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[VOTING] New SOTW #14 - De-elevate/Lower
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Post: #61
RE: [VOTING] New SOTW #14 - De-elevate/Lower
Heartless141 Wrote:this is even weirder than that wiki race thread.

Try the hack each other's posts thread.  It's made of awesome and win.


EDIT:  Ok, now this thread's been completely de-railed... wee should stop.
(This post was last modified: 10/02/2010 10:42 AM by Assassinator.)
10/02/2010 10:36 AM
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Let's finger this out.
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Post: #62
RE: [VOTING] New SOTW #14 - De-elevate/Lower
Assassinator Wrote:
Senseito7 Wrote:Monsters or just sick bastards?

Sick bastards.

And anyone who gets turned on looking at that shit is completely utterly fucked up...
:o I’m a what?!
Anyways everyone has their own reasons for getting into that kinda stuff…
I like it because of curiosity and repetition… >.>
I kept looking over the corner even though I didn’t like it at all, over and over and over again…
And here I am now ^^
Completely immune to brain fuck. Well unless if you’re actually fucking my brain then guess not.

Cut (cutting of limbs, cutting open someone...)
Suffocate (drowning, being strangled)
Blood (I guess it is guro... just blood isn't that disturbing though...)
Pretty much anything that causes you pain, or lead to death, is guro.

I mainly lol at the fact that I feel bad for most of the people in guro mangas… (most as in 99.9 percent… there are some chars where I’m like “you’re a bitch” but that rarely happens.)

My sig is not guro…

a kinda Wikipedia type explanation but not really since it doesn’t really help but whatever…
Encyclopaedia dramatica Wrote:Whether it be an image of a disemboweled samurai with a gangrenous, pincushioned scrotum or a 60 ft tall Jello beast using his 13 year old victim's intestines as both a noose and a cockring, no guro image fails to delight with its cheeky inventiveness. As such, guro is a beloved and respected branch of Japanese art, said by many to capture the true essence of daily life-as-lived in Japan through the ages. Also, to the artists of these things: WHAT THE FUCK WERE THEY THINKING??
While a "textbook definition" of ero guro (エログロ for you weeaboo faggots) has yet to be seen, the recurring theme definitely consists largely of killing naked anime girls. Usually by means of: big robots, huge ugly as fudge monsters, or twisted psychos with big fudgeing knives. And almost always with sexual overtones. Because seeing naked anime girls being torn apart is something that seriously needs to be made more erotic. The actual words are based on the phrase "erotic grotesque nonsense" and despite gore being the most popular choice, things like scat are technically included. But even gore-guro fans know that anyone who likes scat is a http://encyclopediadramatica.com/Sick_fudge.
You will never see ero-guro with a dead guy unless the dead guy is a zombie/vampire/cyborg (or some combination) that is killing naked women and then fudgeing either their severed limbs or their torsos. (Unless of course wee're talking about Death Note guro, which there's over 9,000 images of). This is likely because ero-guro fans are basement-dwellers that could only have sex IRL with a woman whom they had dismembered, and who therefore could not escape. Or they are just sick fudges. Whatever. And in ero-guro, you know skull-fudge doesn't mean a blowjob.....

Fun Facts
The group of people that look at ero-guro are known as "sick fudges". Now that you are one, click the link to some insight on your new being.
Snuff Films are the IRL Equivalent of ero-guro.
People who love stupid poo poo like Masters of Horror will never admit they fap to this.
Uziga Waita, the lovable old grandfather who created the beautiful biopic of Hugh Laurie's career, entitled Mai-Chan's Daily Life, is considered the godfather of modern Guro manga.
Shintaro Kago is another Jap guro artist whose work is specially appreciated on 4chin SUCK; he is the beautiful mind behind such gems as Hara-Kiri, in which schoolgirls compete to see whose intestines are most attractive, and The Collection, featuring a batchocolate stalker who harvests and seals in mylar everything her victim touches, including dude's girlfriend's cervix. Delicious!
Walt Disney, the loveable old German, came up with the first Ero-Guro animation, called Beauty and the Beast 2 - Gaston gets Serious.
Guro is enjoyed whole-heartedly in England - because the spilled, moistened guts of the baying, wide-eyed "virgin" reminds us of Steak and Kidney pie, The Beatles, Chopper Bikes, etc, etc.
http://encyclopediadramatica.com/Guro <page may contain pornographic elements

Heartless141 Wrote:
aspheric Wrote:moon?

looking back, this comment started it all.
this is even weirder than that wiki race thread.

