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ChickHEN Homebrew Enabler (Latest version: R2)
updated on 5/7
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Turok Makto

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Post: #1
ChickHEN Homebrew Enabler (Latest version: R2)
- Now supports homebrew
- Homebrew Support enhanced
- Tiff image blocking in HEN (displays unsupported)
Quote:ChickHEN Homebrew Enabler (Latest version: R1) Latest Release
5.03 ChickHEN Homebrew Enabler - Team Typhoon (Article by Granite) So comes the release of the highly anticipated ChickHEN homebrew enabler by Team Typhoon. After 1800 Lines of code, 4 weeks of stressful developing and countless amounts of tests the dawn of a new homebrew era for all the 3000, 2000 and 1000 users is on the horizon. What was said to be impossible by many is now a reality, all styles homebrew are now running on the "unhackable" T88v3 and TA-090 motherboards rolled out by Sony.

[Image: p1060049h.jpg]

What does the ChickHEN do?
ChickHEN as a Homebrew Enabler that allows the execution of homebrew via the PSP XMB. Running via a vulnerability in the lib TIFF the launcher takes advantage of the system by performing a kernel exploit and rebooting into a homebrew enabled enviroment. The ChickHEN remains active until the PSP is fully reset in which case official firmware loads from the flash. ChickHEN unlike other HEN's doesn't touch the flash0 and resides completely in memory. The h.bin supplied in this download consists of a loader and systemex, which is a inversed order of systemctrl and rebootex

What ChickHEN does NOT do?
-Run ISO, CSO or any other form of UMD backup.
-Run PSX Games
-Touch The Flash of your beloved PSP
-Magically allow the use of Custom Firmware
-Load plugins

Spoiler for Howto:
How do i get the HEN to run on my PSP?

1. First off use the supplied TIFF image and place it in the PSP>PHOTO Directory.
2. Copy h.bin over to the MS ROOT and safely remove device.
2. Scroll over to the PHOTO icon on the XMB and click the ChickHEN folder and wait. (This will not work the first time, you may have to just use a method of loading that works for you but this is what wee have found most efficient)
3. If all goes well the screen should blank out and flash green showing that the HEN is loaded and all is well.
4. Wait for your PSP to reboot and check your PSP's system software. It should now display: "5.03 ChickHEN".
5. Scroll on over to GAME and enjoy some Homebrew!

This software should not be used in conjunction with software which can enable the usage or disable the protections of copyrighted content. Wee will not be held responsible for any damage to your PSP system. This software comes with no warrenty.

Team Typhoon: ChickHEN
MaTiAz: TIFF Eggsploit ;)
Lawrence Jackson (LCJ14) – PSP 3000
MforMature staff: For everything
Everyone else who gave help during the development

SHA-1 of h.bin: 39339DF6D67DA88BDFF78261222AAADAEBCD9203

Attached File(s)
.rar  Hen.rar (Size: 188.75 KB / Downloads: 1625)
.rar  ChickHENR2.rar (Size: 189.07 KB / Downloads: 2410)

(This post was last modified: 06/05/2009 04:15 PM by matchung.)
05/05/2009 04:24 PM
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yuri princess

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Post: #2
RE: ChickHEN Homebrew Enabler (Latest version: R1)
awesome. :D

it'd be nice if it did PSX games though.

I'm gay.
Spoiler for online game stuff:
[Image: 76561198003967361.png]
[Image: thelemmingbas.png]
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[Image: wQZsI.jpg]
In the words of the wise trademark91:
windows Proud
05/05/2009 04:27 PM
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Resident Full Stop Abuser.....

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Post: #3
RE: ChickHEN Homebrew Enabler (Latest version: R1)
so it arrives at last

Great work

05/05/2009 04:27 PM
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Post: #4
RE: ChickHEN Homebrew Enabler (Latest version: R1)
YESS!! :D3

[Image: OLmvS.png]
Twit | DA | G+ |
05/05/2009 04:28 PM
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Super Lame Productions

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Post: #5
RE: ChickHEN Homebrew Enabler (Latest version: R1)
This is pretty neat, if my PSP wasn't hackable I am just happy to be able to run home brew.

05/05/2009 04:35 PM
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Worlds End

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Post: #6
RE: ChickHEN Homebrew Enabler (Latest version: R1)
/waits for the first idiot who bricks trying to downgrade a psp3k Itchingsmile
05/05/2009 04:57 PM
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Post: #7
RE: ChickHEN Homebrew Enabler (Latest version: R1)
just saw this on pspgen :D stupid firefox keeps all tabs when reopening, but doesn't refresh :(

good stuff!!

kinda wish i had a 3000 :(

limneosgreen Wrote:Take my advice, don't try to install custom themes ... it's possible to brick ur psp.. why just don't change wallpaper
(This post was last modified: 05/05/2009 05:17 PM by SchmilK.)
05/05/2009 05:13 PM
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Post: #8
RE: ChickHEN Homebrew Enabler (Latest version: R1)
This version of the HEN supposedly has a few bugs in it.

M for Mature Wrote:Update: Hold your horses! Wee’ve been hearing initial reports that the HEN has been failing on several PSP’s (HEN loads, homebrew freezes however). There will be a new revision of the HEN released later tomorrow wee have been hearing, so wee suggest waiting off until then to grab the HEN

So yeah, better wait till tomorrow.
05/05/2009 05:34 PM
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Turok Makto

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Post: #9
RE: ChickHEN Homebrew Enabler (Latest version: R1)
some good result:

Object Link

Click here to view flash object

(This post was last modified: 05/05/2009 06:51 PM by matchung.)
05/05/2009 06:51 PM
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Omnipotent Presence

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Post: #10
RE: ChickHEN Homebrew Enabler (Latest version: R1)
"This software should not be used in conjunction with software which can enable the usage or disable the protections of copyrighted content. Wee will not be held responsible for any damage to your PSP system. This software comes with no warrenty."

I lol'd. Interesting way of warding off those who wish to play games from the memstick...
(This post was last modified: 05/05/2009 08:30 PM by MysterySword.)
05/05/2009 08:30 PM
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