Endless Paradigm

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Senseito that video... I... here's a summary of what I felt.
[Image: 1196004848100.jpg]
But still- [Image: RozenMaiden.jpg]

Looking good people.. Special Volume 1 Release
O_o what is that exactly, i can't read the broken translations too well

The New Rozen Maiden is Out Now!

Also, a special ReRelease of Vol.1 is out!

Edit: On Amazon.jp, the Young Jump Magazine ~ http://www.amazon.co.jp/exec/obidos/ASIN...hpit01-22/

Edit2: Young Jump Reprint Store!: http://yj.shueisha.co.jp/comics/index.html
YAY!!! Wooooo!!!!!!!!
wheee! ~desuu
oh well
finally moar desu!!!!
I was bored, so I registered http://desufy.com/

Anyone want to manage it (or have any ideas for it)?
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