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[Release] R3 Baby's Breath 5.00m33 CTF
in hopes ibawanzingee upgrades out of the stone age
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[Release] R3 Baby's Breath 5.00m33 CTF
Here's ibawanzingee's Baby Breath from 3.90 that had to be enjoyed on the 5.00m33.

[Image: snap175on6.jpg]

With this, I hope Ibawanzingee get's with the program and gives up on the 3.90m33 firmware!

I have changed a bit about the theme, there are no longer any topmenu icons, rather everything is done using xmb text.  With this I was able to pack up 12 of LilFibz wallpapers and use them as the 01-12.bmp to enjoy the new waves that wee get in 5.00!  Personally, I can't get enough of the waves :D

Big thanks to Davee and bubbletune for the descrambler and patcher plugin, Poison for updating cxmb while wee wait for the next generation plugin ;) and vegetano1, xanderchaos, matchung, and the rest of the PRX Pirates for picking up the slack of finding all the offsets again while I've been busy moving.

Hope you enjoy

[Image: dl_download.png]

limneosgreen Wrote:Take my advice, don't try to install custom themes ... it's possible to brick ur psp.. why just don't change wallpaper
(This post was last modified: 29/10/2008 07:31 AM by SchmilK.)
29/10/2008 07:29 AM
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Turok Makto

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Post: #2
RE: [Release] R3 Baby's Breath 5.00m33 CTF

[Image: mat20081029181619cm6.png]

i have to find the font size for PSN :(
29/10/2008 07:59 AM
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Guardian of the Shining Sky
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Post: #3
RE: [Release] R3 Baby's Breath 5.00m33 CTF
That's it, I will update to 5.0 ASAP^^ Thanks!

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29/10/2008 08:56 AM
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Post: #4
RE: [Release] R3 Baby's Breath 5.00m33 CTF
Nice theme update,. but i don't like the "ibawanzingee" branded into the topmenu bar,. :( also its so csisch!! but really nice update!!

good job on the 01-12!! loose the sub icons!! :)

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29/10/2008 09:18 AM
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Guardian of the Shining Sky
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Post: #5
RE: [Release] R3 Baby's Breath 5.00m33 CTF
Oh my god.... I just installed this along with 5.0 M33-3.. that theme and especially the new wave....... pure awesomenes!!! (still Organ 5.0 looks great too.... I can't decide...... oh wait there's that random.ctf^^)

[Image: EgGYGSX.png]
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29/10/2008 10:59 AM
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Post: #6
RE: [Release] R3 Baby's Breath 5.00m33 CTF
Vegetano1 Wrote:Nice theme update,. but i don't like the "ibawanzingee" branded into the topmenu bar,. :( also its so csisch!! but really nice update!

yeah, he put that on the original...i didn't want to step on his toes and remove it (though on my psp it does not display :P )

limneosgreen Wrote:Take my advice, don't try to install custom themes ... it's possible to brick ur psp.. why just don't change wallpaper
29/10/2008 11:06 AM
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DJ Max Player

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Post: #7
RE: [Release] R3 Baby's Breath 5.00m33 CTF
Thanks Schmilk, sleek theme I love it. Like sky said though, i can't choose between organ and this

both are awesome Drink

[Image: 11qlgt2.jpg]
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29/10/2008 12:47 PM
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Post: #8
RE: [Release] R3 Baby's Breath 5.00m33 CTF
fixed the account management text if you want to redownload :)

[Image: snap182xm9.jpg]

*how do i update my download file in the ctf downloaders area?*

Attached File(s)
.zip (Size: 1.82 MB / Downloads: 799)

limneosgreen Wrote:Take my advice, don't try to install custom themes ... it's possible to brick ur psp.. why just don't change wallpaper
31/10/2008 09:09 AM
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Able One

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Post: #9
RE: [Release] R3 Baby's Breath 5.00m33 CTF
nice job Schmilk

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31/10/2008 10:20 AM
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Storm Trooper

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Post: #10
RE: [Release] R3 Baby's Breath 5.00m33 CTF
Hey, I'm glad you guys like! Sorry I don't really come here anymore. Once everyone updated to 4.01 and stayed on 3.90, I decided this isn't really the place for me, b/c all the members here want the newest stuff.

VegetaNo1: I don't understand what you mean by "csisch" and "lose the subicons". It's not like there's another option for the subicons! :s I'm totally confused.

[Image: z4igq9p9ntnysqax2y6.jpg]
31/10/2008 01:08 PM
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