Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Mac vs. Windows vs. Linux: It ends now.
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It's all up to personal preference. Simple as that. You feel more comfortable with Windows? Knock yourself out. Been raised with Macs like me? Then get a Mac. Know how to mess with Linux and make it into a customized beast? Go right ahead. I'm sick and tired of all the "Macs suck/PC's suck/etc" arguments that I see EVERYWHERE.

This thread is going to be about peacefully discussing why you like a certain OS. No "MAC USERS ARE FAGS" bullshit.

I for one, love Macs. I was raised with them, and I know them inside and out. I know they can't do everything, like for instance, most games, but I'm not much of a PC gamer. But what they can do, I like more than any other OS. Also, Linux makes my head spin Sadist

What about you guys?
i love my mac, but I'm dissapointed in the fact that there isn't much software on it
i can't choose between a mac and a pc or linux (which I've never tired) i'd have to say i love both mac and pc
Thank you.. end of story. Nobody hardly gives two chocolates on what you like from what you don't..
yeah i forgot to mention that, xpsp2 is the best, vista just sucks, when i dual boot windows on mah mac that's what I'm gonna use, i need to get it soon, i need to ask ge64 about it, come to think of it where is ge64?
doesn't he come back today?
The only way i recommend running vista 64bit with a 3.0ghz or faster core2duo and 4gb ram...
vista 32 is a waste of everything...

GAMES are all that matters and Windows wins hands down!

"I'll believe Linux is ready for the desktop as soon as you can give me a Linux distribution that even my grandmother can run."

with Mac, no idea. does it pass the granny test?
well i have had troubles getting mac osx to run on my pc but i do love os x, right now i just have vista installed i like it and i wouldn't go back to xp,well actualy i would but only on a low spec pc because i love vliting the shizer out of it.
honestly speaking as someone who uses both Windows and Linux, nix is good for those who want to learn something challenging...  and want to customize every aspect of their computer. Windows is for the casual PC user who prefers simplicity.

Never owned a Mac so can't say...
mac owned by apple
apple is the square root of epic fail
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