PSP-Hacks April Fools 2
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Dr. Soup
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Post: #21
RE: PSP-Hacks April Fools 2

The meaning of life is existence. Wee are just here to exist. Here to save the balance. Not the balance of good and evil or black and white as these exist because wee do. To exist you have to leave some sort of sign. There is something that needs life to exist, wee're here and try to get to know more about our roots. Thus wee began with science to explain the things wee didn't create, but by doing so wee changed the meaning of these and any further attempts to gain knowledge were based on these incorrect assumptions.
22/03/2010 12:02 PM
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Post: #22
RE: PSP-Hacks April Fools 2
i have a OS X CD, if I put it in my UMD drive, can I run OS X on my PSP?

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22/03/2010 12:06 PM
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Post: #23
RE: PSP-Hacks April Fools 2
You can't combine ps2 with psp Drink
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(This post was last modified: 22/03/2010 12:13 PM by bsanehi.)
22/03/2010 12:09 PM
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Post: #24
RE: PSP-Hacks April Fools 2
I had an idea that i was going to pm zinga as to not spawn public knowlege....

my ps3 is portable.i unplug it from the tv in my room, take it downstairs and plug into the cables i have for it in the family room :)

limneosgreen Wrote:Take my advice, don't try to install custom themes ... it's possible to brick ur psp.. why just don't change wallpaper
(This post was last modified: 22/03/2010 12:14 PM by SchmilK.)
22/03/2010 12:13 PM
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Post: #25
RE: PSP-Hacks April Fools 2
SchmilK Wrote:I had an idea that i was going to pm zinga as to not spawn public knowlege....

my ps3 is portable.i unplug it from the tv in my room, take it downstairs and plug into the cables i have for it in the family room :)

Hmmm that's not portable,.. Nana-o !! Redcard

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22/03/2010 12:21 PM
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Grey Ghost
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Post: #26
RE: PSP-Hacks April Fools 2
i have 2 PSP if they combine do i get a PSP2?
22/03/2010 02:21 PM
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Post: #27
RE: PSP-Hacks April Fools 2
Grey Ghost Wrote:i have 2 PSP if they combine do i get a PSP2?

If the hammer you decrypt is not the correct size it might not work.
22/03/2010 02:29 PM
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Post: #28
RE: PSP-Hacks April Fools 2
dude lets ddos google! or creigslist! herp a derp a derp

also the game lololololollolol

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22/03/2010 04:45 PM
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Post: #29
RE: PSP-Hacks April Fools 2
deathmock5 Wrote:dude lets ddos google! or creigslist! herp a derp a derp

You provide the botnet, and wee'll do it.
22/03/2010 04:47 PM
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Post: #30
RE: PSP-Hacks April Fools 2
ill provide the lazer program for cregslist
leghts dooh thus

[Image: deathmock5.png][Image: deathmock5.png][Image: xdeathmockx.jpg]
22/03/2010 04:52 PM
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