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Twelve days of xmas
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Post: #1
Twelve days of xmas
figure I'll finish what I've started and get to the xmas SOTW stuffs.

on the final day of christmas, my true awesomenes gave to me

Twelve Ex-pi-ree-un
that's experience for ya, o I'm just glad to be alive, EPeople, friends in real life, fellow kotaku commenters, games, anime, manga you all make me feel great just to be alive :P ... well, most of the time and most of the people anyway xD
[Image: Konata-1.png]
Eleven Manga Writer
BEST OF THE BEST! it's Bakuman. Every single chapter is full of epicness. it's from the mangaka of Death Note, so you are expecting as much. but yeah, all the twists, all the romance, all the epic awesome epic realistic ordinary reactions from the characters, but somehow the mangaka made it looks like something you'd pull out of a final fantasy game. i really hope it will be make into an anime soon so you all can have no excuses to not enjoy this masterpiece
[Image: tumblr_ktsem9sd021qat7cco1_500.jpg]
Ten Blinded Swordman
Second best manga I've read this year, I've talked about this manga before, but because not many EPeople like manga at all, so... :(
[Image: Until_Death_Do_Us_Part_by_livefreeo.jpg]
Nine Ladies in Love
Kimi ni Todoke. this, is the best anime this year. i actually encountered this manga before, but didn't really pay any attention. I watched the first episode, and totally soaked with love. the happiness surged all around me. it feels great! probably one of the happiest moments in my life.
[Image: wsf_kimi_ni_todoke_03_1280_720_h264.jpg]
Eight Divas Dancer
:D self explainatory. love love love love love a million words of love to you~
[Image: projectdiva.jpg]
Seven Stable Staples
one of the best this year no doubt.the story is among the weirdest, it has one of the most creative ways to use stationary stuffs and have the best OP/ED outta all of the anime I've ever seen. Nadeko won all the moe points in the world (apart from Miku's of course) and her OP is the cutest song I've ever heard. (THE SINGLE OUT TODAY!!!!!)
[Image: Bakemonogatari-09-Nadeko-Snake-01-1.jpg]
Six Fighters Fighting.
TEKKEN 6!!!! man, to express my love for it. here's a metaphor
I've fapped to tekken for effing 3 years ever since Namco bandai announced it, heart broken when his dad take her for a vacation and bring back another groom candidate, that effing Xbox version. and i finally came on the day i got the limited edition in my hand, at least three times.
[Image: t6-alisa.jpg]
As most of you might know, i started doing graphic this year. it's fantastic being able to express your emotion without words, being able to tone up a beauty, being able to make your own stuffs. I've started out rather bad, thanks to lack of knowledge (still is right now, i don't know how to use alot of stuffs properly, like filters, pen tool. and yeah, my CS4 doesn't have any plugins or anything.) prevents me from doing what i want. But, i think I've improved somewhat. Hopefully, I'll be able to do what i want next year with the new skills I've attained.
here is my first ever sig. it mark the start of the whole thing :P
[Image: Untitled-1-5.png]
Four Horo Horo
Spice and Wolf, o I'm in love again. it was one hell of a watch. I love it how the story lead you into another world, you(or may be only me)'d feel like you are in that world, in for an emotion roller coaster, in for a ordinary but unexpected adventure. for once, in a certain episode. i thought that there will be nothing to screw up in this town, but it did, big time, totally surprised me. o holy sage wolf.
[Image: horo1thumb.jpg]
Three OZ OZ
   Summer war A.K.A. the only anime movie I've enjoyed this year. Eva 1.11 was satisfying, but it's not really that good. wanted to see that macross F movie, but cinema only. Cencoroll was good, but no where near this one. can't really remember any others.
    A really awesome science fiction anime. drama, action, science fiction. and awesome voice acting. by awesome i mean really really awesome. realistic. no kyaa nyaa bla bla bla poo poo (not really poo poo, but you get what i mean :P ) the plot is beyond awesome and greatly satisfying. dumb moments humor, reasonable ... uhhh... relationship unlike those stuffs in anime recently (she love cat, so i love her; he's my childhood friend, so i must love him; she suddenly appeared in my house with bewbs, so i also like her; etc) one of those few... ok may be not few, one of those things that make me shed tears.
really, really recommended. :P

[Image: swars01.jpg]
Two Tora Dora
even though it started last year. but the majority of the anime is in 2009. as well as the DVD releases started in Jan 2009. so it counts.
i doubt there's anyone here haven't seen it. so no need to explain much. one of the loveliest anime I've ever seen. and has a
and satisfy ending. which is kindda rare in anime these days. I'm really touched. the last episode really really is one of the best moments in my whole life.

