Submenu Icons Position
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Existential Entity
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Submenu Icons Position
Hello. I was working on editing a theme and I need to know one quick thing.
I need to know how to change either the X position of the focused submenu icon, or its Y position.
If you can tell me the exact location of these values, please tell me where they are and how to edit them.
Also, it would be great if you could find both the X and Y positions.
Thanks for any help you can give me guys!
24/11/2007 01:02 AM |
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RE: Submenu Icons Position
I am not really up to date,.. but if it aint in here
Then its not there,.!!
Last thing i know is that it can't be done yet,.. you have to try and make the icon's overlap and set the space between topmenu and sub icon's to zero,.
24/11/2007 04:10 AM |
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RE: Submenu Icons Position
yeah I was gonna suggest that or the 'tekashi'? (sorry I forgot the name) editor since I think it has it in the program. .
But I have actually never seen the offset itself for this.
24/11/2007 04:15 AM |
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