Incadude Wrote:i got a pm from zinga when i was on psp-haxorz. I think that was forum name i can't remember its been a while. The admin of that forum later joined also.
Zero known as Kuu on these forums was the admin there if I'm correct and he sold that site.
memories o.o
19/03/2010 09:12 AM
Super Lame Productions
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Incadude Wrote:i got a pm from zinga when i was on psp-haxorz. I think that was forum name i can't remember its been a while. The admin of that forum later joined also.
Zero known as Kuu on these forums was the admin there if I'm correct and he sold that site.
memories o.o
I hardly ever went there, I think I only ever went there twice.
I came here for .prx knowlege. The were easy to modify, but my themes were still not custom enough...So I followed all of zinga and bstronga's data sharing and my theme life took off from there :)
limneosgreen Wrote:Take my advice, don't try to install custom themes ... it's possible to brick ur psp.. why just don't change wallpaper
19/03/2010 10:23 AM
Smart Alternative
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It was a late night. My head hurt from all the stuff I had been drinking.
The next thing I remember was sitting at the computer with a headache. Apart from that, everything seemed normal... However, the next day, I noticed a curious entry in the browser history. Being curious, I clicked on it.
And then, my life turned inside out. The rest, I'll leave that up to you...
roberth Wrote:Actually came from Gamefaqs instead of-hax
When i left GFaqs because i wasn't happy with the way it was going, and remembered Zinga being a decent member there so when my friend split of to form his forums (which later died, after he gave a friend of his admin, and that guy gaves his friend admin and so on) i looked up Zinga as well, and joined here, and when his collapsed i relocated here permenantly
O_o, GameFaqs - seriously haven't been there in ages. Also, due to lack of avatars, I tended not to remember people that well.
Now that you mention it, I do seem to have some vague memory of your username somewhere back then...
20/03/2010 12:05 AM
forced consensual sex
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greg from psp-hacks Wrote:It was a late night. My head hurt from all the stuff I had been drinking.
The next thing I remember was sitting at the computer with a headache. Apart from that, everything seemed normal... However, the next day, I noticed a curious entry in the browser history. Being curious, I clicked on it.
And then, my life turned inside out. The rest, I'll leave that up to you...
Back when I first started learning to customize my PSP, I found Zinga's Popstation GUI on -hacks. I saw a link to his personal site that would help me with any questions I had. Then, when I got here, I made friends with Ge64, gsmoke, and Diego. Diego made a cool sig for me, and just asked that I be active to thank him in return. As a result, I've been here ever since. Still paying him back for it!
<3 Diego!
20/03/2010 12:27 AM
Super Lame Productions
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greg from psp-hacks Wrote:O_o, GameFaqs - seriously haven't been there in ages. Also, due to lack of avatars, I tended not to remember people that well.
Lack of avatars is bad, I suppose usernames mean more then Anonymous after Anonymous after Anonymous.
I was so addicted to gamefaqs for a while. It was the main place I'd go when a new game came out. But don't stick around once a game has been live for a while, or go onto a message board when a game is TBA. Nothing but douches then. Not THAT bad all the time, but still a pretty big joke to most. Any help they can provide can be found on other forums, and probably be much more readily given, with a lot less insults and sarcasm thrown between usable pieces of advice.
<3 Diego!
(This post was last modified: 20/03/2010 01:03 AM by Hellgiver.)