Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Say Hello to Mr. Lolz
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Pages: 1 2 3
[Image: mrlolz.png]

first drawing made with my newly borrowed tablet ^__^

comment please.
that's stupid looking XD
all i can say is lolz
ha, that's great lulz. it should be use somewhere on ep.
andrewcc Wrote:ha, that's great lulz. it should be use somewhere on ep.

it is...this thread is using it as a topic of conversation
roberth Wrote:
andrewcc Wrote:ha, that's great lulz. it should be use somewhere on ep.

it is...this thread is using it as a topic of conversation

should be awarded to people who get loads of lolz.
[Image: mrlolzycoy.png]
Mr. Lolz ain't amused anymore
got any more cartoon emotions kaiser? these do bring lots of lulz
Pages: 1 2 3
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