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Resurssiklunssi v0.2 - Recompress/recompile rco's from any firmware
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Turok Makto

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Post: #1
Resurssiklunssi v0.2 - Recompress/recompile rco's from any firmware
original thread:

Quote:0.3 - Added some errorhandling (also works secretly as an optimizing feature, if you know how to exploit it  <HINT>2RLZ-flag</HINT>).

0.2 - *.rco files from 2.60 firmware are now handled correctly. No need to press triangle during launch with the new options. Added option to re-compress headers/languagetables.[/align]

0.1a - Added some more checks for sysmem.prx problems (also forgot the updated EBOOT from the zip, D'oh!)

0.1b - By keeping TRIANGLE pressed when launching, flash0:/vsh/resource/ is scanned for *.rco files instead of ms0:/rco/
Quote:Resurssiklunssi by Z33

This tool will scan through all *.rco files placed inside the rco-folder.

What it does is:
- Decompresses ZLIB/2RLZ-compressed headers.
- Decompresses and recompiles 2RLZ-compressed languagetables.
- Decompresses 2RLZ-compressed graphic- and modelfiles and recompresses them
  using ZLIB-compression.
- Compresses found unpacked graphic- and modelfiles using ZLIB-compression.

What YOU need to do is:
- Use x.xx OE firmware (propably doesn't work with regular 1.50 firmware).
- Get DECRYPTED and UNCOMPRESSED SYSMEM.PRX from 2.70+ firmware and place it
  to the rco-folder. Use psardumper/prxdecrypter to obtain that file.
- Place some rco-files from any firmware version to the rco-folder.
- Get recompiled files out from the rco/done-folder afterwards.

download thru maxconsole:[align=left]

Attached File(s)
.zip (Size: 52.37 KB / Downloads: 8958)
(This post was last modified: 30/05/2007 03:34 PM by ZiNgA BuRgA.)
12/05/2007 07:49 PM
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<3 Girls

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Post: #2
RE: Resurssiklunssi v0.1 - Recompress/recompile rco's from any firmwar

RCO editing will be able to survive future firmwares.
12/05/2007 07:56 PM
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Smart Alternative

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Post: #3
RE: Resurssiklunssi v0.1 - Recompress/recompile rco's from any firmwar
Cool!  Thanks for posting :)
12/05/2007 08:44 PM
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Elite EPerson

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Post: #4
RE: Resurssiklunssi v0.1 - Recompress/recompile rco's from any firmwar
Cool i just got one I'll play with it a lil

[Image: hw_wow_sig.php?cardCharacterName=Tetriz]
12/05/2007 08:54 PM
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Peacefully Disturbed
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Post: #5
RE: Resurssiklunssi v0.1 - Recompress/recompile rco's from any firmwar
Awesome, this should be really useful.  Thanks for the news matchung, I was just at MC but didn't notice this post, I need to pay more attention to the XMB section there.

I'm not disappointed in you, I'm disappointed in myself, for believing in you.
[Image: peacefullydisturbedsignx8.png]
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12/05/2007 09:10 PM
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Able One

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Post: #6
RE: Resurssiklunssi v0.1 - Recompress/recompile rco's from any firmwar
I have correctly made?

1. Decrypted by means of PRX Decrypter1.3 - SYSMEM.PRX from an firmware 3.30OE-A'.
2. Then has put ready SYSMEM.PRX in a folder ms0:/RCO/....
3. Has then put in a folder ms0:/RCO/... the files *.rco
4. Has started the program "Resurssiklunssi 0.1b" from the menu Game» MemoryStick
5. Has received the ready recompiled files *.rco in a folder ms0:/RCO/DONE/...

Then I from an firmware 3.30OE-A' used this file SYSMEM.PRX on 3.40OE-A and too all has turned out.
It turns out this ready assemblage it is possible to use on all X.XX OE firmware?

Look, such assemblage will be universal for all OE-firmware?
Then point 1 and 2 can be passed.
(This post was last modified: 13/05/2007 12:05 AM by ErikPshat.)
12/05/2007 11:57 PM
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Paradoxical Absurdity

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Post: #7
RE: Resurssiklunssi v0.1 - Recompress/recompile rco's from any firmwar
this is good for all you that use rco's(not me)

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[Image: leecherbared9.gif]
[Image: pspforcebarbv0.png]
13/05/2007 01:41 AM
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Turok Makto

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Post: #8
RE: Resurssiklunssi v0.1 - Recompress/recompile rco's from any firmwar
ErikPshat Wrote:I have correctly made?

1. Decrypted by means of PRX Decrypter1.3 - SYSMEM.PRX from an firmware 3.30OE-A'.
2. Then has put ready SYSMEM.PRX in a folder ms0:/RCO/....
3. Has then put in a folder ms0:/RCO/... the files *.rco
4. Has started the program "Resurssiklunssi 0.1b" from the menu Game» MemoryStick
5. Has received the ready recompiled files *.rco in a folder ms0:/RCO/DONE/...

Then I from an firmware 3.30OE-A' used this file SYSMEM.PRX on 3.40OE-A and too all has turned out.
It turns out this ready assemblage it is possible to use on all X.XX OE firmware?

Look, such assemblage will be universal for all OE-firmware?
Then point 1 and 2 can be passed.

yes, it will decompress all the rcos in done folder..
[Image: 18707514no8.jpg]
but im wondering anyway to compress the rco again ;)
13/05/2007 05:11 AM
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Post: #9
RE: Resurssiklunssi v0.1 - Recompress/recompile rco's from any firmwar
very badass app i think now i can work on a theme I've been wanting to do for a long donkey time :)
just tried it it works like a charm

[Image: beaner2k6.jpg]
[Image: 218ohu.jpg]
[Image: newbitmapimage3aj5.png]
[Image: beaner2k6.png]
13/05/2007 04:32 PM
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Able One

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Post: #10
RE: Resurssiklunssi v0.1 - Recompress/recompile rco's from any firmwar
Was ist das?
Decompresses and recompiles visualizer_plugin.rco - RCO Editor 1.14b
Pictures BMP are taken the spoilt

[Image: 66154541cecb.jpg]
(This post was last modified: 15/05/2007 01:31 AM by ErikPshat.)
15/05/2007 01:26 AM
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