Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Lets play a game: Name that Anime
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Maybe this will be more effective if 1 single person manages it, and keeps refreshing the image if noone gets it.

Similar model to this -» http://endlessparadigm.com/forum/showthr...?tid=14056
why not ;P
I forgot the rules already, so meh:
[Image: abcpm7.jpg]
You made a thread specifically on this anime, and it's the highest rated anime in your list.

I think most people who kept up with the anime section would know what it is now.

Kimi ga Nozomu Eien / Rumbling Hearts
Yeah, correct.
Ok, you'd get this instantly if you've seen the show.

[Image: snapshot20081021223107.png]
Watched it. I know that is Sorichiro? Shinichiro? (sp?) forgot the anime name though.

True Tears.

Funny how you found it easier to remember the guy than the anime. I generally remember the anime much better.

Ok, in future, lets just post our images straight away, and not wait for verification of correct answer. Will greatly speed up everything.
.... lol didn't see them
z7shaft Wrote:[Image: well.jpg] :P

Golden Boy, rite?
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