Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Say Hello to Mr. Lolz
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i can do as many as i please, im the one making them...

what expression do you want?
Kaiser Wrote:i can do as many as i please, im the one making them...

what expression do you want?

constipation lol
like this?
[Image: mrlolzyco.png]
Hihi yeah. how about if he saw mrs. lolz naked...
that one will depend...

if she sees her naked in his bed:
[Image: mrlolzysex.png]
if she's naked with someone else:
[Image: mrlolzysexo.png]
if she's a trap:
[Image: mrlolzywhat.png]
no more mr lolz for today i have stuff to do
lol that's awesome man gj
mR lolz lloks like mr potato's distant relative Hihi
Blocky (my ava) is better.

Good job. I like.  . . .

Now all he needs is color and moving arms.
diego Wrote:Blocky (my ava) is better.

Good job. I like.  . . .

Now all he needs is color and moving arms.

it'd be fun to see them go 1on1 Hihi
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