Poll: Do you overclock?
I would never overclock.
I may overclock if I really need some speed boost (ie a new game that just won't run smoothly), but otherwise would leave at stock speed.
I leave it on a modest overclock.
I try to push the most out of the hardware.
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Do you overclock?
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Smart Alternative

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Post: #1
Do you overclock?
Simple question, do you overclock your CPU/GPU?
16/03/2009 02:49 AM
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Down with MJ yo

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Post: #2
RE: Do you overclock?
I would if i could, but i can't.

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16/03/2009 02:51 AM
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Post: #3
RE: Do you overclock?
Never needed too but may if needed.

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16/03/2009 02:55 AM
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Resident Full Stop Abuser.....

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Post: #4
RE: Do you overclock?
I have both of my devices overclocked, but only as far as the default voltages allow

Im not clever enough to fiddle around with Voltages and FSB and the like for processor, since my processor is unlocked i just bump up the multiplier slightly (sale price, was cheaper than the locked version)


16/03/2009 02:58 AM
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Post: #5
RE: Do you overclock?
Moderate overclock. About 20% (2.2GHz » 2.64GHz), really not that much. Free performance, why not. (Max possible overclock on Phenom x4 9550 probably 30-35%.)

I don't want to overclock a lot, because 1: stock fan, 2: doing massive overclocks with high voltage = will reduce your CPU's lifespan.

Since I encode stuff (using pretty slow settings) quite often, overclocking does give me significant benefits.

Want to overclock like a mofo? Go buy an Intel E5200. You can overclock that to like 3.8GHz, and completely assrape an E8600 in performance, which costs like 4 times more.
(This post was last modified: 16/03/2009 05:26 AM by Assassinator.)
16/03/2009 03:23 AM
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Grand Warlock

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Post: #6
RE: Do you overclock?
i can but barely my mobo does a freakyy thing where it says i don't have a hard drive after i OC it to much i can overclock to about 2.42max from 2.33 before it don't read

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16/03/2009 03:26 AM
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Post: #7
RE: Do you overclock?
i used to oc everything as far as I could..but now since I can't buy new pc parts every other month *marriage and soon child, makes it more like every third year now*  i just use whatever tools are built ith the motherobard...right now on my asus maximus formulat there is a cpu step up, which will make my e8400 into an e8500...so I get an extra .2ghz or soemthing :-/  Not much, but whatever..it works :)

limneosgreen Wrote:Take my advice, don't try to install custom themes ... it's possible to brick ur psp.. why just don't change wallpaper
(This post was last modified: 16/03/2009 04:22 AM by SchmilK.)
16/03/2009 04:22 AM
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*The Sweaty Indian/Welsh Guy*

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Post: #8
RE: Do you overclock?
I overclock my desktop as far as it will go. That is from 3ghz (P4) to 3.4ghz. I would go further but my mobo won't let me change the voltage...

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16/03/2009 04:29 AM
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Worlds End

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Post: #9
RE: Do you overclock?
never tried ..

you can overclock The GPU ???

/researches on fx5200
16/03/2009 05:07 AM
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Post: #10
RE: Do you overclock?
I never overclocked.... never needed. I heard my Phenom x4 9850 Black Edition is made for overclocking but I never had a single problem with 2.5ghz so far.... so meh^^

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(This post was last modified: 16/03/2009 05:16 AM by SkyDX.)
16/03/2009 05:14 AM
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