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Question about offsets...
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Paradigmatic Apprentice

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Post: #1
Question Question about offsets...
Quick question.

3D2C0  -94   X Position of Video Thumbnail Icon
3D288  -280  X Position XMB in Sub-Sub menu (aka...when in a folder in photos/music)
3D29C -260  X Position XMB bringing up  Infobar in game submenu:
3D2A0 -330  X Position XMB  bringing up Infobar inside sub photo folders

I go to the offset. Now obviously the numerical value at [3D288] offset is not -280, it's 0818. Can someone clear up what format this number is in. It's supposed to be -280, I want to change it.

Also, is one offset one group of four digit numbers? Or is it two groups, therefore offset [3D288] would in fact be 0818 0100 instead of 0818?

I'm new to this, well, hexing. Just a few basic questions hopefully someone will easily be able to answer.
(This post was last modified: 23/06/2008 08:45 PM by time4fun.)
23/06/2008 08:40 PM
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Post: #2
RE: Question about offsets...
when you are on the value look in the bottom left corner for 32 Bit Float...that is what you change.

one offset is 2 groups of numbers.

skrew the excel file

use hex workshop and extract the files in the zip to your \program files\break point software\hex workshop\bookmarks folder then open your prx, click on tools - bookmarks - open bookmark and enjoy editing i the bottom right corner

limneosgreen Wrote:Take my advice, don't try to install custom themes ... it's possible to brick ur psp.. why just don't change wallpaper
(This post was last modified: 23/06/2008 08:49 PM by SchmilK.)
23/06/2008 08:48 PM
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Paradigmatic Apprentice

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Post: #3
RE: Question about offsets...
Ha, SchmilK. Thank's a lot bro.

By the way, I love your themes. :)


Ok, I got the bookmarks working, however, the "above values" aren't what they're supposed to be and when I change them, weird spoon happens in the XMB. Should I keep messing around, or am I doing something obviously wrong?


Ok, I figured out what I was doing wrong. Thank you a lot SchmilK.
(This post was last modified: 23/06/2008 09:17 PM by time4fun.)
23/06/2008 08:51 PM
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