[Image: f0e712cae3c3af6bee46e8cb8d0c71c641f.png]
And A Valkyria Piercing Spear...
enough said, one of the best things I've enjoyed this year is Valkyria Chronicles. to be honest, I've never ever fond of strategy games. but i loved VC to death. may be it's because it also have a RPG and FPS mix. or may be it's a good anime game. but Valkyria Chronicles is something totally unique and worth the price i paid for it.

and well, i never thought one day i'd like a girl with big boobs. selvaria changed that. white hair, red eyes, massive boobs, epic costume and the awesome spear'n'shield is only the shell of a gentle, kind and loyal tsundere. epic combination

[Image: selvaria-bles_hd1.jpg]

and here's a stupid picture of me to have some actual fun thing to do in this thread.
[Image: IMG_0999.jpg]

[Image: snow-1.png][Image: snow-2.png][Image: Untitled-14.png]
(This post was last modified: 24/12/2009 09:24 PM by Kana.)
24/12/2009 09:23 PM
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One day... we Fly...

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Post: #2
RE: Twelve days of xmas
12. Cute pic!
11. Coincidently started reading that..
10. Yea.. was reading it but then got hospitalised for a month and forgot about it. I think you recommended it. It is kinda over dramatic though.
9. I keep forgetting to get that Anime. Downloading Paprika right now. Will get it after that then.
8. Vocaloid... thanks for getting me into it. I do like many songs. True to my nature, I do not like it entirely, like I do not like anything entirely.
7. Haha... Yeah... The anime itself was very different. Wish I meet a girl like Senjougahara.
6. No comments.. Not into those games.
5.You have been skilled from the start...  At least you stick to it...
4. <3 the pic
3. I'm getting into watching many anime movies... I kinda like the simplistic approach in them.
2. Yea.. Tora Dora... /
1. Don't want to start the discussions again so: Awesome game. Period.


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24/12/2009 09:47 PM
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Post: #3
RE: Twelve days of xmas
lol@5 :P dood, look at that sig, one hexagon brush, magic wand and alot of 1px eraser for the win!

[Image: snow-1.png][Image: snow-2.png][Image: Untitled-14.png]
24/12/2009 09:54 PM
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One day... we Fly...

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Post: #4
RE: Twelve days of xmas
You'll be amazed by what people do for 1st PS work. At least yours is worth showing and looks unconventional.

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24/12/2009 10:00 PM
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Post: #5
RE: Twelve days of xmas
and the second one looks like this
[Image: newsig.jpg]

[Image: snow-1.png][Image: snow-2.png][Image: Untitled-14.png]
24/12/2009 10:08 PM
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One day... we Fly...

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Post: #6
RE: Twelve days of xmas
Yea.. well... Moving onto other points..

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24/12/2009 10:16 PM
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yuri princess

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Post: #7
RE: Twelve days of xmas
feinicks Wrote:You'll be amazed by what people do for 1st PS work. At least yours is worth showing and looks unconventional.

yeah that.

my first sig was a POS. Yours is awesome.

I'm gay.
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[Image: 76561198003967361.png]
[Image: thelemmingbas.png]
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[Image: wQZsI.jpg]
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windows Proud
25/12/2009 01:13 AM
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Fractal Insanity

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Post: #8
RE: Twelve days of xmas
anyone remember mine lol? text pasted over an image Hahaha

[Image: 531115][Image: 76561198014212040.png]
windows Proud
25/12/2009 01:36 AM
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Post: #9
RE: Twelve days of xmas
My 1st sig was that animated one.

[Image: SaberVsAssassin.jpg]
25/12/2009 01:55 AM
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One day... we Fly...

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Post: #10
RE: Twelve days of xmas
I no longer remember my 1st PS work.. lost all backups long back!

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[Image: ewualizer.gif]
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25/12/2009 03:07 AM
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