Vegetano1 Wrote:You gonne get a PS3slim or normal PS3>? i am !! :)
PS3 Slim.
I will miss backward compatibility though..
meh...ps2 games look like spoon on a 1920x1080 tv...unless you are playing on a standard CRT Tube tv using composite cables, i think its a waste of technology to watch such mediocre graphics on the ps3.
limneosgreen Wrote:Take my advice, don't try to install custom themes ... it's possible to brick ur psp.. why just don't change wallpaper
Vegetano1 Wrote:You gonne get a PS3slim or normal PS3>? i am !! :)
PS3 Slim.
I will miss backward compatibility though..
meh...ps2 games look like spoon on a 1920x1080 tv...unless you are playing on a standard CRT Tube tv using composite cables, i think its a waste of technology to watch such mediocre graphics on the ps3.
Yeah I know where ure coming from...
Cause my standpoint originally was that €600 should buy Backwards Compatibility.
Xitherun Wrote:I'm stoked FFXIII is coming to the 360, because I really don't want to buy a PS3.
Replace 360 with PC for me. Which is not going to happen by the way. :(
Actually, I don't care that much. No chance I'm buying a PS3 just for that. It's not like I'm going to die if I don't play FF13 (otherwise I'd be dead long ago. Still haven't played 12 yet, haven't played 9 either for that matter).