Endless Paradigm

Full Version: ] ♥♥♥ ] Desufication Committee Desuu~ [ ♥♥♥ [
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hmmmn this just came out i thought since i haven't been here and since its very desu!
no hot-linking so you have to visit the page

salvation starts at pic 33
All the Rozen Maidens looks pretty good like that except for Canaria who looks kinda weird.
Canaria looked like the odd one out in the anime too desu~ xD
they look so good :3

i want hina ichigo
detected lack of desu from you three desu
Suigintou has a torso desu, but I suppose that cannot be avoided.
desu... desu
I pray desu I pray desu I pray desu I pray desu

may I have your blessings Suiseiseki

I pray for you desuu~
Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]I pray desu I pray desu I pray desu I pray desu

may I have your blessings Suiseiseki

I pray for you desuu~

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