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RE: Annoying things / what I hate
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:- You've probably seen this before - kids running in slow motion with enormous smiles or huge gaping mouths, and the audio is just the sound of laughter (which doesn't quite sync too well with the video). It's as if the kids have been taking ecstasy (or whatever the drug is called), or just plain mental (either way, explains why they're so messed up when they're older). I'm not too sure what I'm supposed to take from these scenes, but apparently, they're there to express "happiness as children". Seems like the writers can't think of an intuitive way to demonstrate their idea...
- Like above, but with excessive crying/screaming, and showing pictures of the kid who's generating all the ruckus. Okay, it's a more realistic way to show sadness, but does everyone have to resort to these generic measures?
I didn't really care about that but now that you mention it in a way where they look like they've taken ectasy I think I'll find asument looking at it that way
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:If someone needs to die (or be dead), car accidents seem to be the convenient means. Oh okay, lots of people do die in car accidents - I'll give it that much.
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:If someone has a sad background, you can almost guarantee that it involves at least one of their parents dying, and, from the above, is usually some form of traffic incident.
They die if they are killed.
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:IT'S OVER NNIIIINNNNEEEEE THHHOUUUUSSAAANNDDD! A few episodes later, 9000 is nothing, and a few episodes later, IT'S OVVEERRR NNNIIINNEEETTTYYY THHOOUSSAANNDDDD! Of course, later on, IT'S OVVERRR NIINNEEE MILLIIOOONNNN, and, before you see it coming, IT'S OVER NNIINNNE OCTILION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What? It's the perfect way to keep extending a story. If you've exhausted all the possibilities of the fantasy world you created, easiest thing to do it change the world. After all, something like the "power" above can go on forever, and you'll easily squeeze out hundreds of episodes as long as you keep adding new stuff to the mix (and in doing so, make the viewer wonder why this never occurred in the first few episodes of the show).
Example, in Bleach (note, I've only seen the first ~67 episodes, so IDK what happens later), when the audience is tired of seeing the "release" animations, all you have to do is add in a more powerful "full release" to the mix. Once that gets exhausted, just add in a "super release" or something like that, and you've got new animations to spark new interest and the basis for a whole new storyline...
Okay I haven't watched Bleach But that I know is evident in DBZ
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:Like above, but the good guy manages to beat the bad guy, who's 1000x stronger, only because they've discovered some hidden ability.
I'm not sure, it's been awhile since I've seen that sort of defeat.
As for DBZ though. It wasn't Goku alone, it was everyone on earth who gave power to Goku to make powerful spirit bomb.
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:Fair battles and grace time. Remember, always wait for the enemy to fully charge-up/prepare before commencing your attack. Dirty tricks like the logical idea of attacking beforehand is unethical. (example, Mai-Otome - they've got guns ready to shoot the girl down, but no, they are enthralled by the transformation scene (or the bout of nudity in it))
Did you say transform scene?
Nanoha's transformation has nudity in it but her enemies don't care about it.
Otherwise, [2 year into the future edit] I don't might if that reused animation is flashy though.
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:Talking about animations and attacks, everyone knows that you need a 30-90 second animation for the awesomest moves/transformations (which is repeated every time it needs to be performed). For attacks, every awesome move must have its own name, and the person performing the move must yell their lungs out saying it before actually doing the attack.
Okay so I do find that kind of annoying. But chanting is a form of spell casting.
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:Okay, everyone knows this one but it still deserves a mention. The main character can withstand hundreds of hits but the baddie dies after one...
So can a video game character.
Sonic the hedgehog might get knife thrown at his face and he don't bleed or get any cuts. He just loses all his rings :p
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:To cure a bout of retardedness, just slap the guy/gal out of it!
If you find that annoying why don't you think up of a different method?
Like splash cold water or something?
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:When the mood is gloomy, it rains. When it's happy, it's nice and sunny. I really wonder who's it's actually based off though. I mean, what if someone is gloomy, and another is ecstatic?
I do find that it is very cliched but it doesn't annoying.
On the other hand I am happy when it rains and not as happy when it's sunny.
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:Oooh ooh, it's halfway through this comedy/romance anime and it looks like the main girl/guy is about to kiss! ...wait, where's the person to interrupt the moment?
Character feels down about an issue. Others worry about the character for their feeling down. Character feels even more down because they're making other people worry which causes other people to worry even more...
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(This post was last modified: 30/04/2011 08:16 PM by Sparker.)