Downloading>> flashing >> NICE!!
Music player is not 100% yet ;P
Is it posible to move the main topmenu icon when in photo/music/video submenu,.!?
Vegetano1 Wrote:Downloading>> flashing >> NICE!!
Music player is not 100% yet ;P
Is it posible to move the main topmenu icon when in photo/music/video submenu,.!?
Yeah I know I need a way to remove the glow from the music player section ( 400 -1 ) don't do nothing. Also It would be nice to move the progress bar down, but I need a way for it to hide with the player. It will get there I'm sure.
Yeah I think I have all offsets for the main icon position in the submenus. You want to remove it from those menus? It would look a little empty in those menus without it.
%^^^ hehe would be cool to have 100%music menu,. ;) i have looked for the glow settings of the menu's but no luck,.
You have the main topmenu icon away in savedata and game menu,. :(
Vegetano1 Wrote:%^^^ hehe would be cool to have 100%music menu,. ;) i have looked for the glow settings of the menu's but no luck,.
You have the main topmenu icon away in savedata and game menu,. :(
I could put it in the game and savedata menu, but there's really not much room in there for that. The umd pmf positions would have to change and text would have to be reduced, it's just brings on more trouble than it's worth.
hehe i mean,. so why not leave the topmenu main icon out of the "photo/music/video submenu" too,. like in the savedata and game submenu,.
Anyway,. i got your theme on my 3.90m33 PSP now,.!! Have you tried my Foster's theme yet,. ;P
Vegetano1 Wrote:hehe i mean,. so why not leave the topmenu main icon out of the "photo/music/video submenu" too,. like in the savedata and game submenu,.
Anyway,. i got your theme on my 3.90m33 PSP now,.!! Have you tried my Foster's theme yet,. ;P
I got that and your sonic theme on my desktop and I reference them once or twice to see the changes inside. You really put a lot of time into the Foster's theme. The reason I left it in the other menus is because it looks empty without it. The photo, music, and video submenus were made to show the subicon unlike the game and save menus. It can be done but requires lots of extra work, because it wasn't meant to be that way. When I get time I'll look into it as I have most of the offsets. Right now I'm more concern with the music and photo players, I also haven't put my updated sysconf_plugin.rco in yet which fixes the manual date and security position issue when using a custom common_gui. The proplem with theme making is you take 1 step forward and 2 steps back in a lot of cases.
It's awesome :D, well done !
thanks for theme, but is it okay if you replace the lftv icon with a shutdown/reboot icon? And if possible please move the network update to the internet browser side and the shutdown and reboot to the setting side. I've gotten to use to the halo theme.
osnap1584 Wrote:thanks for theme, but is it okay if you replace the lftv icon with a shutdown/reboot icon? And if possible please move the network update to the internet browser side and the shutdown and reboot to the setting side. I've gotten to use to the halo theme.
Yeah, I'll work on that and I'll try to post it here later tonight.
nice music player update bro...i love it...