Scenery Beta 2008 International Homebrew Showcase
Finally, one of the ideas that has been buzzing for longer down the ears of the Group admins, has got to see the light: "kinda contest" of Homebrew. And it's a "kinda contest", like that, because wee haven't planned quite a contest, but something truly akin to the film festivals, someplace to bring a little homage to those coders who make the Scene grow. The most outstanding works will, also, have a cash prize; wee'll give away more than €2000 (more than three grand$)! And well, those of us unable to code, will be delighted by brand new releases whatever it's our favorite platform, either PSP, Nintendo DS, Wii or PC. Be welcome to Scenery Beta 2008, our own and only homebrew festival, scenery and fiesta!
What is Scenery Beta 2008?
It's a Homebrew Festival, an "exhibition" or "fair" where wee'll make know the works of coders from all around the world, and some of them as world novelty (hey, but always at coder's choice, that's absolutely only if you want!).
They may get to win cash prizes, which will be awarded by the score given by their fellow coders, and the related community and its users. You've got the details in the Scenery Beta Rules (link at the bottom of this new).
Wee want to warmly thank to all our sponsors their support and trust which has made this showdown possible.
Where'd you get that idea?
It's been some months now since the community Admins were toying with the idea of making some coding contest. It'd be the first time that a Spanish-speaking web did something like that. And finally, our nice little dream has come true!
I'm a coder, can I enter the showdown?
Any coder can enter the showdown, of whatever country, as long as is willing to show his/her work. The only requisite is that the Homebrew has been under development during last year (or, of course, has been created purposely for this event!), and is available to some of the 4 platforms on which wee have an active community at this moment: PSP, Nintendo DS, Wii or PC. You can see the submit periods and schedules at the end of this new (Scenery Beta 2008 rules). There are 2 sections for each platform, Games and Applications (emulators will be classified as Apps).
Even more, wee've open an "off-contest section", let's think of some SceneryAlpha, where to show those works which are proofs of concept, purely experimental, still unfinished or whatever, so you can get a broader audience and impact in the international Scene. Wee think that there is a huge load of really great ideas that get lost due to lack of, put simply, someone seeing them. And, yes, wee think about giving some kind of award for great "off-contest" ideas.
Inscription period: From the moment these rules are published until Sep, 1, 2008 at 24:00 hrs (UTC+2 timezone)
All homebrews must include the Showcase starting/splah screen for its platform. (This is mandatory):
Official Splash Screens
For NDS:
For PC:
For PSP:
For Wii:
Scoring system
* Contestant (coders/teams) votes: 50% of final score.
* User votes: 25% of final score.
* Organization's rating: 25% of final score.
More details in the rules (link below this thread).
What are you looking for with Scenery Beta?
First and foremost, to pay homage and respect to the scores of anonymous or little-known coders who daily struggle to make our machines more and more useful. Also, wee hope that the thousands of users who visit us every day have lots of fun checking and playing with the works, comfortably sitting at home.
In a nutshell, Scenery Beta is a great homebrew fair, with cash prizes for those people who give us something to talk about in these pages.
¡Cheers to the Scene!
I don't want to bore you, so I leave here the link to know all the rules, and check the Awards for each platform.
Here's the link to the Scenery Beta 2008 rules.
Feel free to post whatever you doubt.