Endless Paradigm

Full Version: visualizer_plugin.prx 3.90
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Or do another custom!
Vagetano1 this question was for U!
Vegetano's1 visualizer!
Looks good I use it!
leo23 Wrote:Vegetano's1 visualizer!

Looks good I use it!

offsets? Try
deutscher_russe Wrote:
leo23 Wrote:Vegetano's1 visualizer!

Looks good I use it!

offsets? Try

These are 3.80 offsets the 3.80 viz prx works in 3.90,. i am not usre all 3.90 offsets are the same,. but again the 3.80 viz prx works in 3.90,..
And yes these offsets are already posted  in the 3.80 prx topic!! ;P all found by me,.. ;P have phun!!

1st viz

10bb8    3.4634493e-041   ??
10bbc    3.4718571e-041   

2nd viz

part 1

110b8    1.05    
11obc    255     ?? color count 2nd viz,.. set to ten dots white
110c0    1.4285714e-002
110c4    5.0000001e-002
110c8    1
110cc    9.9999997e-006 
110d0    30
110d4    2.0000001e-003
110d8    5
110dc    4.0000002e-003
110e0    -4
110e4    4
110e8    80                         x position first part         
110ec    0.5                        circular movement ?? first part
110f0    1.2e-002
110f4    1.2                        size cirel first part!?
110f8    0.43                          ??

11ofc    0.8                    y movement circel or spread!?
11100    10.1                   ??                 
11104    90                     something with changing song in first part
11108    24                     ??                   
1110c    240               **   x position first part def!
11110    3.9999999e-002         ?? spread set to 100 less bubbles first part
11114    2.9999999e-002         something with first part
11118    136                    y position cirkel first part def!
1111c    3.0999999e-002         ??
11120    9.9999998e-003         ??      
11124    0.7                    ??
11128    1.e-003                ??
1112c    6.2831855              ??
11130    3.0517578e-005         set to 1 less bubbles in first part,. ;P
11134    480              **    x size plane first part def!
11138    0.2                    dunno maybe depth of bubbles
1113c    68                     count and or speed!?(still all first part)
11140    34                **   x and or y size very first start                    
11144    37                     x and or y size very first start  
11148    1.4285714e-002         something to do with song changing
1114c    1               **     down distance                   
11150    -4               **    also some speed or direction and distance moving to
11154    4                      also some speed or direction and distance moving to
11158    7                      ??                    
1115c    0.9                    dunno something changing buubbles spread!?
11160    1.e-003                speed!?
11164    -49                    ??
11168    0.5                    speed ??
1116c    4.5                    some x position movement set to 200 looks cool or 100                
11170    0.65                   alpha layer 1 circles
11174    0.35                   alpha layer 2 circles
11178    1                 **    size circel's def!! first part only
1117c    -4                **     also size  first layer                 
11180    4                 **     also size second layer
11184    5.0000001e-002           set to one goves glowy wave left to right
11188    7.9999998e-002           ??
1118c    32                       again a size !?
11190    7.205761e+016            untested
11194    240                      layer 1 ?
11198    2.e-002                  set to 1 flickering 
1119c    50                       layer 1 !?

untested >> got to test part 2,..
111a0    180
111a4    1.45
111a8    -10
111ac    490
111b0    282
111b4    2.0833334e-003
111b8    3.6764706e-003
111bc    0.22
111c0    255                      color count 
111c4    2.1474836e+009
111c8    10
111cc    64
111d0    3.4246575e-003
111d4    2.0000001e-003

Part 2:

111f0    6.3086457e-041   don't change
11208    -40              !?
1120c    0.3               untested         
11210    -40               untested            
11214    0.3               untested 
11218    1.4285714e-002    ??
1121c    5.0000001e-002    ??
11220    40
11224    1.7999999e-002    ??
11228    0.12              ??
1122c    1.2
11230    60
11234    0.71      1        something to do with spinning spral circles not the dots
11238    0.5        1       something to do with spinning spral circles not the dots
1123c    0.8        1       something to do with spinning spral circles not the dots
11240    10        20
11244    118
11248    6.2831855
1124c    1.7647059
11250    3.1415927
11254    9.9999998e-003
11258    240
1125c    0.2
11260    136
11264    0.11
11268    3.0517578e-005
1126c    7.9999998e-002
11270    45
11274    5.0000001e-002
11278    0.13
1127c    0.3
11280    0.5
11284    8.5000001e-002
11288    5.9999999e-002
1128c    40
11290    -10
11294     480                 size x plane
11298     -0.7
1129c     272

more,.. lots untested in part 2,.. 

third part here!?

10330       255   ??
10500       255  ??

104ec     200     ??
104f0     200     
104f4     1000    fade out time into other viz
104f8     60
104fc     1       alpha of glow icon's in viz 1
10500     255      ??
10504     1       alpha of all except the 2nd


3rd viz

10648     6.5
1064c     480             x res
10650     564.70587       untested
10654     6.2831855       creates more boo's
10658     50              scale right handle x
1065c     0.5             some sort of scale posistion,.1? 
10660     -162            y position
10664     1               size dots in line,.!?
10668     255
1066c     2.1474836e+009  
10670     5.0000002e-004
10674     180            Don't set lower the 180!?
10678     179            ??
1067c     3.125e-002     time/or alpha old lines stay in screen
10680     40             ??