I loled.

also this all happens when I'm asleep WTF

[Image: VCvmsjM.gif][Image: DecdMVG.gif][Image: glI7KKK.gif][Image: OJilHSf.gif]
(This post was last modified: 10/02/2010 10:50 AM by Cirehpsa.)
10/02/2010 10:46 AM
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Post: #63
RE: [VOTING] New SOTW #14 - De-elevate/Lower
aspheric Wrote:
Assassinator Wrote:
Senseito7 Wrote:Monsters or just sick bastards?

Sick bastards.

And anyone who gets turned on looking at that shit is completely fucked up...
:o I’m a what?!

No, you're missing the context.  Wee're talking about what's drawn inside the pictures, whether they're (literally) monsters or real humans.  Not talking about the reader.

And simply reading that stuff and getting sexually turned on by it is different again.

Assassinator Wrote:Completely immune to brain fudge.

Ruins the fun then, seriously.

Like I'm an encoder, and I keep thinking during the middle of anime stuff like "lrn2 goddamn IVTC properly" or "shitty blurry upsize" rather than "that's a cool fight".  Guess which one I'd rather be thinking.
(This post was last modified: 10/02/2010 11:03 AM by Assassinator.)
10/02/2010 10:54 AM
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Post: #64
RE: [VOTING] New SOTW #14 - De-elevate/Lower
his sig is not guro at all, it's a different story if some dude was effing that girl.
I'm off to bed anyway,
thread offtopicness ends here.eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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10/02/2010 11:20 AM
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Post: #65
RE: [VOTING] New SOTW #14 - De-elevate/Lower
Assassinator Wrote:So what, you cried for all the sub-stories in Kanon?


Assassinator Wrote:You also cry on stuff your younger sister doesn't.

Hahaha, I mentioned it when wee saw Ep1 of Manabi Straight.

It was unusual in as much as it didn't happen the first time.

Besides, its all about taste. My sister doesn't really favour cutesy stuff. Which I find hilarious.

Assassinator Wrote:
Senseito7 Wrote:You do find this unpleasent even though you're admittedly emotionless to most things?

Also look at it this way, you get shown to you a picture of another man's hairy dick.  Now you probably find that unpleasant, and you would probably want to "un-see" it if possible, but that doesn't mean you're going to go into an emotional outrage or get completely horrified or go into shock or whatever.  So you find it unpleasant, but you're pretty emotionless at the same time.

Err... Ok, "pretty much emotionless" referring to not feeling anything significant, rather than not feeling anything at all.

Um.. Yes?
10/02/2010 11:21 AM
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Daddy Proper
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Post: #66
RE: [VOTING] New SOTW #14 - De-elevate/Lower
even liking to look at a dead person is fudged up >_>

with that much blood all i can think about is what she hypothetically experienced before her death and it makes me angry that anyone could ever enjoy (sexually or not) thinking or witnessing such suffering. even if it is drawn, the story behind the image is still there.

also assassinator why'd you do that to me, k-on guro srsly? at least it wasn't ero guro.

also why i don't like watching horror films. they're basically high-budget snuff films, the level of realism that effect these days have noone would know if it was snuff or not if they werent told.

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(This post was last modified: 10/02/2010 12:28 PM by ProperBritish.)
10/02/2010 12:27 PM
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Post: #67
RE: [VOTING] New SOTW #14 - De-elevate/Lower

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10/02/2010 01:31 PM
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Daddy Proper
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Post: #68
RE: [VOTING] New SOTW #14 - De-elevate/Lower
Lunar Wrote:PukePukePukePukePukePukePukePukePukePukePukePukePukePukePukePukePukePukePukePukePuke

well said lunar-chan

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10/02/2010 02:04 PM
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Post: #69
RE: [VOTING] New SOTW #14 - De-elevate/Lower
ProperBritish Wrote:also assassinator why'd you do that to me, k-on guro srsly? at least it wasn't ero guro.

Was just a joke.  Sorry.

ProperBritish Wrote:even liking to look at a dead person is fudged up >_>

with that much blood all i can think about is what she hypothetically experienced before her death and it makes me angry that anyone could ever enjoy (sexually or not) thinking or witnessing such suffering. even if it is drawn, the story behind the image is still there.

If seeing that little bit of blood is making you upset, lets hope you never see the some of the stuff Hearty and I have.

... ... ... You want me to show you something really really bad?
(This post was last modified: 10/02/2010 05:32 PM by Assassinator.)
10/02/2010 05:32 PM
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Post: #70
RE: [VOTING] New SOTW #14 - De-elevate/Lower
i like to look at zombie
whether I'm fudgeed up or not, :P i don't count  every zombie i slaughter.

no assassinator, wee should stop bombing this thread lol

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(This post was last modified: 10/02/2010 05:34 PM by Kana.)
10/02/2010 05:33 PM
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