Hi, I read a lot here and have learned a lot about theming my PSP. I finally decided to attempt to vector a photo of my GFs cat to get made into a poster for her as a gift. I thought I'd share the image here and hope that someone might enjoy it. The actual image has been pasted in for comparison purposes
![[Image: TheyCallMeAl-4-15-08-proof.jpg]](http://www.fantasyland.com/xopher/vectors/TheyCallMeAl-4-15-08-proof.jpg)
Very nice, now I know of another person that can do something I can't .
I like what you did.
diego Wrote:Very nice, now I know of another person that can do something I can't .
I like what you did.
Thank you, my favorite part of it was doing the eyes and whiskers :)
really nice man good job :D
O_O is this right\
Wisdom Departed: 9.3522
Spamholes: 4,294,967,295
R!KKU Wrote:O_O is this right\
Wisdom Departed: 9.3522
Spamholes: 4,294,967,295
It's a glitch. Somme users have unusually high spamholes.
One is beaner. I think I saw a few. . .
It's just a bug or something, nothing to worry about.
diego Wrote:R!KKU Wrote:O_O is this right\
Wisdom Departed: 9.3522
Spamholes: 4,294,967,295
It's a glitch. Somme users have unusually high spamholes.
One is beaner. I think I saw a few. . .
It's just a bug or something, nothing to worry about.
its not a glitch, i have actually posted that many threads
Nice looks great, i should try and see if i can vector real people.