Endless Paradigm

Full Version: visualizer_plugin.prx 3.90
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here. please rep me.
any screenshot bro?
make one urself. im very lazy. it looks like the one he asked for
it freezed my psp
works fine on mine... sorry...

i tried though...
trademark91 Wrote:works fine on mine... sorry...

i tried though...

It froze my PSP to.
trademark91 Wrote:works fine on mine... sorry...

i tried though...

Did you remember to decrypt and unsigncheck the file before flashing it to your PSP? Just wondering..
trademark91 Wrote:works fine on mine... sorry...

i tried though...

what firmware are you on?
3.90 m33-2
methinks I uploaded my 340 vis though...
ill upload the 390 one tomorrow.

When will this be uploaded???
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