(Omnipotent Presence)

Registration Date: 08/07/2009
Date of Birth: 11/02/1990 (34 years old)
Group Memberships: Student, PSP XMB Theme Makers
Local Time: 10/12/2024 at 01:17 PM
Status: Offline

bloodangel619's Forum Info
Joined: 08/07/2009
Last Visit: 22/04/2014 01:17 AM
Total Posts: 360 (0.06 posts per day | 0.11 percent of total posts)
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Time Spent Online: 1 Week, 4 Days, 9 Hours, 42 Minutes, 40 Seconds
Reputation: 12 [Details]
E-Pigs: 31.2911 EP [Donate] (0 items purchased)

bloodangel619's Contact Details
Email: Send bloodangel619 an email.
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Additional Info About bloodangel619
Location: Hiding in the shadow's
Bio: A long and sad story!
I like: Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu
: I read that in 2-5 seconds - I'm cross-eyed now.

bloodangel619's Signature
I still remember the world from the eyes of a child, Slowly those feelings where clouded by what I know now, Where has my heart gone? An uneven trade for the real world...

[Image: TAeUP.jpg]

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