Which came first? The chicken or the egg?
Something that Ive been thinking of for a very long time...
And still can't totally figure out a logical reasoning for one or the other.
What do you think? And why?
because there would be neither without either
For a scientific answer see: evolution.
For a philosophical answer, it's like asking "where does a circle begin"? Anywhere you want it too.
well now that i actually think about, what about the cock, where does the cock come in....
without the chicken be fertilized then then would be no egg, but without the egg there wouldn't be a cock or a chicken, so they all came at the same time
I think the egg came first but it was not laid by a chicken,
It was laid by something else,
The zygote cell mutated before dividing and made the first real chicken,
my point of view is,
if you go with science and the evolution: the egg, because it came from another species and in time became the chicken
if you want to go into the other way, which is religion and the creationism, the chicken came in first because God just made her and put her in the world.
I say chicken cause I had a roast chicken last night (not all to myself lol)....but scrambled egg this morning
two near chicken's came together. had you-know-what. the egg produced was that of a chicken, the end. the egg had to have come before the chicken because a chicken only has a lifespan of a few years. not enough time to evolve. i rest my case