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How To Extract Vocals From Song
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How To Extract Vocals From Song

i found a vocal remover and have now successfully made instrumentals from original songs by 3eme oeil and immortal technique,

but that's not what i want to do, let me explain first real quick:
immortal technique just released a song recently :land of the gun
it uses ennio morricones "ecstasy of gold/the trio" for the background beat.
i love spaghetti westerns more specifically clint eastwoods trilogy as the man with no name: for a fistfull of dollars, for a few dollars more, the good the bad and the ugly. i presume that i you have seen any of the you would agree that the good the bad and the ugly is the best one, the best scene: when all three of them (protagonists/antagonist) face off near the end. the bg in "land of the gun" is from that scene, in other words :"ecstasy of gold/the trio"

what i want to do is ectract the vocals not remove them, because i want to mix it with the original, the bg in "land of the gun" is too fast and in my opinion doesn't catch the feeling enough.

so i was wondering does anyone know a method to do this or know of an existing plugin that does this?

I've googled and all i could find is a remover not an extractor :P

please comment or help :)

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20/04/2007 07:55 PM
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Post: #2
RE: How To Extract Vocals From Song
Well, removing vocals is typically done by cutting out the "center" material.  I guess extracting vocals would be the opposite.

Try SoundForge's Channel Mixer and do the opposite to removing vocals.
20/04/2007 08:18 PM
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Post: #3
RE: How To Extract Vocals From Song
cool I'll download it and give it a shot thanks zinga

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20/04/2007 08:28 PM
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Post: #4
RE: How To Extract Vocals From Song
Dang, I tried it but doesn't really work :S

I guess a equalizer/frequency cut might work...
20/04/2007 08:42 PM
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Post: #5
RE: How To Extract Vocals From Song
Sound's pretty hard to do to me. I would assume anything you'd be able to produce would be poor at best. You really would need the source audio for this.

Clint Eastwood westerns rock.

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21/04/2007 04:36 PM
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Post: #6
RE: How To Extract Vocals From Song
^^Yeah, well, I assume he didn't need that great a result...  Like those filters that remove vocals stuff up most of the audio anyway.
By the way, the Dynamics filter works better for me, but it would be more effective if the vocals are significantly louder than the music.
21/04/2007 05:53 PM
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Post: #7
RE: How To Extract Vocals From Song
man this suxx I'm gonna have to leave it as is until some plugin comes out because I've seen it done before but it seems time comsuming to learn how to do it and then to put it to practice i would need a crapload of time :P

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21/04/2007 06:09 PM
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Post: #8
RE: How To Extract Vocals From Song
^^And an in-depth knowledge of sound editing.  As Liquid said - it's practically impossible without the original.
21/04/2007 07:51 PM
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Post: #9
RE: How To Extract Vocals From Song
how dyu get the original

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21/04/2007 09:50 PM
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Post: #10
RE: How To Extract Vocals From Song
prolly email the artist/record company with a good enough reason to get what you want, immortal technique is an underground celeb so i might have a chance of getting the audio with a couple dozen email to different adresses and affiliates to him

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21/04/2007 11:19 PM
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