Endless Paradigm

Full Version: SOTW#24 -- Provided Stocks
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Tetris999 Wrote:whew, damn this stock list is getting narrow for me, ugggh......

tev, expect me post here, ill pick something

EDIT: Here wee go, coincidentally i seemed to have started the anime series of rozen maiden (my fifth anime so far..) so i was like heck, cause i didnt like anything at all i picked it because i was watching it

[Image: untitl2ed1ry7.jpg]


it wasn't a really good stock for a sig, but it did its job good and didnt look like TOTAL poo poo

this is why... Nana-o there is no end to it... ok so i might enter still it's not confirmed yet... yeah
Because you think you will lose?

Just enter and it will help you practice and get better!
[Image: 194647b2c92877801.png]


diego Wrote:[Image: 194647b2c92877801.png]


SOTW is over. diego wins.

Lol its not that good.

I did it in 15 mins/
Diego did a good job with the stocks!

I did not notice the Crysis stock,.. only when i already finished my sign,.. grrmmlll
i might enter if im not feeling too lazy
hmmm... i need PS... ASAP.
I made a sig for this i dunno i should enter it/
Enter Nacos!!
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