The newest CustomFirmware/HEN for your PSP: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.20 TN-C by Total Noob (already signed): 6.20 TN-C *signed*
Quote:6.20 TN-C Changes:
* Added 50 MB large memory support for every PSP model except PSP classic.
* Added online gaming support.
* Added server for TN NETWORK UPDATE.
* Fixed bug in VSHMenu where CPU speed hasn’t changed when set to default.
* Fixed bug in Digital Comics that caused a crash.
* Fixed server redirection.
* Removed FAKE INDEX.DAT from VSHMenu, but feature is still effective (move version.txt to X:/seplugins/).
* Signed HEN with prxEncrypter (thanks to Mathieulh, bbtgp, coyotebean, kgsws and everyone who involved to this project).
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Signed 5.03 kxploit v7 by VFlame (already signed):
Run the HEN loader straight from the XMB of your PSP! Signed 5.03 kxploit v7
Quote:Changelogs (translated):
* Version 7
o Streamlining the code, reducing execution time. Now the public can readily disguised, the size is only 440KB or so.
* Version 6
o Davee's $ v1 used method to obtain power_buf_address, less time and more accurate. Thank here.
* Version 5
o To archive a full model GM, into the CFW will not run again after the crash, such as
* [!] CFW state of repair can not run some of the UMD game problems (MHP3 need 6.37 version.txt)
* [+] Support PSPGO M2 Memory Stick
* [+] support for PS1 games made
5.00 Prometheus-4/5.03 Prometheus-4/5.50 Prometheus-4 by hirmfaxi: Liquidzigong's Prometheus add-on for PSP custom firmware 5.50 GEN-D/5.03-GEN-C/5.00 M33-6. Play the latest and greatest 6.XX-required games without any difficulty—no ISO patching or nothing. 5.00 Prometheus-4 5.03 Prometheus-4 5.50 Prometheus-4
5.50 GEN-D3 FiNaL :
5.50 GEN-D3 from Team GEN,games that are released to the date "15.12.09" are now working. You need 4.01 M33 to upgrade !!!
Not for PSP Slim with Datacode 8C or PSP 3000 !
Install & Download :
*Download 5.50 GEN-D3 Final and extract the archive
*copy then XGEN folder to PSP/GAME and run the update in your PSP
*Press X to Enter
*Press X for "Flash Install CFW 5.50 GEN-D3"
*after installing press X and your PSP will reboot
*you are now on 5.50 GEN-D3 ;)
5.50 GEN-D/D2 Pack :
5.50 GEN-D + D2 full pack from Team GEN.
One 5.50 GEN-DX is no Savegame problem and jak and daxter the lost frontier is working . You need 4.01 M33 to upgrade !!!
Not for PSP Slim with Datacode 8C or PSP 3000 !
Install & Download :
*Download 5.50 GEN-D + D2 FULL Pack by flofrucht and extract the archive
*copy the UPDATA and the GEN-D2 folder to PSP/GAME
*run the 5.50 GEN-D installer
*Press X to Enter
*Press X for "Flash Install CFW 5.50 GEN-D"
*after installing press X and your PSP will reboot
*you are now on 5.50 GEN-D :yahoo:
to install 5.50 GEN-D2 :
*run the GEN-D2 update
*Press X to install 5.50 GEN-D2
*Done..You are on 5.50 GEN-D2
Recovery Flasher v1.65 by Hellcat w. 5.50 GEN-D3 FULL PACK:
* recover semi-bricks * up-/downgrade your CFW *
* flash *ANY* CFW directly to almost any other *
* backup/restore firmware flash (not NAND dump) *
* make and restore NAND dumps *
>> all without Pandora <<
* fixed compatibility with 6.20-TN HEN
* added check for 6.20-TN and the 6.35 HEN
* added check for 6.20-TN HEN's flash0 protection being enabled
* added check for configured game mode plugins when on 6.20-TN and the 6.35 HEN
* added detection of the PSP4000 model and the PSPgo
* added appropriate handling of all of the above, when detected, to avoid unnecessary tears casted by users
* added support to handle 6.00, 6.10 and 6.20 FWs for restore of (filewise) flash backup and clean install from scratch
* added decryption of extracted (hidden) updater driver modules - and so enabling downgrade from 6.35+ (only on hackable PSPs though, for now)
* added new firmware packs to install clean 6.20 OFW using Recovery Flasher
* bundled the existing 5.50-GEN firmware packs with the main release
PSP 6.35 and 6.31 Downgrader (to 6.20):
Downgrade your PSP running 6.35 or 6.31 firmware to the earlier, HEN-capable, 6.20 firmware.
