I talk to appear not to think much about this stuff, but it really bugs me. But, is it worth the energy to sit here and keep going, or to possibly do something else that would gain me more pleasure?
Can you answer that question? Do you enjoy contemplating this? I do. I like looking for answers.
Hellgiver Wrote:I'm not going to continue, because there literally is no end, but those are my thoughts...
Thanks for sharing them. Hope you had a great birthday by the way!
Hellgiver Wrote:what I do know is I feel like doing something else. I'll just go with what I "know" for now. Gonna get a soda...
But the questions will always be with you. Just as much as they are with many people wee know. The sad bit is that some people have accepted religious beliefs that denies them the right to contemplate - and surely that, in itself, is a human sin.