13/04/2008, 12:37 AM
Hmm,..i have to spoil the mood!!,.. because redirecting icon's is good for multiple icon's not for trying to save ram, using icons in the xmb,.. redirecting still uses the same count of icon's,. i tried stuff like this alot,.. you can redirect all position's to 1 icon and still uses the same amount of ram when you load all icon's @ there own place,. ;)
would be good to save flash0 space but with slim flash0 and CXMB31 that's not a prob that much but still for fat psp,..
there are still alot of vshmain offsets wich can be added,.!?
would be good to save flash0 space but with slim flash0 and CXMB31 that's not a prob that much but still for fat psp,..
there are still alot of vshmain offsets wich can be added,.!?
blessedhands Wrote:Vegetano1 Wrote:blessedhands Wrote:@v1 thanks a lot mate ^_^
you wanne thank me,.!? please add multiple UMD icon suport and infobar color,.!?
hehe,.. no no thank you!!
thanks for the vista fix. i have no idea how to fix that cause im using xp ^_^
i might add that on final release.
upcoming features:
icon drag drop [done]
yes you can just drag the icon to your desired position
create backup[done]
creates a backup each opened file with .yet extension
load default values[done]
if you want to start all over again. it will create/overwrite vshmain.prx in the app(.exe's) dir
more redirections[just found the offsets]
it could "somehow"(based on my observation) fix the icon problems(like disappearing icons).
but there are some limitations in redirecting icons
list of valid redirections:
[main icons ] can be redirected to
- main icons (tex_music, tex photo etc)
- sub icons except icons under settings & network
[Subicons except under settings and network] can be redirected to
-Subicons except under settings and network
- main icons
[sub icons under settings] can be redirected to
-sub icons under settings
[sub icons under network] can be redirected to
-sub icons under network
this means you can just use redirection if you use same exact image.