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Warm PSU normal?
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Guardian of the Shining Sky
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Warm PSU normal?
Hi guys,
as you may know I had to buy new PC parts because my old broke.
Well everything is running smooth, however my BeQuiet 500w Dual Rail PSU is getting warm. Note: warm! not hot! and it doesn't smells bu I can still touch the PSU while it's running, it's just warm.
The thing is, it warms up the air under my desk and after a while all the warm air blows in my face which is not that great >.>....

My desk has a partially closed back so the air can't flow that easily backwards but don't worry I left enough space between back wall and PC.

I just wanted to know if it's normal for a powerful PSU to warm up the surrounding air or if my PSU is too week.

It's currently powering:

CPU: AMD x4 Phenom 9850 Black Edition @ 2.5GHz
Mainboard: Gigabyte MA-770-DS3
RAM: 2x 512MB Corsair 1x 1GB Kingston
Graphics: SAPPHIRE RADEON HD4850 512mb
HDD: 1x IDE 180GB 1x IDE 40GB 1x SATA 80GB

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01/08/2008 03:15 PM
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Storm Trooper

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Post: #2
RE: Warm PSU normal?
um  has this got anything to do with graphics
01/08/2008 03:34 PM
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Guardian of the Shining Sky
Team DreamArts

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Post: #3
RE: Warm PSU normal?
huh? I posted it in Computer Confab :o

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01/08/2008 04:02 PM
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Post: #4
RE: Warm PSU normal?
I moved it here.
01/08/2008 04:04 PM
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Guardian of the Shining Sky
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Post: #5
RE: Warm PSU normal?
Oh, sorry I must have mistaken the tabs... >.< Thanks xBu!

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01/08/2008 04:17 PM
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Paradigmatic Entity

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Post: #6
RE: Warm PSU normal?
A PSU being warm is normal.

As long as it isn't hot...
01/08/2008 10:48 PM
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Sweet Dreams

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Post: #7
RE: Warm PSU normal?
the power for your computer runs through it, its bound to get hot..
02/08/2008 12:34 AM
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Smart Alternative

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Post: #8
RE: Warm PSU normal?
Mine gets rather hot at times, and it's got a 12cm fan...
02/08/2008 01:12 AM
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Post: #9
RE: Warm PSU normal?
hot air is blowing into yur face as it has no other way to go.. and you happen to be in the face of its only exit. Alls normal!

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02/08/2008 08:15 AM
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