Endless Paradigm

Full Version: My First Vector
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Pages: 1 2
looks good for a first vector

keep at it and you might get as good as rikku and myself

*speaking of which, it's been a while since i actually vectored something....maybe i need to go change that......... :D
tigerfan Wrote:looks good for a first vector

keep at it and you might get as good as rikku and myself

*speaking of which, it's been a while since i actually vectored something....maybe i need to go change that......... :D

Thanks for the feedback and encouragement. I think I spent about 16 hours into that one, I've not really looked at a lot of vector art, plus I'm pretty ignorant with graphics apps in general. I need a motivator to keep going; hopefully something will inspire me soon.
Pages: 1 2
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