Endless Paradigm

Full Version: SOTW#24 -- Provided Stocks
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Indeed...Enter, what have you got to lose
Also, Diego, i can't see yours. i never can if its on GSA
[Image: Photomanipsig2.png]


not my best, but oh well..........i couldn't really find a stock that I really, really liked......

roberth Wrote:Indeed...Enter, what have you got to lose
Also, Diego, i can't see yours. i never can if its on GSA

Huh? I see it fine.

I will PM you a link on imageshack.
dude...that is funky

GSA never seesm to work ofr me, i get "the server is taking to long to respond" whenever i try and go on the site
Syfe Wrote:this is why... Nana-o there is no end to it... ok so i might enter still it's not confirmed yet... yeah

End to what i might ask?

Nacos Wrote:I made a sig for this i dunno i should enter it/

Its pretty obvious nacos, its definitely better than nothing
the thing shaking it's head...

this is why = your entry.

i need time... how much do i have left?
About 27.5 hours from this post.
Deleted my original entry, here's it again.

[Image: Final-3.png]


Heres my entry:
[Image: newnewsotw1copy.png]


Man that took ages.......phew ;)

damn... i failed...
Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6
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