Message from DA:
Note: The author will not be responsible of any kind of damage to units or of data loss
(including game data loss) that this software may cause.
This is true for all my software as they are free, but in this case I would feel like I
would indicate it explicitly.
It is recommended that you backup the nand and important data of memory stick before using this plugin,
in order to avoid possible loss of data.
This program was never intended to be part of M33 cfw, it always was planned to be released as
a plugin, just to clarify :)
This software is experimental work and it may behave incorrectly or not work in all cases.
As PSPStates is still an experimental release, unforeseen events can occur.
* PSPStates is a Slim-only plugin.
* Savestates will not work with any other firmware than the one that created it.
For example, a savestate made in 5.00 M33, will NOT work on 4.01 M33.
* The exact state of how the PSP was is will be saved along with the savestate.
For example, if plugin X is enabled, while plugin Y isn't, and while you are loading the savestate,
plugin X is disabled while Y is, the savestate will make X enabled, etc.
* PSPStates cannot work with any game or homebrew that uses the Slim's extended memory.
* Savestates cannot work on a motherboard other than the same type that created it.
For example, a savestate made on a TA-085v1 PSP cannot work on a TA-088v2 PSP.
Problems will occur with function even though the PSP managed to successfully load the savestate.
* Savestates can contain private info such as WEP-keys, etc.
* Savestates contain bits of Sony code, and therefore should NOT be distributed for legal reasons.
How to install?:
Download PSPStates Experiment 2 Package for CFW 5.50 GEN & Extract.
2. Copy the "pspstates.prx" and "SAVESTATE" to the "seplugins" folder
3. Copy "pspstatespatch.prx" from this archive to the "seplugins" folder
4. Add two lines in "game.txt":
ms0:/seplugins/pspstatespatch.prx 1 and
ms0:/seplugins/pspstates.prx 1
SaveState procedure:
- To save a state, press the home button in game, and once in the home button screen, press R
plus one of the followings buttons: up, down, right, left, square, triangle, cross, circle or start. Each of this button is considered a "slot", so you can have up to 9 states.
Unlike in previous version, there are now .local and global states. Local states can be loaded
only in the game that saved it, and global ones can be loaded in whatever other game, as soon
as the hardware (same disc in case of umd0s,a memory stick with same iso path in case of isos) is present.
Local states are the normal behavior: while pressing R in the home button press one of the slot
Global states: while pressing R+select, press the slot button.
- At that moment, the PSP will go to sleep mode and return automatically immediately.
- After the quick sleep mode return, you will see a black screen for some seconds, don't worry it will end. The time can vary depending of games and cpu speed, at this state the program is copying ram from one place to another.
- When the screen is turned on again, you will see the memory stick led blinking for some time: this is the write of the file. If your memory stick is good, this step should be quick.
- The state is saved, it can be loaded during the game or in another game session. (if memory sitck is same or with similar content, you can load other game states withing a game).
The state is saved to one of the followings files:
For global states:
ms0:/seplugins/SAVESTATE/globalstate_u.bin » up button
ms0:/seplugins/SAVESTATE/globalstate_d.bin » down button
ms0:/seplugins/SAVESTATE/globalstate_l.bin » left button
ms0:/seplugins/SAVESTATE/globalstate_r.bin » right button
ms0:/seplugins/SAVESTATE/globalstate_q.bin » square button
ms0:/seplugins/SAVESTATE/globalstate_t.bin » triangle button
ms0:/seplugins/SAVESTATE/globalstate_x.bin » cross button
ms0:/seplugins/SAVESTATE/globalstate_c.bin » circle button
ms0:/seplugins/SAVESTATE/globalstate_s.bin » start button
For local states, if the game is an umd or an iso, it will use the gamecode, if it is a homebrew,
it will use the first 9 characters of the homebrew directory. Examples:
ms0:/seplugins/SAVESTATE/ULES00818_u.bin » up button
ms0:/seplugins/SAVESTATE/ULES00818_s.bin » start button
The size of the file may vary depending of the game, as it is a 36 MB dump compressed.
Tests show that the most expected range is: 10-20 MB. The plugin will not check free space,
you are on your own on that.
Local and global save states share exactly the same format. If you want to convert one to the other, just change the filename properly.
LoadState procedure:
- To load a state, press the home button in a game, and once in the home button scree, press L
plus one of the slot buttons mentioned in savestates to load a local state, or L+select+slot button to load a global state.
- In that moment, the memory stick led will blink. This step should be fast on good memory sticks.
- After that, the psp will go to sleep mode and return automatically quickly.
- The screen will be black for some moment, this wait moment is much faster than the one for savestates.
- Once the screen is turned on, and if all went fine, your system will be now in the state in which you saved it.
Contact me, if you find bugs ;)