Quote:6.35/6.31 » 6.20 Downgrader By Davee
[What does it do?]
Allows users who are incontent with their firmware to downgrade to 6.20 using the Sony Updater.
[How do I use it?]
Copy the "PSP" folder to your PSP. The downgrader is "signed" and can be launched from OFW XMB. You need to copy the 6.20 update to PSP/GAME/UPDATE/EBOOT.PBP and for PSPgo it must be the eflash it is placed on. After setup run the downgrader and follow the onscreen instructions.
[What does it technically do?]
It uses the utility/power exploit to gain kernel access and reboots into the updater with a special PRX running. This PRX uses the pspdecrypt functionality to decrypt the updater PRX when needed. This allows the updater to boot in the newer firmwares.
[I'm a dev, sup?]
The source is in the SRC folder... if you even read this. Use the source for referencing, updating, snipping etc, remember where you got it from. Also, there is a HBL Sukkiri version, see the "Makefile" for info on the various modes, etc
bbtgp - legend. Continued updates to psardumper (pspdecrypt) and the signing application "prxEncrypter".
coyotebean - legend. Coninuted updates to psardumper (pspdecrypt) and large influence and research regarding cryptographics.
kgsws - legend. First application signed and method released.
Silverspring - legend. Lots and lots of info on KIRK where wee'd still be in the dark without.
Bubbletune - BTCNF injection code and bits and bobs here ;D
You run the application at your OWN risk. I am not help accountable if you PSP fudges up.
Psardumper 6.35(dump & decrypt firmwares) :
With Psardumper you can dump and decrypt all PSP Firmwares also the latest Firmware 6.35 Download
PSPIdent 0.73.2:
With PSPIdent you can identify your PSP's Hardware.
Yoti updated PSPIdent to version 0.73.2 old version by jas0nuk Download
ISO Tool v1.970 (Patch new games) :
Homebrew coder Takka has released another version of ISO Tool, a very handy homebrew app that allows you decrypt EBOOT.BIN files, repack ISOs, and/or convert ISOs to CSO format. Download
5.50 GEN D2-D3 Switcher :
D2-D3 Switcher is a simple PSP homebrew to switch easily from CF 5.50GEN-D3 to -D2 and viceversa.
It works changing only the peagasus.prx in Flash0. Returning to D2 (using the D2's peagasus.prx) you will can use those savedatas that appear corrupted in D3 or play those games that have issues with D3 (such as Jak and Daxter, Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker, etc...). But remember to come back to D3 when you want to play those modern games that require it
Quote:P.s.: oh, and NO, I'm not come back in the PSP scene, this is only a tool that I made after a request by community, nothing else.
Game Categories v12 / Game Categories Light v1.2b:
This plugin allows you to categorize your games/homebrew. It comes with two modes, a mode which makes a context menu pop up each time you open your Game Menu and lets you choose the category, and a mode which displays multiple memory stick icons, one for each category.
With audioboost you can higher the volume limit of your PSP. Press HOME+R to enable audioboost.
Working Well In Games 30% boost in sound. Small lag in XMB
DayViewer enables complete customization over the date & time string in the upper right corner of the XMB. Dynamically add the weekday, the month name, the year, the hour, minutes and seconds; you can even add the battery percentage level too. Add whatever text you see fit by editing “dayviewer_config.txt.”
*Copy Themes to PSP/THEME(but you need CXMB for CTF.Themes)
*Copy homebrews to PSP/GAME
*Copy plugins ms0:/seplugins and add a line with the plugin in in the txt.file(for XMB = vsh.txt,Game = game.txt,PSX = pops.txt
Always Up2Date !
Read the readme for usage !
The thread was a lot of work,if you liked it please give me +REP =)
(This post was last modified: 03/03/2011 10:18 AM by flofrucht.)
03/07/2010 06:41 AM
Let's finger this out.
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Joined: 9th Oct 2009
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The last island = little GTA Clone ;D
battlegrounds = tank shooting
guitar star = guitar hero clone
psp dungeons = dungeons psp game
deal or no deal = that you must know
labkillhomer3d = kill homer in a labyrinth
breakout4psp = breakout
digger =