So it was brought up today how Red Baron YoYoBalls is looking in his latest push some pixels and see what wee can come up with :)
Original full size
My fly through...originally the plane said Triple First and I thought it said Triple i had to match the plane to my brain.
I know you can do better so lets see it :D
I can't stop lol'ing,
I'm so gonna have to give it a go in the morning,
Too bad the picture was a bit murky, and doesn't match the plane background that well.
But otherwise, cool.
Added spoiler to the pic ;)
I remember someone once photoshoping metalgears pic and he got really mad... :) I on the other hand do not mind :)
i will be photoshoping this as well lololololololololol
lulz :D ...
ill try later >:)

YoYO laidback Fokker Flyer
hahaha he really looks like he belongs in a plane,
* YoYoBallz has never been on a plane until today
Dun dun dun... And so here it goes.
Do keep in mind with the tone coloring of yoyos picture its VERY
hard to match it with something... I had to turn bight and colorful into black
and white. But do not fear! It looks like its meant to be...
AND NOW broadcasting on your local children's channels.
*You know... its actually very hard to fit a human into a cartoon and make it look natural.
And even more so, into a jet that has no seats.... >.> Rofl. BUT it just HAD to be done.*