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Full Version: VistaCore WIP 390
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Mexicanmade Wrote:Looks real good, when do you think you'll release it, fully finished?
I'll release it early for those waiting, but only once the music player is 95% finish.  I still need to think how the focus and the buttons, but I think I have some new good ideas.  The visualizer drops down from the top which is really nice.  The counter bar stays on the top cause it looks bad with the visualizer off if it's on the bottom.  All in all it needs some work, but I think it will be one of the best PSP music players to date.

[Image: musicplayerpt2.jpg]

[Image: musicplayerpt2b.jpg]
damn! that's definetly the best PSP music player Inluv great work mate
This is the best theme I've seen!
Thanks so much!
SSChevy2001 Wrote:I'll release it early for those waiting, but only once the music player is 95% finish.  I still need to think how the focus and the buttons, but I think I have some new good ideas.  The visualizer drops down from the top which is really nice.  The counter bar stays on the top cause it looks bad with the visualizer off if it's on the bottom.  All in all it needs some work, but I think it will be one of the best PSP music players to date.
Cool, and thanks I'll be waiting for it
[Image: musicplayerpt2b.jpg]
upload rco please :)

Music Player Preview
Okay another update this time the music player.  This is a early preview so there will still be some changes, but not much.  Currently I need to find the offset that controls the amount of text per line, so don't use a very long music title.  If anyone can help with that offset let me know.
[Image: musicplayer3.jpg]
Looks good.
Nice SSChevy2001!!

That offset 2CDFC is in content_browser.prx
Mc Cabe Wrote:Nice SSChevy2001!!

That offset 2CDFC is in content_browser.prx
That's it thanks I what the hell is doing there? LOL

Credit for Mc Cabe comming up!  Thanks again.

I'll post a update in a min.
lol np, there is also a few other similar values near that offset. Like the length of the text in the delete menu etc..
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