106b0     -40            untested
106b4     0.3
106b8     -30
106bc     5
106c0     8
106c4     -40
106c8     0.3
106cc     -30
106d0     5


10ea0     282.35294
10ea4     -160
10ea8     -120
10eac     40
10eb0     -2                    ??
10eb4     0.85
10eb8     2.1474836e+009
10ebc     9.9999998e-003
10ec0     0.1
10ec4     -40
10ec8     3.1415927
10ecc     1.953125e-003
10ed0     0.5
10ed4     2.3841858e-007
10ed8     20
10edc     8
10ee0     0.125
10ee4     1.e-003
10ee8     0.25
10eec     1
10ef0     208
10ef4     0.2
10ef8     224
10efc     240
10f00     -120
10f04     0.3
10f08     255    ??

10f4c     4.6500688e-041

10f68     untested
10f6c     -160
10f70     2.1474836e+009  untested
10f74     9.9999997e-005  ??
10f78     1               size handle left
10f7c     4               handle scale 
10f80     4               some scale  handle
10f84     1               some scale
10f88     9.9999997e-005
10f8c     1               scale,.!?
10f90     0.99900001      ??
10f94     -0.99900001     ??
10f98     4               thickness line
10f9c     0.5             makes pointy

1078c     255   ??
10794     255   !?

4th viz   

10a1c   0.65345126
10a20   1
10a24   145

10b38    8.9503736e-041
10b3c    8.9542972e-041
10b48    8.8360276e-041
10b4c    8.8382697e-041 
10b50    -40
10b54    0.3
10b58    -282.35294 
10b5c    -160
10b60    282.35294        x position background black
10b64    160              y position background

10b68    -40              ?
10b6c    0.3              ??
10b70    -282.35294       x position!?
10b74    -160             y up position!?
10b78    282.35294        x position background white
10b7c    160              y position background

10b80    2.e-002              changing song scale
10b84    255              color count blocks
10b88    2.1474836e+009   ??
10b8c    5.0000002e-004
10b90    180              ?? freezes value higher then 180 is ok
10b94    179              ??
10b98    1                changes blocks,.!? scale x      between 0.51 and 2.3
                          else a bloack apears in corner screen
10b9c    40               scale changing                          150
10ba0    9.424778         changeging song  100 stripes, 10 cool wave                       100
10ba4    -240             x position viz                          -120
10ba8    -156             y position                             -125  
10bac    3.125e-002       blocks changing speed



10foc     0.7             ??
10f10     0.4             ??
10f14     0.65            ??

5th viz

10fa8     4.8277535e-041
10fac     4.8299955e-041
10fb0     1               size dots  >>> this also changes in the second viz,.!!?
10fb4     255             color count ??
10fb8     2.1474836e+009
10ec0     3               ??
10ec4     -40 
10ec8     3.1415927                  

110b4     255    ??

6th viz
1085c      -0.49999979
10860      1
10864      -40
10868      0.3
1086c      -40
10870      0.3
10878      32767.
1087c      30              ??        
10880      45
10888      3
1088c      -40
10890      1.2
1089c      0.15000001
108a0      0.5
108a8      0.449999
108ac      255        color count !?          
108b0      48                              
108b8      100
108bc      65535
108c0      3
108c4      -240
108c8      -136
108cc      480         size of viz screen x
108d0      272         size of viz screen y
108d4      1
108d8      564.70587
108dc      320         ???
108e0      8           ???
108e4      0.34999999   lightness 
108e8      0.65         ??
108ec      0.98000002   ??
108f0      0.9          r background color or layer also dots 
108f4      0.15686275   g set to 0.8 makes green light blue and dark blue dots
108f8      0.94117647   b set to 0.3 lighter   
108fc      0.47058824   contrast !? 
10900      0.117664706  ??
10904      0.8666       ??
10918      1
1091c      0.2999
10920      0.33000004
10924      359
10928      255          color count front layer,.!?                      
10930      200
10934      1.36
10938      2.72
1093c      0.255
10940      65535
10948      255           color count background
10950      9
10954      7.5
10958      5
1095c      4
10960      1
10964      132
10968      50
1096c      210
10970      230
10974      168
10978      0.2
1097c      0.9
10980      0.5529412
10984      0.133333
10988      0.10196079

109a8      255     ??

YEAH! thanks man!
very niceSpecky

heres mine:
No edits!This vis. don't changes!Vegetano1 please can you do!
Can you do what I ask!Pleeease!
leo23 Wrote:No edits!This vis. don't changes!Vegetano1 please can you do!

you mean my new vis doesn´t change? can´t be.....maybe I uploaded the wrong one!
if it´s so, I´ll take care of it!

Yep! corrected upload in older post!
Oh yes thank you looks like shichimi's work!Can you write FAQ!
Hey Vegetano1 or deuther_russe can you put this 3rd vis. from http://endlessparadigm.com/forum/attachm...p?aid=1495 this  file to http://www.sendspace.com/file/p96s5q this!
Please can you do with this vis. http://www.sendspace.com/file/p96s5q the same what do deutscher_russe (only custom 3rd vis.)!But another vis (2,4,5,6) don't touch!
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