Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Flying YoYos
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Pages: 1 2 3
lol I love it!^

I like the black and white, so far your winning ;)

Looking good,
best show ever... nice job on the blending.
i hate to say this but, its good, taking into consideration how much i hate those stupid childrens shows with those damn stupid donkey looking faces on things like the planes and the trains
You all are silly. I did it for giggles. I didnt think anyone would actually like it. >____<
Thank you. Flatterd
lol YoYo the Jet Rider hahahahahahhahaha
LOL, YoYo, your a natural
Brittany Wrote:You all are silly. I did it FOR THE LULZ. I didnt think anyone would actually like it. >____<
Thank you. Flatterd


on topic: ill see if i can come up with anything
YoYoBallz Wrote:LOL

Added spoiler to the pic ;)

I remember someone once photoshoping metalgears pic and he got really mad... :)  I on the other hand do not mind :)

yeh that was me i made metalgear08 into emogear08  :D

it was lulz he got mad and you deleted the thread but i would kill if you could find me the image from that thread again
this is very funny, nice gangster lean
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